Fist-Fights break out?? at CCS School Board Operations Committee Meeting???  

Folks, it is beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Cleveland County Schools Board of Education is controlled by a band of SIX Fools, led by “Head Fool” Chairman Robert Queen. Queen’s fits of rage are legendary. He has twice tried to have the Shelby Police remove from School Board Meetings a member of his own Church. On another recent occasion, Queen assaulted an innocent bystander who was only trying to exit the building after dark by the shortest and most illuminated path.

Queen’s minions on the School Board; Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch, Ron Humphries, Greg Taylor, and Walter Scott Spurling try to cover up for Queen and his shenanigans by voting to approve false narratives, false Minutes of Meetings, and other falsified CCS documents. Board Member Walter Scott Spurling has also been assigned to disrupt other School Board members when they ask a question that Queen doesn’t want to be asked.

But, folks, don’t believe me. Here is a prime example of what Robert A is talking about.

The following is the next to last paragraph of the January 5, 2024, CCS School Board Operations Committee Meeting Report. Please read with care, then let’s discuss.

“Comments were shared related to various issues under new business. The comments were directed at district staff and created a disruption in the meeting. Staff and other committee members intervened and redirected the meeting focus.”

 Now, let’s reprint this paragraph with the keywords underlined.

Comments were shared related to various issues under new business. The comments were directed at district staff and created a disruption in the meeting. Staff and other committee members intervened and redirected the meeting focus.”



  • Upon first read of this paragraph, it certainly appears obvious that somebody got angry at another person and an angry reaction, like a fist-fight, or a cuss-fight broke out that required others to intervene; break up the fight. Then get the discussion back on track.
  • A quick second thought then becomes obvious. All these so-called key words tell you nothing definite. A re-read of the entire report tells you the same thing. The whole Operations Committee January 5, 2024 Meeting report is the same. It tells the uninformed reader NOTHING. A read of ALL the various CCS School Board Committee Reports also tells the readers NOTHING.
  • Then, you read the minutes of the School Board meetings and you see the same MO. Weasel Words that tell the reader absolutely NOTHING about what happened. Just some worthless documentation that cost lots of $$$ to generate then fills file cabinets with worthless information/documentation that records nothing that can be used by anybody.

Robert A. offers a $100 reward to the first person that can take this particular paragraph only and make any sense of what this particular paragraph in the January 5, 2024, CCS Operations Committee Report reports.

As a speculation by Robert A that is generated only by the timing of this meeting and the major news stories of that particular day, Robert A believes this particular paragraph is an attempt by those on the School Board who are part of Robert Queen’s menagerie to hide from the public CCS’s School Board’s self-induced stupidity of allowing the Gaston Christian School’s acquisition of the Kings Mountain Central School. This will allow GCS to easily accept up to around 1,000 students out of the Hell-Hole that CCS has become. Not to mention the approximately $9 million per year in funding that will be diverted away from CCS to GCS very soon.

Folks, come to the CCS School Board Meeting on Monday Night 1/9/2024 to watch the squalling and the bawling. And maybe some brawling. Otherwise, please attend the Shelby City Council Meeting at the Don Gibson Theatre and report back to me about what happened to that Blanton Farm Rezoning Request Public Hearing. Hopefully, the Shelby City Council will deny the zoning request until an actual purpose for that property is finally decided upon!!