UPDATE–Catawba Casino Facing More Delays!!! Latest Estimate for Start:  2026-2027!!??  

The Catawba Casino property near Kings Mountain, NC has been trouble for Cleveland County from the very start.

First, the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners were “bribed” from the very start. The promises of riches galore. 4,000 Jobs and county revenue aplenty dazzled the Commissioners so much that they completely forgot to ask the citizens of Cleveland County what the people thought about the Casino. No Townhalls! No Public Hearings! No Referendums! NONE at all. Not one question from the Cleveland County Commissioners about why the South Carolina based Catawba Indian Nation’s plans for a Casino was completely rejected by the State of South Carolina.

It was only later discovered that County Manager David Dear and Commissioner Chairman Eddie Holbrook had their hands in the Cookie Jar. Secret ownership of shares of stock in the Kings Mountain Equipment Supply Company that directly siphoned off $Millions per year directly from the revenues of the Casino that went straight into their own bank accounts. And them knowing full well that every penny of revenue from the casino resulted from a gambling loss by Cleveland County and other citizens.

And, what about the other Commissioners and County officials that stood-by in blind support, while Dear and Holbrook were lining their pockets with ill-gotten gains? Were they too stupid, or blind to see what was going on right under their own noses? And who needs Commissioners that are either crooks that are getting their payoffs directly or in other ways. Or are too stupid and too dumb to look after themselves, much less the best interests of Cleveland County Citizens and taxpayers. Either way, the Cleveland County Commissioner’s illicit support of illegal and unethical acts regarding the Catawba Casino should bar these Commissioners from ever being re-elected to any elected office anywhere. They should consider themselves lucky that they are not in jail or a Federal or State Prison somewhere.

Now, the Catawba Casino saga continues.

The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs finally determined that the various “financial leaches” (like the Kings Mountain Equipment Supply Company and the Skyboat Gaming folks-as well as Cleveland County) were skimming off way too much $$$ away from the Catawba Indian Tribe who actually owned the Casino. That the Federal Laws that allowed Indian Tribes to build a Casino were allowed only as long as the Indian Tribe would earn most of the benefits from the Casino. That the cash earned by the Casino was intended to support better lives for the poor Catawba Indian Tribe. And those laws were being totally and clearly Violated!!! As a result, the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs issued a NOTICE of Violation against the Catawba Casino and those financial leaches.

This Notice of Violation was issued several years ago and will remain in effect until further notice. However, the temporary Casino was allowed to continue as is.

As for David Dear, Eddie Holbrook and any other Commissioner that has secretly enriched themselves with those ill-gotten gains; they have only one option. Keep their yaps shut, and hope that no “smoking guns” get pointed their way. They might be able to avoid prosecution by the authorities of Cleveland County or even the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI). But violations of Federal Law might bring in the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVEWSATIGATION. The FBI. Especially since the FBI has been weaponized by the Democrats and all these either corrupt or stupid Cleveland County Commissioners are Republicans. Rogue and RINO as they might be, they are still Republicans who might have their hands in the Casino and other cookie jars.

Now Folks, here are the updates:

  1. Although the present Commissioners may end up with no more ill-gotten gains from the Catawba Casino, The Skyboat Gaming folks are another matter. They are a legitimate company who has a legitimate Contract directly with the Catawba Indian Tribal Leadership. The Skyboat Gamingcompany owner, Wallace Cheeves, is demanding $125 Million Dollar$ upfront and so much per year from the Catawba Indian Tribe for them to buy him out of his valid contract.
  2. Although the Catawba Indian Nation has thrown out of office the leadership team made the original agreements to pay-off or bribe anybody and everybody as necessary to get the Casino Project started, the Contracts these “originals” made are still in effect and are binding in a Court of Law.
  3. The push by Republicans in the NC House of Representatives to allow four more Casinos to be built in North Carolina has completely failed. People from all across NC have seen what Cleveland County has gotten themselves into with a Casino and THEY were sensible enough to not want any parts of a Casino in THEIR back yards.
  4. The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairsis continuing to sit on their Notice of Violation until all is resolved.
  5. News sources report that the new completion date for the full-fledged Catawba Casino has been pushed back another two years, To 2026 or 2027. Those same reports state that the final Casino will provide only 2,600 full time jobs. Much less than the 4,000 jobs the Commissioners have crowed about for 10+ years.

