“Dog-Killing” County Commissioners Tell Lies about Animal Services and other issues!!!

When the Commissioners get a complaint, they send a Press Release to the Shelby Star saying they don’t have a problem!!! And, the Shelby Star dutifully Repeats their lies for them!!! Eye Witness Reports, conclusions and recommendations by Robert A

The Cleveland County Commissioners have taken their lies, deceptions, corruption and cover-ups to the highest levels as practiced by the National News Networks covering the news about Hunter Biden’s influence peddling, the January 6th so-called insurrection and the many phony indictments and impeachments against President Donald J. Trump. The Commissioners submit their phony Press Releases to the Shelby Star and the Shelby Daily Liar publishes them without question or fact checking anything.

Editor’s Note: This latest CC Animal Services/Animal Control fiasco as well as the recent reports of the Commissioners Multi-Million $$$ giveaway in Project Sunrise both originated from Citizens Comments in the August 1, 2023 Commissioners Meeting.

The latest issue covered up by the Commissioners and the Shelby Star is the total fiasco at the Cleveland County Animal Services operations, which just killed 10 dogs the very next day. Apparently to show the “nosy” Citizens who come to Commissioners meetings and speak-up just who the bosses really are in Cleveland County. And THEY (the Commissioners) don’t give a damn what the people of Cleveland County think about anything. Hey, otherwise they wouldn’t waste so many of your tax dollar!!
At the August 1, 2023 Commissioner’s meeting, during the Public Participation session, just recently revised by the Commissioners to make it even harder for citizens to have a say, a Good Citizen, Ginger Bullock, spoke up about her recent trip to the CC Animal Services facility and what she observed and witnessed. Robert A has known Ginger Bullock since the terrible last days of the Steve Thornburg/Shannon Kennedy regime at Cleveland Community College and quickly learned that Ginger Bullock’s driving interest is getting to the truth of the issue and fixing it. No matter how painful the issue is to talk about. Much less think about. In my opinion, when Ginger Bullock comes to town to speak, the Commissioners should be wise enough to listen.

But NOOooo!! Not these Commissioners: Johnny Hutchins, Ronnie Whetstine, Doug Bridges, Deb Hardin and worst of all, led by Chairman Kevin Gordon. They light a fire under somebody to put together a lie and deception filled rebuttal of Ginger Bullock’s report and ship it off immediately to the Shelby Star for issue to deceive the public. Their ill-conceived plan did not work as they hoped it would.

Facebook immediately lit up with pictures and comments condemning The Commissioners actions. And so did Robert A’s email inbox. Everybody was PO’d about the Commissioners and their dirty tricks. Nobody more than Ginger Bullock, who immediately added her own truthful comments on Facebook and sent a copy to Robert A.
But, before Robert A says another word about this issue, Robert A wants to remind folks that he has sometimes stated that he is considering running for Cleveland County Commissioner in the 2024 Elections, and is about 99% convinced that he should.

Research has shown Robert A that the “published” Commissioners Focus Areas and Strategy Goals for FY 22/23 list indicates that the Number 1 Goal, called Focus Area 1 is Citizen Engagement: To implement outreach strategies that reflect who we are and inspire people to be part of it.
Also, under Citizens Engagement, is Goal #3. Explore creation of a low-cost spay and neuter program in Cleveland County in an effort to help control the unwanted pet population. Ginger Bullock and many others have repeatedly advocated this and the Commissioners continue to do nothing. Except kill dogs. And who knows what else?
Also note that FOCUS AREA 3: PUBLIC SAFETY is to ensure the safety of our residents through efficient and effective public safety agencies. Note that Animal Control and especially Rabies Control is a Public Safety agency under the Cleveland County Health Department’s responsibility.

Yet, Cleveland County’s Animal Control and related Animal Services are in a complete shambles and the Commissioners are clueless on what to do about it. Except to lie and kill dogs.

