Organized and approved mischief inside Burns High School!!   Special Meeting of School Board called for Monday, 11:30 AM   Are these events related??  Is Cover-up Next???   Report, questions and conclusions by Robert A

The reports coming out of Burns High School this past week are disturbing. The reporter stated to Robert A is that a high-level official at Cleveland County Schools opened the doors one-night last week to let in a team of pranksters. The pranksters proceeded to pour Baby Oil on large areas of the BHS terrazzo floors such that one could take a running go and slide long distances. Vaseline was applied to door knobs and restroom toilet seats. Lots of toilet paper was strewn about throughout certain areas. There were no reports of serious damage and destructive vandalism. However, cleaning this mess up will be additional and unnecessary expense that Cleveland County Schools (Taxpayers) can ill afford to pay. Slick floors would promote slips and falls that could lead to injuries to both staff and students and perhaps lawsuits. More potential expenses that Cleveland County Schools can ill afford to pay. Total waste all around.

The pranksters and the mischief they performed had to have been planned and coordinated. Large quantities of Baby Oil and Vaseline are not typically items that one would expect to be stored in the halls of a High School. Therefore, the pranksters would have had to bring the stuff with them.

And, the high-level CCS official??? Is this the kind of judgement in an individual or individuals that Cleveland County Schools would promote to high level positions?? Such as this is an indictment all the way up to the Superintendent and the School Board’s judgement of the Superintendent’s job performance. And everybody in between. The public, parents and taxpayers would be well advised to seek some major terminations and personnel disciplinary actions over such as this.

NOW folks, Robert A has just received an official and requested notification from CCS of a Special Called Meeting of the CCS School Board. This notification was sent from CCS yesterday, Saturday Morning at 8:00 AM May 20, 2024. The associated agenda Item was simply one word: PERSONNEL. What Robert A found interesting was this Personnel item was NOT associated with a Closed Session.

By NOT being associated with a Closed Session means one of two things. First, the failure to show the Personnel Item as a Closed session was a mistake. Or, that some unplanned item was afoot that Robert Queen was trying to hide from the public. So, he calls a Special Meeting with little notice, with little information and knowing nobody would show up at 11:30 AM on a Monday Morning for a “nothing” meeting. A classical cover-up strategy.

So, are these two events related. The pranksters and the mischief at Burns High School last week AND a calling to task the high-level CCS employee: poor judgement. Or is this Special Called Meeting just something that had to do with another incident of bad to worse planning emanating entirely from the incompetence of Robert Queen and his seemingly Criminal Syndicate type of (NO) brain-trust “waterboys” and “lapdogs” Queen keeps around him so he won’t look so bad in comparison??? (Editor’s Note: These are the inevitable kinds of opinions that one has to form when observing the erratic and aberrant behavior of the CCS School Board under the so-called “leadership” of Robert Queen. Not to mention the hiring and promotion of employees who allow and assist pranksters to vandalize school property as previously described.)