Part 3 of June 20th, 2023 Commissioner’s Meeting-Full of Fiascos!!!   Third Item, $12 Million Misrepresentation   In CC EMS Takeover of Rescue Squads!!   Report, commentary and recommendations by Robert A

Editor’s Note: Cleveland County is in dire straits and the head screw-up cover-ups are the Cleveland County Commissioners. Everything from biting dogs to wasted taxdollars. And the Commissioners never seem to be able to do anything right. The June 6th and the June 20th, 2023 Commissioner’s meeting were no exception.

The 2023-2024 County Budget was actually approved at the June 6, 2023 Commissioners Meeting with ZERO comments from Citizens. The actual full cost impact of the CC EMS taking over the County Rescue Squads are only now exposed. In large part because of research by Loretta Cozart of the Kings Mountain Herald. The only active newspaper left in Cleveland County.


Most everybody still remembers the swift and brutal hostile takeover of the Cleveland County’s self-supporting Rescue Squads by the Cleveland County Commissioners in their quest to consolidate Emergency Medical Services. Most everybody also heard the Commissioners justify this Rescue Squad hostile takeover by saying this would save taxpayers $3 Million.

Well folks, the last issue of the Kings Mountain Herald, in an article written by Loretta Cozart, titled County passes budget with no tax increase, the truth has come out. In that KMH article, second paragraph, Ms. Cozart writes “Total revenue in the General Fund is budgeted at $134.6 million, approximately a $9 million increase from the prior fiscal year. MOST OF THAT INCREASE IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE RESCUE SQUADS INTO CLEVELAND COUNTY GOVERNMENT…”

So, the math is easy. From a $3 Million savings to up to a $9 Million expense is a $12 Million spread.


Many in the Rescue Squads told Robert A that this was going to happen. They also told Robert A not to use their names because they would surely lose their jobs if their names got out.

But Robert A is not afraid to use these names: Kevin Gordon, Ronnie Whetstine, Johnny Hutchins, Doug Bridges and Deb Hardin. Note that the bolded and underlined Commissioner’s names are up for re-election in the 2024 Elections. Also note that these same Commissioners are the ones who have arranged for the next property revaluations to hit in the 2025 Property Tax bills, where a LARGE property tax BILL increase is expected to happen.

Folks, you don’t have to be an Einstein to realize that these three commissioners up for re-election need to be replaced by good people that won’t lie to the public. Or finagle things around in such a way that is equal to lying to the public.

In this particular situation, these three incumbent Commissioners might say that their Rescue Squad takeover estimates were done by then County Manager Brian Epley. That it is not their fault that Epley was so very wrong. Well, THEY were over Brian Epley the whole time and any such excuse is just that, an excuse. So, which is worse; a liar or an excuse maker???

If Robert A decides to run for Cleveland County Commissioner in 2024, YOU won’t be hearing any lies or excuses from Robert A. You never have and never will!!


Again, STAY TUNED. There is more to come.