Part 4: Final (?) Update on CCS “Lost” School Bus Issues at KMMS and CCS Contact Information!!

Editor’s Note: The KMMS “LOST” school bus in question was Bus Number 161, NOT 191 as was incorrectly noted in the Part 3. Article. Robert A always likes to be as correct and detailed as possible in his writings. Robert A apologizes for any misunderstandings or confusion caused by this error. Thank you KMMS bus rider caregiver for bringing this unintentional error to Robert A’s attention.

 It took five school days and three sets of articles for CCS to get a newly hired bus driver for KMMS School Bus Number 161, fully operational and correctly picking up and delivering home ALL the KMMS students that were assigned to this bus-Number 161. Also, the KMMS Principal made a personal call to the caregiver and apologized profusely for all the problems and inconveniences that had been caused by the lack of a bus driver on those first few days of school. Now, even the student that had been left behind so many times is telling his caregiver that he “likes it now,” in reference to his attendance at KMMS. Good for Kings Mountain Middle School and the KMMS Principals, teachers and staff. THEY deserve all the credit for bringing about this positive outcome.

Another good thing regarding this CCS episode is that the Caretaker involved in this sad episode has gone to the Cleveland County Board of Elections and registered to vote. Thusly becoming another good citizen (and an avid reader of Robert A’s articles) who is well motivated to turn out and vote on all future Election days.

The same good outcomes cannot be said for CCS Superintendent Stephen Fisher, Assistant Supt. Jennifer Wampler and CCS School Board Chairman Robert Queen’s lack of positive actions. Each of them had their own negative role in creating and/or delaying the fixing of this particular problem. Fisher and Queen’s escapade/episode on the first day of school that started illegally and before CCS was ready to start. As well as their costly, wasteful and politically motivated “Public Relations” escapade all over Cleveland County to visit ALL the Schools on that very first day. When first-day confusions were at its highest, Fisher and Queen were significantly ADDING-TO the confusion instead of helping to assist in reducing the confusion that was occurring at CCS schools.

Fisher and Queen never made an effort to resolve anything with the KMMS lost school bus issue. They were both acting like big gangsters when they finally were caught in an illegal act. They “took the Fifth.” They remained silent, never accepting their guilt for the bad things that happen under their total lack of leadership. And, what else are they hiding???

Jennifer Wampler, as the Assistant Superintendent and Director of Human Resources and Director of School Operations and Maintenance also failed in her duties to see to it that CCS had hired enough staff to operate CCS Schools, but also to make sure all the School Buses at all the schools were properly staffed and operated properly. Queen also saw to it that Fisher, Wampler and others at the highest levels of Taxpayer funding at CCS recently received very high job-performance evaluations, significant pay increases and major Contract extensions in what has been called a very contentious Closed Session action. Queen also refused to reveal to the public the vote tally of this illegal closed session vote, which the CCS Roadwhore lawyers refused to advise Queen that such votes had to be taken in Open Session, which the Public is invited to attend and observe.

Also, this favorable outcome at KMMS might have been caused, in some small part, by Robert A’s publishing the contact information (Name, email address and telephone numbers) for Fisher Wampler, Queen and all the other School Board members. Therefore, Robert A will once again include that list of information below for the public’s information and use. Print it out and have it ready for use upon any problems you readers might have with Cleveland County Schools. Robert A recommends parents, taxpayers and caregivers send email communications to all those on this list regarding complaints, suggestions, etc. regarding CCS. And copy Robert A. That way CCS cannot say, “I didn’t know that” regarding your issues related to CCS. Even though that is their oldest trick in ignoring the public.

Stay tuned folks.

Cleveland County Schools Contact Information

Dr. Stephen Fisher, CCS Superintendent



Dr. Jennifer Wampler, CCS HR Director and School Bus Operations Director

Send Emails to

Or to

704-476-8114 or 704-476-8300


School Board Contacts:

Robert Queen – Chairman, CCS School Board



Joel Shores, Vice-Chairman, CCS School Board



Ron Humphries



Rodney Fitch

704-974-2647 and 980-522-6239


Greg Taylor



Walter Spurling



Danny Blanton

704-482-8895 or 704-477-7188


Ronnie Grigg



Aaron Bridges
