CC Commissioner Kevin Gordon’s Re-election Report Card!! Facts, Fictions, Lies and stretches of the truth!!

Editor’s Note: Kevin Gordon’s very own campaign material is based on these three areas:
We would add:
Now that Kevin Gordon has held the office of Cleveland County Commissioner for most of one term, it is totally appropriate to review and evaluate Commissioner Kevin Gordon’s performance in office based on his own standards of measurement. And then decide whether if Kevin Gordon is fit to continue in office or be replaced by a person of superior attributes.

Folks, Let’s start at the start with these attributes in order of priority.

Kevin Gordon has spent most to all of his adult working life’s experience at being a Fireman. Known to be hot-tempered, mean, know-it-all and vindictive to those that know him well. Robert A’s knowledge of Kevin Gordon began around 30 years ago when Kevin and his father, Dennis Gordon, were petitioning the Cleveland County Commissioners for a waiver of certain plumbing and sewage codes and requirements in order for them to build and operate a restaurant on Stoney Point Road in Cleveland County.
Kevin Gordon and Dennis Gordon, (mostly Kevin) taking advantage of the lack of a time limit at that point in time (mid 1990’s) on such affairs, spent 45 minutes of the Commissioner’s time haranguing the commissioners of the just-ness of their appeal. The commissioners ended up approving their request, but soon thereafter would institute the very first time-limit of 15 minutes on such affairs for the future. The Commissioners, now under Kevin Gordon, limit the public to only three minutes during public participation and five minutes for Public Hearings. The Gordon’s Restaurant building has been sitting empty for decades now. Folks, YOU be the judge of whether or not Kevin Gordon is hypocritical in HIS board’s time limits on public comment and participation. AS for Robert A, Kevin Gordon gets a FAILING GRADE, an t for HIM taking advantage of a situation that he doesn’t allow others take in THEIR complaints and concerns.

Now, fast forward through Kevin Gordon’s never-ending fixation of spraying water on fires. Kevin Gordon advanced in rank and seniority the Waco, NC Fire Station and the Charlotte Fire Department, attaining high rank. Also, Kevin took over responsibility of a number of so-called Leadership roles in positions that most often became open because nobody else would take those roles. From the many pictures on Kevin Gordon’s re-election website, Kevin is shown “marching around” like a Peacock in formal uniform suits with plenty of brass buttons, badges, golden stripes on the sleeves and down the side and shoes polished to a high luster. Actually, Robert A gives Kevin Gordon an A FOR his SERVICE as a FIREMAN.

However, in his role as a Commissioner and his frequent outbursts of rage, yelling and screaming at people and then lying about it and requiring others around him to also lie about it. Robert A has witnessed multiple instances when Kevin Gordon has totally gone off his rocker, yelling and screaming or otherwise out of control, while department heads, lawyers and the county manager were ashen faced with disbelief. and with their heads hung low. Even the other County Commissioners completely abrogated their responsibilities to the public and do nothing but deny and cover-up for Kevin Gordon’s misbehavior. Kevin Gordon gets an F- – as a leader who inspires people to do a better job in office, clerical and teaching jobs. Also, for their support of Kevin Gordon while knowing full well of these heinous outbursts, Sheriff Alan Norman and the other Commissioners, full well knowing of these acts of Kevin Gordon, also get an F for 5their own complicity in supporting Kevin Gordon when Kevin Gordon is in dire need of mental health or other medical treatments. And perhaps anger management therapy. (Note that CCS School Board Chairman Robert Queen’s own behavior that is so very similar to Kevin Gordon’s behavior also comes into question. In fact, Mr. Queens recent outbursts, which included pushing around furniture and banging his fist while yelling and threatening others may even be worse than Kevin Gordon’s episodes?)

Now, last, but not least are the severe financial obligations facing Cleveland County and the Cover-ups perpetrated by Commissioner Kevin Gordon and the other CC Commissioners.

