CC Commissioner Chairman Kevin Gordon allegedly on Hush-Hush “Administrative Leave” in Gaston County!!??   Should Gordon also be on Admin Leave in Cleveland County??   Robert A to Investigate!!!  Robert A Protects his sources!!   Source Report and Plan provided by Robert A

Editor’s Note: “Administrative leave” is a way to remove an employee from the business or agency operations at their place of employment. Employees are asked to remain at home during regular work hours but continue to receive regular pay and benefits. In some cases, this can be due to allegations of criminal acts or wrongdoing.


Early this week Robert A received a message from a source that stated:

Mr. Williams.

I wanted to bring this to your attention. You need to know that Mr. Kevin (maddog) Gordon has been placed on administrative leave in Gaston County from his job. Maybe you can get to the bottom of this and find out why. He is trying to keep this hush-hush!!!!!


Robert A immediately googled “Kevin Gordon” and “Gaston County Government” and found that Kevin Gordon is the Director for Emergency Management & Fire Services for Gaston County. From the Gaston County information, it appears that Kevin Gordon has eleven high level EMS and Fire persons reporting directly to him. This appears to be a responsible position and NOT the kind of position where you are put on Administrative Leave for “flimsy” reasons. That something regarding Kevin Gordon, if the report is accurate, is seriously amiss over there in the Gaston County EMS & Fire Services. And the Gaston County Commissioners have seen it to be serious enough to put Kevin Gordon on Administrative Leave pending an outcome that has not yet been determined or released.

Although Robert A first thought that he should just wait and see what happened over in Gaston County, a quick second-thought said NO! Absolutely not! It the Gaston County Commissioners think the situation involving Kevin Gordon is serious enough to put Kevin Gordon on Administrative Leave to protect Gaston County employees and citizens, doesn’t Cleveland County employees and citizens deserve that very same protection? Perhaps even more protection since Kevin Gordon is at a much higher-level position in Cleveland County than he is in Gaston County. In an abundance of caution for Cleveland County employees, citizens and residents, shouldn’t Kevin Gordon, in Cleveland County, also be placed on Administrative Leave? The answer to that question is a resounding YES!!

Although it is not immediately certain, at least to Robert A (yet), as to the exact cause of this Administrative Leave in Gaston County, it is just as possible that Kevin Gordon’s “infraction” in Gaston County could be BIG-a criminal act, just as easily as it might be small-an unethical act. Again, out of an abundance of caution, Cleveland County Commissioner Chairman Kevin Gordon should not be involved in Cleveland County budgets, closed sessions, financial decisions, personnel actions, and other critical decisions until the results from Gaston County are fully known and understood in Cleveland County!!!

Also, since Kevin Gordon is active in both Cleveland and Gaston County EMS and Fire Services, EVERY EMS worker and Fireman in Gaston County and at least HALF of all EMS and Firemen in Cleveland County already know what is going on with Kevin Gordon and his administrative leave situation in Gaston County. If the Cleveland County Commissioners don’t know yet, they will soon know what is going on with Kevin Gordon. Perhaps the CC Commissioners should just flat out demand for Kevin Gordon to spill the beans about his issues. And act accordingly. At least to put Kevin Gordon on Administrative Leave here in Cleveland County until this whole issue is well known and fully considered. And certainly NOT BE COVERED UP! AS the Cleveland County Commissioners most often have the tendency to do.

As for Robert A, his investigation will be two-fold:

  1. Check out Kevin Gordon’s alleged bad acts. Are they criminal, unlawful, unethical or what?
  2. Tell the citizens of Cleveland County whether or not the other four CC Commissioners are covering-up for Kevin Gordon as they have already been known to do in the past.

ALL of us are damn-well already tired of all the cover-ups here in Cleveland County. And, it is just as likely that the Gaston County Commissioners are just as bad.

