A tale of Two Staff Reports!!! Which one is the BEST!!! –RAW’s of the County Manager’s Office??? –Taxpayers or the Tax and Spender Commissioners??? –Fighting fire with FIRE by Robert A. Williams

The County Manager has submitted a Staff Report to give Eddie Holbrook’s American Legion world Series, Baseball, Inc. another $75,000 to “laser grade” the ball field at Shelby High School and fix up a fence. Another fence-remember the Fairground fence?

I submitted a “Staff Report of my own for the Commissioners to choke on at their meeting at the LeGrand Center tomorrow evening.

You decide which one you taxpayers like the best. I would bet the money the commissioners plan to give to the ALWS is just another waste. On top of Millions of dollars already wasted.

Then decide who you want to vote for. My suggestion is single-shot vote for Tommy McNeilly in the 2020 Commissioners race. Along with Donald Trump for President!!!

Staff_report_shelby_high_baseball_field (1)

Stop ALWS Giveaways --CGG Eagle Eye-Staff Report-

PS: Vote for my report and get yourself a prize!!!