Robert A has reason to believe that Cleveland County is presently financially “Broke!” because of failures in financial leadership by Kevin Gordon and others. In support of this belief are the following facts and figures.:
1.The Justice Center Project: Contrived in secrecy by those with little to no applicable education and training in building construction was first estimated to cost $90 million$. This project was discovered several years ago by Robert A in the County Budget while looking for something else. After disclosure by Robert A of the finding of this fact, the Commissioners were unwilling to acknowledge its existence to the public. Further digging by Robert A, over time, found that Speaker of the House Tim Moore had secured $59 Million$ in State money for the project. Then another $6 million and finally in the 2023 State Budget another $40 Million$ for a total of $105 Million$ in State Funding. In the mean time the estimates of the project costs were spiraling upwards to $140 Million$. When, in actuality, NOBODY had a clue to what the final costs would be or what would be the County’s responsibility.

The location for the Justice Center Project was also decided in secret by unknown entities without regard to rhyme, reason or common sense. Somehow the idea surfaced to replace, bit by bit, by building in one area while demolition was being carried out at another adjacent area. The demolition followed by construction back upon that same area was the ill-conceived and expansive plan. But such a demolition and building back at the same location and moving around and around is the costliest undertaking known to facilities construction methodology. The new Justice center Project became one Big Dig that was like a “black hole” sucking up million$ of dollar$ at a time with no signs of progress. Rumor has it that at the present time, December 1, 2023, the black hole has gobbled up over $100 Million with no end in sight. And not one brick or piece of concrete of actual upward vertical construction has taken place. A “little birdie” has informed Robert A that new estimates are hopefully going to come in at $175 Million$ for the Justice Center Project, that no funding from the state above that $105 Million can be expected AND Cleveland County will be on the hook for a project cost that is only wished and hoped to cost no more that $70 Million for Cleveland County Taxpayers to pay. Obviously wishing and hoping is all the Cleveland County Commissioners, under Commissioner Chairman Kevin Gordon is the only cost controls that the County have to offer to save Cleveland County from total bankruptcy. And, even then, Cleveland County will have to borrow many Millions$ to come up with that $70 Million. Obviously, from any which way you can look at this situation, Cleveland County will have to borrow Millions that they don’t have to pay for what they have blindly and senselessly committed the taxpayers to pay. By any accounting standard, borrowing money to pay for a never-ending debt is the exact definition of Cleveland County being financially BROKE!!!


Word is now filtering out from Cleveland County Schools that CCS is wanting $25 Million for a new School. And CCS has a track record of under estimation of the real cost of construction for their projects. Usually by 40 to 60%. Meaning that that $25 Million will balloon to between $35 Million to $40 Million. Making the county having to borrow between $105 to $140 Million

And that is still the “GOOD” part. CCS has 25 schools that already average over 55 years of age. Adding another 24 schools over the next 20 years at today’s money equals another 24 schools at $35 to $40 Million each is $840 million to $960 Million$

Now, lets total our coming county debt just for the Justice Center and the new schools.
$70 Million for the Justice Center (at least and likely much more)
$35 to $40 Million for that first school
$840 Million to $960 for the remaining 24 schools

This totals $845 Million to $1.070 BILLION in debt heading straight toward Cleveland County Taxpayers. Not counting anything else that comes along!!

Yet, a foolish Kevin Gordon, at this past Thursday’s CCGOP monthly Meeting claimed to an equally foolish CCGOP congregation, “We ain’t broke!!” We have a budget on file for all to see that we ain’t broke.” And “it’s a Public Record available to the Public.” All the while, Robert A was thinking, “Gordon believes that if you still have checks in the checkbook, then you’re not broke.” As for the CCGOP, “When the blind follows the blind, they all fall into the ditch!”

All this crazy cost escalation and cost overruns lays directly at the feet of Commissioner Chairman Kevin Gordon. Earning Kevin Gordon one big “F” in the process.

Folks, keep all this in mind, but don’t despair. Robert A has a real plan. A simple plan that nobody else has thought of yet. A plan that will save all us Cleveland County citizens from Kevin Gordon’s “Poor House.”

Stay tuned folks and be prepared to vote for Robert A for a Cleveland County Commissioner’s seat in the 2024 elections.