Stay Tuned folks. This is a continuing investigation!!! And, Robert A believes lots of EMS and Firemen are already “chaffing at the bit” to tell us directly what is going on. And they all know by now that Robert A protects his source’s identity!!

Got Integrity Rick Howell??? by Sandra Stroud!!   Uptown Shelby looks fine! Everywhere else looks like a dump!   Wake up City of Shelby taxpayers!!   Comment forwarded by Robert A

Got integrity Rick Howell? Retiring Shelby City Manager: by Sandra Stroud

I would like to encourage the readers of this publication to get a copy of this last Shelby Shopper and turn to Page 5. There you will find an article headlined by “Howell Honored by City Council.”

There are a few people missing from the picture who should have been included. It would have been more fitting if the good friends to Rick Howell, in addition to Mayor Stan Anthony and David White, could have been included in the picture. Missing in the pic are good friends Eddie Holbrook, Roger Holland and David Dear. The residents of Shelby are not stupid people and we remember the “deals” that were hatched for some of the uptown projects involving those folks! I agree that Rick Howell has achieved all his desires for Uptown Shelby, but not for the residents who live in the neighborhoods and communities.

While the good friends were giving accolades, singing praises and reading oratoricals to honor Rick Howell, the rest of us are still driving around on streets full of potholes and worn-out asphalt, walking on cracked and holey sidewalks, seeing all the vegetation growing to the height of utility poles and covering vacant lots. It’s a beautiful scenic adventure to ride around the city and see all the buildings falling in and the abundance of trash throughout the town.

Good job Rick Howell. We appreciate all your hard work in the uptown area. That didn’t require any integrity!

Sandra Stroud

Editor’s Note: This comment speaks for itself. 100%. Especially when you consider the County Taxpayers (including the City of Shelby taxpayers) who will be soon be putting up over $200 MILLION to tear down the uptown jail, courthouse and justice administration buildings to make way for a NEW Justice Center Complex at the very same uptown location. All the while, not one red cent has been budgeted for any new schools or recreational facilities. One should go down to the County Offices on Marion Street and ask to see the video “rendering” of this uptown project that all taxpayers will be paying for. More on this in other articles that will be coming out soon.  Stay tuned!!

Sandra P. Stroud

Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.

Parliamentarian or NOT!??! by Sandra Stroud!!   Wake Up People of Cleveland County,   See who you and me have elected!! (Would be King) Queen and his lapdogs and Waterboys!! Comment forwarded by Robert A

Parliamentarian or NOT on the School Board??: by Sandra Stroud

The Webster’s New American Dictionary gives a clear and simple definition of the words “Legislator” and “Parliamentarian.” Here are the clear definitions: Parliamentarian-one who is versed in the law and the usage of public meetings and legislation.  Legislator-a lawmaker, a member of a lawmaking assembly.

(School Board member) Ron Humphries is the current parliamentarian of the Cleveland County School Board, yet, we have witnessed all sorts of actions by the acting chairman abusing his position. It is the duty of the Parliamentarian to correct unethical and and unlawful actions of the Chairman or by any other board member.

A chairman of a local board does not hold lawmaking powers as Robert Queen has claimed. Robert Queen is not in an active lawmaking assembly. Parliamentarian Ron Humphries should have corrected Robert Queen when he heard the chairman make the claim of having the same power as a legislator.

The only reasonable conclusion to be made from the inaction of parliamentarian Ron Humphries is that he is either incompetent and cannot carry out his duties or he is a devoted lapdog and waterboy for Robert Queen and would never dare to disagree with his (Queen’s) actions.

Sandra Stroud

Editor’s Note: This comment speaks for itself. 100%

   Sandra P. Stroud

Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.

