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Statement of Intent:

Statement of Intent:

Evil prevails when Good people do nothing. We believe things that are wrong with our government can be corrected at the ballot box on ELECTION DAY!!!

That is IF the citizen/voter has been provided with the proper information. That is OUR job:  providing the citizen/voter with valuable information necessary to make the proper choices at the ballot box.

YOUR job is to show up at the Polls on Election Day and take someone with you. Take as many people with you as possible. Cast your ballot and let the “will of the people” prevail.

Good citizens are also encouraged to run for elected office. Too many elected officials are just warming seats and letting someone else tell them what to do.

If you think you can do a better job than those long term office seat warmers, guess what? You probably can. Give us the opportunity to vote for you.


For political commentary, articles and the latest electronic issues. You also can provide your own perspective and comments online with full confidentiality.

Donations and mailed correspondence to CGG should be sent to:

PO Box 428
Fallston, NC 28042

You can also either call us at 704-538-8257, or send an e-mail to raw@shelby.net

We appreciate your support!