Part 3: Update on CCS School Bus issues at KMMS!!! Fourth day of school and Same Problems

Editor’s Note: Cleveland County School “Leadership” is a misnomer. There is no visible “leadership” at CCS. And the problems at CCS start from the TOP on Down. Folks, when you have problems at CCS, large of small, do NOT blame or call the Teachers or Principals. Notify the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and the School Board. Otherwise, nobody does anything and the high-dollar “do-nothings” at the Central Services will always claim that “they” didn’t know anything about the problem. Or claim it was just a “misunderstanding.”

It is Monday Morning, the “illegal” fourth day of School and CCS has proven to the NC State Board of Education, The NC Department of Public Instruction, their lawyers and at least a bus load of children attending Kings Mountain Middle School’s parents that the Cleveland County Schools were fools for starting school before NC law allows. And More importantly, before CCS was ready or able to start this early. All this disruption caused by the ALL-DAY rides of CCS Superintendent Stephen Fisher and School Board Chairman Robert Queen all over Cleveland County to all of the schools, instead of being at their job stations sorting out problems and issues like “good” leaders would have done has proven how crass and craven Fisher, Queen and their top cohorts are and just how useless they are when there are problems to solve. Indeed, much too often Fisher and Queen ARE the problem. And, very infrequently are helpful to students, parents, taxpayers, teachers and staff.

Today is Monday, August 21, 2023 and the young KMMS student of interest is out on the street ready for the School Bus at 6:55AM. For the three previous school days last week, the boy had been left standing on the road altogether due to the “lost bus” issue and his caregiver had to drive him to KMMS. Last Friday the Caregiver was told, in no uncertain terms, by CCS/KMMS that his bus situation would be totally cured by Monday. And, sure enough, by 7:32 AM Monday morning the KMMS School Bus Number 191 was sighted coming down the street. Coming, coming and then going, going, gone. Old Bus Number 191 had whizzed down the street right past the waiting child without slowing down, much less stopping. Again, the medically challenged caregiver has to take the child to school.

The PO’d caregiver goes to the KMMS Principals Office with her complaint, along with many others who had also had problems and issues. The caregiver was told by the same CCS/KMMS who had promised the caregiver that all the bus problems would be fixed by Monday, that it was the start of school and problems had to be expected. That official continued by refusing to allow the caregiver to speak to the KMMS Principal. “He’s busy,” the caregiver is told in an uncourteous manner. Obviously KMMS in particular and perhaps CCS altogether was NOT ready to start School earlier than the law allowed. Totally wasting any benefit that might have accrued from starting the school year at an earlier date than the NC Law allowed.

So, at around 10:08 AM Robert A receives the news about the continued school bus problems at KMMS, and likely other CCS Schools. More broken promises from KMMS and CCS. Four days in a row (and counting) and this child is left standing by the side of the road waiting for his School Bus. With at least three REGISTERED sexual offenders, according the Sexual Predator’s list on the CC Sheriff’s Department ‘s website residing in close proximity.
Robert A advises the Caregiver that enough was enough. That he would look up the Contact Information for the CCS Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent over both the Schools Buses AND the CCS HR Department that hires school bus drivers and ALL the CCS School Board members.

Now, Robert A recommends that EVERYBODY with a “beef” about how badly CCS runs things to start with this contact list. Call the top names: Supt. Stephen Fisher on the CCS Admin List and Robert Queen on the CCS School Board list and work your way down. Call each and every one (concentrating on Supt Fisher and Robert Queen. Give them a piece of your mind in such a way that they understand that our children, and our children’s education, are important to all us parents and caregivers. And that WE citizens, parents, caregivers, taxpayers and soon to be voters are NOT just begging for action, we are DEMANDING ACTION and we are DEMANDING ACTION NOW. And, then show up [ at the next CCS School Board meeting, sign up for Citizens Participation and repeat your complaints while looking the do-nothing six (Robert Queen, Joel Shores, Ron Humphries, Rodney Fitch, Greg Taylor and Walter Scott Spurling) straight in the eyes. Supt. Stephen Fisher too.

Remember folks, these folks work for YOU! Demand that they get CCS problems under control immediately, if not sooner. Cleveland County Education is in an emergency situation heading quickly for disaster. Also, remind this crowd to go back a few articles and re-read Robert A’s outline of the reorganizational changes HE would make to CCS if HE were elected to the CC Board of Commissioners. Especially that part about making CCS totally responsible and accountable for the education of our children’s education. Also remember that the County Commissioners are the only governmental agency that can collect a tax in Cleveland County. And those that collect taxes are also capable of controlling and making accountable how and where those tax dollars are spent. And CCS is in a dire need for reform!!!

The CCS Contact List, names, email addresses and telephone numbers are shown below. Please Print-off this list and have it handy when any CCS related problems and issues come to your attention. YOU are the citizens, taxpayers AND VOTERS IN Cleveland County. Make CC work properly for you and OUR children.
Starting right now!!

Cleveland County Schools Contact Information
Dr. Stephen Fisher, CCS Superintendent

Dr. Dr. Jennifer Wampler, CCS HR Director and School Bus Operations Director
Send Emails to
Or to
704-476-8114 or 704-476-8300

School Board Contacts:
Robert Queen – Chairman, CCS School Board

Joel Shores, Vice-Chairman, CCS School Board

Ron Humphries

Rodney Fitch
704-974-2647 and 980-522-6239

Greg Taylor

Walter Spurling

Danny Blanton
704-482-8895 or 704-477-7188

Ronnie Grigg

Aaron Bridges