Serena Speaks: The CCS School Board BROKE the LAW-Twice!! “They can’t be transparent and honest!!” A Comment to Sandra Stroud’s “Call for Reason!” post. Serena’s Comment forwarded by Robert A

Serena says:

Enforce a policy. You’re joking right? They (the CCS School Board) are breaking the law for the second year in a row with this school calendar. Who are they to worry about policies being followed when they can’t even follow the law? The “well the public voted for it” BS don’t fly with me. I completed the survey. There was no mention of one choice being against the law. Goes to show that even when giving the parents options, they can’t be transparent and honest (about it).

 Editor’s Note: Serena has made this comment to Sandra Stroud’s Invitation for us citizens and parents to “Reason” regarding Robert Queen’s BS unenforceable Policy 5020 that requires School Board Members to get permission from Superintendent Stephen Fisher to visit schools. Serena is not disagreeing with Sandra, but pointing out that citizens and parents can and should reason together, but reasoning with the school board would be wasting time as they, the School Board, are not transparent and honest. Leaving nothing left to do with Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Rodney Fitch, Joel Shores and Greg Taylor, but to throw them out of office in 2024. If not sooner. Serena, like Sandra Stroud, Robert A and many, many others have come to this conclusion, “throw the bums out,” but what is needed are FIVE good candidates to run against the School Board incumbent idiots and crooks in the 2024 Republican Primary elections. FIVE good Republican School Board Candidates in 2024. And three of the same for Commissioners in 2024. Let’s clean-house all around while we are at it. Also remember that Robert A has suggested that Danny Blanton, Ronnie Grigg and Aaron Bridges file and run for the School Board seats in the 20254 School Board Primary Elections. That way, it will only take TWO new, highly scrutinized and not Republican “Rogue” candidates to get rid or Robert Queen and all of his water boys and lapdogs in 2024. And all totally legal according to the NC State Board of Elections lawyer.


MAJOR Citizens Health Issue Catches Commissioners Flat-Footed and unawares at March 21, 2023 Commissioner’s Meeting!!   Commissioners are told Shelby Neighborhood infested with Big, Aggressive and Biting Dogs!!!  Animal Control and Shelby Police Department called out repeatedly and “Do Nothing!!”  Fear of fatal Rabies (Lock-jaw) running rampant by those already bitten!!  Mothers terrified for their children and their own safety. Commissioners and Health Department non-committal to any response or solution!! Eye witness report of 3-21-2023 Commissioner’s Meeting by Robert A 

Editor’s Note: Folks, every person, parent, citizen, taxpayer and voter should be totally appalled about the Health, Safety and Welfare, or the lack thereof, that is MAL-PRACTICED by the Cleveland County Commissioners. READ ON and PAY ATTENTION. The lives you save could be your own or your children’s. Also, watch the Commissioner’s meeting video.

The Cleveland County Commissioners, under the leadership of Chairman Kevin Gordon, Ronnie Whetstine and Johnny Hutchins, all three forming a majority of the Board are up for re-election in 2024. Robert A’s persistence in seeking, even demanding, the Commissions conduct themselves in accordance with the law and in the best interest of the taxpayers has these Commissioners doing strange things. The suggestion that Robert A might himself run for election to the office of Commissioner in 2024 now has the commissioners doing CRAZY things. And CRAZY-ER by NOT doing certain necessary things.

Robert A has previously vowed to the commissioners that he was going to speak at every opportunity at every Commissioner’s Meeting to keep the Commissioners on their P’s and Q’s. Upon receiving the March 21, 2023 Commissioner’s Agenda, too late as usual, to do any detailed review prior to the meeting, but finding three major items of concern that the Commissioners were planning to do at the March 21, 2023 Meeting, Robert A, this time, decided to say nothing at this meeting. Say nothing and let these fools do what they do best-foolish things. And then write about it. Now, before you read any further, make sure you readers are sitting down. If YOU are on blood pressure medication, make sure you have taken it. Or take it now. You are about to be as surprised as Robert A was at the very first action item after the 3/21/2023 commissioner’s meeting agenda was adopted-CITIZENS RECOGNITION. Robert A did not speak, but three women who lived in the very same neighborhood in Shelby and had the very same problem got up and spoke. Every Commissioner and every person in the room son paid close attention. The Commissioners tendency to cover-up got blown to Hell. They didn’t know what to do, much less how to do it. They were caught with their pants down. And knew it.