  Folks, let’s take these updates and reach some logical conclusion:

 Where would a poor Indian tribe like the Catawba Indian Nation near Rock Hill, South Carolina ever get $125 Million Dollar$to buy out Wallace Cheeves? Or for any other legitimate purpose? (Note: Robert A has actually met Wallace Cheeves and all the former Catawba Indian leadership team, at a Cleveland County Commissioners meeting. Robert A asked Mr. Cheeves about a $5,800 donation Cheeves made to the failed 2018 reelect Eddie Holbrook political campaign for CC Commissioner. Mr. Cheeves’ only comment was, “was that not enough?Robert A replied, “It must not have been enough since Mr. Holbrook lost that election” Candidate Eddie Holbrook had spent $68,000 in his 2018 reelection bid. And Robert A has often “wondered” that losing that 2018 reelection bid was most likely the only thing that kept Eddie Holbrook out of prison. And perhaps other commissioners as well.)

But the fact remains that $125 Million dollar$ is a huge amount. And, if the Catawba Tribe had that $125 Million dollar$ just lying around, why would they need a Casino anyway?? Perhaps just something to worry about for 10+years???


  1. It is unlikely that the Catawba Indian Tribe will ever be able to come up with $125 Million$ from any legitimate entity. And, if they do, the pay-back terms would probably take so much money away from the Casino revenue that provides for the financial needs of the Catawba Tribe would be so miniscule that the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs would NOT approve it anyway. The Catawba Indian Nation is between a rock and a hard place with this Kings Mountain casino. They have made foolish deals and unsavory alliances that have come back to haunt them. And folks like David Dear, Eddie Holbrook and perhaps other Commissioners and, of course, the land speculators are a big part of the blame. This last two-year delay after all the other two-year delays will likely continue until the Catawba Casino project finally dies and just goes away.


  1. The NC House of Representatives have refused to allow an expansion of Casinos in North Carolina. Indian Casinos or otherwise. This indicates that the majority of North Carolina citizens do not want casinos in their back yards. It is very likely that Cleveland County residents, if the Commissioners had given them the chance, would NOT have approved a Casino in Cleveland


  1. The reduction in the expected full-time jobs from 4,000 to 2,600 just shows that the 4,000 number was “Pie in the sky” to begin with. A number the Commissioners seized upon just for the purpose of claiming a false economic development talking point. And, to get re-elected. No real person educated in the doings of the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners ever believed that in the first place. But, that 2,600 job number is also deceiving

Take a road map of Cleveland County that includes Gaston County and the border counties of South Carolina. Draw a ten-mile circle around the Casino location near Kings Mountain. What you will see is that Gaston County and the two bordering South Carolina counties have just as good or better road access to the Catawba Casino as Cleveland County does. That is four counties that have an equal road access to the casino. Now, divide 2,600 jobs by 4 counties.

The result is 650 jobs for Cleveland County and 1,950 jobs between Gaston County in NC and the adjoining wo South Carolina counties. And Cleveland County pays for 100% of the utility/infrastructure expansion, fire protection, police protection, etc. for the Casino. And the Catawba Casino pays ZERO dollars in Cleveland County property taxes according to Federal Law pertaining to Native American owned property.

 All you Cleveland County taxpayers, YOUR Cleveland County Commissioners have screwed you. For years now. And for their own gain or stupidity, no matter. YOU have been screwed.

 And there is only ONE resolution. See Below:


Elect Robert A Williams for Cleveland County Commissioner in 2024.


The Sign that can’t be bought, ran over or stolen!!!