Robert A, as a potential Cleveland County Commissioner, has the logical and perfect solution to this problem which is clearly caused by the lack of management and a total lack of leadership by the Cleveland County Commissioners. Robert A would invite (and appoint) Ginger Bullock and the others, who have spoken so factually and eloquently regarding the problems with the Cleveland County Animal Services, to create an ad hoc committee to study the issues and draft a new policy that would adequately address the present problems at Animal Services, fix those problems and how to adequately staff and manage that “fixed” CC Animal Services organization. Upon receipt of that new Policy, Robert A would be glad to submit that new policy to the full board of commissioners for immediate implementation. AND, request that this committee provide feedback. oversite and advisory services to the Commissioners so that the newly reformed Animal Services Department is continuously monitored and held accountable for their performance. (An idea and concept that could be used in other Cleveland County Departments as well.)

Back to the issues at hand: Commissioners lying, deception and killing dogs.

Ginger Bullock’s reaction to the Commissioner’s falsely stated Press Release was to provide a factual and truthful reply directly to the Shelby Star Facebook Copy of their Press Release Article, and the Public, which stated:

Ginger Bullock
“Now I must clarify some misrepresentation of this Star article. #1) Ginger Bullock IS NOT a liar, although that is what Brad Gates and the writer indicated in the above article. On Aug 1, at the Commissioners Mtg, I stated there were 32 empty large dog kennels and only 39 dogs in the entire facility. That was a FACT and I have witnesses!! Ms. Sitzes wrote “Despite the comments at the meeting, the shelter is full, said Brad Gates, director of the Cleveland County Animal Services.” Those words are very misleading to the citizens and readers. This story was published Aug 10. Here is the REAL story. The day AFTER the Commissioners meeting, on Aug 2, CCAS went out to the terrible situation I described. On that day they took 12 puppies and 5 adults. (not nearly 20, 17 is the number) Many had ringworm and mange as I explained to those in attendance. There are many more still there that must be spayed and neutered asap! So, as you can see, on Aug 2, there were 17 more dogs at the shelter. 3 more were taken in for another reason. That equals 20 dogs extra from the time I spoke until the article was written. But even that would not make them full to capacity. #2) In the picture caption of the article, it states, “One of nearly 20 adult dogs and puppies recently RESCUED from a home near Fallston.” That place is NO home, and it is in Shelby. It is a mess with unaltered animals without vaccinations still there! RESCUED???? It has taken them 6 YEARS to get over there!! Neighbors have been calling and complaining for 6 years. “Rescue” would have been 6 years ago when there were just 3 or 4, not 6 years later when there were far more than 35 dogs there, and many, many more in the past years that have died.”

Another comment added to the Shelby Star’s Facebook page regarding that Shelby Star’s phony Press Release article was the following picture and text regarding the Dog-Killing the Cleveland County Commissioners have implemented to show and inform nosy citizens to keep their mouths shut at Commissioners meetings. Does this dog appear to you as “aggressive” or “vicious”??? No one will ever know now; because that dog is dead. Killed under the direction of Cleveland County Commissioners Kevin Gordon, Johnny Hutchings, Ronnie Whetstine, Doug Bridges and Deb Hardin. Gordon, Hutchins and Whetstine are up for re-election in 2024. Let’s be sure to replace them with candidates that will do a much better job in managing and leading Cleveland County. Perhaps Robert A should be one of those candidates the Citizens of Cleveland County see fit to vote for. One thing will be sure about Robert A, his position on the issues. EVERYBODY will have the opportunity to know what he stands for and what he will do as a Commissioner regarding the many, many issues that are facing Cleveland County. Stay tuned!!!

PS: If you have an issue that is important to you and want to know where Robert A, stands on that issue, send him an email to raw@shelby.net that states your issue, question or comments. All issues and responses will be made public but ALL identities will be kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL. Just in case the Commissioners might want to kill YOUR dog, cat or pet of any kind.