One of the first orders of business for our form of government, as spelled out in the Preamble to the United States Constitution, is for government to provide for the “General Welfare” of the people. And the Cleveland County Commissioners had failed to remember that, at the most basic level. The Health and Safety of Cleveland County citizens regarding deadly illnesses and for citizens to be safe and secure in their own homes and property.

Rabies has been known to be a deadly disease through out the history of mankind. For the last 100,000 years to be bitten by a rabid animal was a death sentence. Death was the result in 100% of the cases. To immediately safely kill and dispose of any rabid animal was the first priority of every human society. Only in more recent years has a Rabies vaccine become available for household pets that might be bitten by a rabid wild animal. Only recently has a medication become available for treatment of a human that has been bitten by a rabid animal, but it is only successful if the medicine is administered within a very short period of time after the bite. Otherwise, if not successfully treated in time, a person infected by rabies will experience a certain long and painful death. 100% of the time. This treatment presently costs $40,000 and itself requires multiple and extremely painful treatments. If this disease has reached the brain of the infected person, treated or not, that slow and painful death is 100% certain.

Animal Control agencies, including the Cleveland County Animal Control division of the Cleveland County Health Department have rabies control as the very heart or their reason for existence. The Cleveland County Animal Control reports to the Health Department and the Cleveland County Health Department reports to and is accountable to

When the first lady began to speak (and the other two ladies had almost the same exact story) she described her neighborhood as being in the 800 Block of Kings Road. Certain neighbors (likely drug dealers as told to Robert A by other sources) had a number of large, aggressive and biting dogs. Whatever fences the dogs were in, they could defeat the gate locks whenever they chose to get out. And they got out on a regular basis. When out the were aggressive and would charge and attack persons at will. Biting was common place. One lady, wearing jeans that exposed her calves, showed the Commissioner her dog bite wound. Later saying she had only five days left before she had to take the $40,000 medication, unless the dogs had been vaccinated and the vaccination was current. She stated that the Shelby Police Department and the Cleveland County Animal Control had been out many, many times and “DID NOTHING.” One of the ladies stated that on one occasion that she knew of, Animal Control was out and a neighbor was bitten right in front of them. All the women stated emphatically that the Shelby PD and the Cleveland County Animal Control DID NOTHING! They even stated that Animal Control had refused to show them the Rabies vaccination records, if any, that might show whether or not the dogs had been vaccinated recently.

The Cleveland County Commissioners were dumbfounded and non-committal about what to do. One Commissioner stated that Shelby had leash laws, inferring it was the fault of the SPD and not Animal Control or the Commissioners. The Commissioners also broke all their silly rules to silence free speech in Citizens Recognition at one time or another. Even Chairman Kevin Gordon didn’t call time immediately when the timer went to zero. And only then when Robert A pointed this out to the person sitting beside him.

The CC Health Department director, Tiffany Hanson, was present but, apparently like the Commissioners, didn’t have a clue about what had transpired. Likely because Animal Control had not told anybody. Robert A noted Lawsuit, Lawsuit, Lawsuit several time in his notebook he keeps for all the governmental meetings that he attends.

Robert A also remembered the several reports that he had often heard recently that the men Commissioners were all punishing Commissioner Deb Hardin, who is heavily involved with animal issues, by allowing problems to go unresolved at Animal Control because Hardin had been the single Commissioner to vote NO on the last County Budget because Eddie Holbrook’s American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc. group “has been given so much money by the County while all the others get so little.”

But NOW we ALL know that major problems exist at CC Animal Control and LAWAUIT, LAWSUIT, LAWSUIT is certain if one of these women or their children (or anybody else) contracts rabies because the CC Animal Control DID NOTHING. And it is especially egregious and costly to the taxpayers because the Cleveland County Commissioners have neglected to perform one of the foremost reasons for the Commissioners existence-to maintain the health and safety of the citizens of Cleveland County.

However, there is one thing the Commissioners are right about. They are right to be afraid of Robert A. Especially if he finally decides to fun for their County Commissioner offices, along with two other like-minded candidates in the 2024 Commissioners elections. Robert A would never have allowed any County Agency let-down the citizens of Cleveland County like the present Commissioners have allowed this bad dog biting incident to “get by them” on such an incident with such possibly gruesome consequences. The commissioners will be hearing more from Robert A on this Animal Control, lack of control, issues as well as the issues that caused Robert A to go silent on to begin with. And YES, the Commissioners did what he thought they would do on those issues to begin with. So, folks, make sure your blood pressure medicine prescriptions are filled and ready when Robert A gets around to that.

Stay tuned. You ain’t heard nothing yet, (If that is possible with this foolish crowd of Commissioners.)

School Board Chairman “Tantrum” is Recorded as a BS Policy!!   Folks, Let’s Reason Together: Invitation by Sandra Stroud!!   Comment forwarded and approved by Robert A

School Board Chairman “Tantrum” is Recorded as a BS Policy!!

Folks, Let’s Reason Together: Invitation by Sandra Stroud!!

Comment forwarded and approved by Robert


Sandra Stroud writes:

Come folks, Let’ us REASON together! In reference to Robert Queen and his BS Policy (5020)—this is just another one of his childish tactics used to bully and threaten school board members Ronnie Grigg and Danny Blanton (along with Aaron Bridges). Queen thinks he can block them from entering schools when they are called upon to investigate some problem. Queen is using his BS Policy (5020) to affect the only board members (Grigg and Blanton) who are doing their jobs. (Note that Aaron Bridges also voted against Queen’s BS Policy.) Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch, Ron Humphries, Walter Spurling and Greg Taylor have done nothing to assist with ANY ongoing problems, at ANY school, EVER!! All of them are empty vessels eating up a salary and doing nothing to earn it!!

Queen has authored a policy (5020) that is unenforceable! It has no value in any way to the education of students: it lacks standing with the NC Education System; if and when the policy is violated: Queen cannot make an arrest or file a violation (of law). Neither can Stephen Fisher nor Sheriff Alan Norman. It is only a policy that is without legal standing. Hence Queen has no legal standing to author such a policy, much less enforce it. So, just how valid is such a petty and childish thing as this BS when it cannot be enforced AND should it be violated, who has the authority to punish??!!

(CCS) Superintendent Stephen Fisher has shown Cleveland Countians just how shallow and vulnerable he is by his involvement in such a frivolous action by Queen. He (Fisher) would be wise to stick to his administration duties and stop pandering to bully Queen, else, he may end up with a disgraceful reputation as did Bruce Boyles.

Sandra Stroud



Sandra P. Stroud


Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.



Rogues on the School Board-by Sandra Stroud!!   Wake Up People of Cleveland County,   See who you have elected!! Comment forwarded by Robert A

Rogues on the School Board: by Sandra Stroud

Robert Queen, a CCS School Board member, should have been removed from the Republican Party (CCGOP) when he formed his renegade rogue group in an effort to derail the campaign of Danny Blanton and Ronnie Grigg. The Republicans under the leadership of rogue David Allen “split.” Some remained loyal to the “Old Guard.” while some joined in with the Rogues.

We have some of the renegade Rogues sitting on the School Board! What a scary thing! These Rogues are making decisions about our children’s education! We don’t have to wonder why our schools are in such disarray.

I will keep railing on this issue until the people of Cleveland County wake up and see who they have elected to run our schools.

Sandra Stroud

Editor’s Note: This comment speaks for itself. 100%

Sandra P. Stroud

Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.

Too Bad!! By Sandra Stroud No RECALL Elections in North Carolina!   Comment forwarded and conclusions added by Robert A

Too Bad!! By Sandra Stroud:

How unfortunate that North Carolina doesn’t have RECALL in the election’s laws! Kahuna Queen would most definitely be recalled by a consensus of the citizens along with all of his “Waterboys” if only North Carolina had recall (election) laws.


It is so refreshing and inspiring to see that School Board member Aaron Bridges is beginning to see the LIGHT! Mr. Bridges was a very impressive candidate as he spoke at the (candidates) forum before the last (2022) election. I believe that Mr. Bridges has the qualifications to be a great school board member. Time will tell.

Sandra Stroud


   Sandra P. Stroud

Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.


Not everybody thinks that O. Max Gardner, III is a Disruptive Kook!!!   Like the Gardner-Webb University Board of Trustees,   In their defamatory Press Releases, would like for you to believe!!   OMG, III Facebook page recent comment forwarded by Robert A

Re: OMG III retirement and Inactive Bar Status:


Dear Max,

Congratulations on 50 years of outstanding service to your clients, the community, and to the thousands of lawyers and judges who have enjoyed the benefit of your educational endeavors.  As I consider your illustrious legal career and the countless people who have been helped, influenced, enlightened (and even enriched) by your efforts, I can only say that you have been often quoted, sometimes imitated, but never duplicated, and I dare say that there will never be another lawyer or person like you.

I know that you will realize great satisfaction as you look back upon your storied career, as well you should.  Hopefully you will take some time to produce your memoirs so that the whole world can learn of your adventures.

Congratulations again on a job well done.

Best regards,


Don Bridges

Former Superior Court Judge

Boot Camper Speaker on Evidence


Editor’s Note: Folks, stay tuned. Monday’s (March 20, 2023) GWU Board of Trustees meeting, by all accounts presently available, turned out to be a “Kangaroo Court.” It appears the BoT By-laws were changed on the Saturday before the Meeting to greatly reduce the number of votes necessary to oust Mr. Gardner from the BoTs. Allegedly the Press Release was prepared prior to the meeting. Mr. Gardner’s attempts to speak during the ZOOM meeting, he was “muted.” And perhaps other dirty tricks were pulled. A close examination of the GWU BoT Press Release shows lots of seemingly “wild” allegations but provides no actual proof of anything. More tidbits of information are coming out every day. Therefore, Robert A will examine the Press Releases line by line, make comments and provide additional information as it becomes available. Although GWU is NOT subject to NC Public Records laws, GWU will be asked to provide certain records and information and the public will be made aware of whether or not the information that is requested is promptly and freely provided. Any excuse to NOT provide relevant material within a reasonable time will be considered a cover-up and so reported. All we want is the truth of this matter and let the chips fall where they may. One bit of gossip already heard is that if GWU does go into foreclosure on its debt, the Word of Faith Church in Rutherford County would be first in line to buy up GWU’s debt. And GWU in the process. Perhaps also keeping the Gardner Webb name. But that is just speculation and gossip at this point. But, nonetheless, a serious matter to many in Cleveland County and beyond. Including Robert A.


Again, Stay tuned folks. This one ain’t over ‘til it’s over!!!

What’s Different? By Sandra Stroud Six Republicans on the School Board have betrayed us! Parents, Children, Voters and Taxpayers!!   Comments forwarded and conclusions added by Robert A

What’s Different? By Sandra Stroud:

The (all) Republican School Board is no better than what we had with the rotten Democrats. These Republicans look down on us as if we are tiny, “piss-ants,” under their feet-and we’re tired of it!!

The following statement is directed to the six arrogant Cleveland County School Board officials: “Your attitude toward us must change. Having children and grandchildren in the Cleveland County Schools, we deserve your respect. You have no reason to look upon us with such contempt. A school board official is supposed to be a representative of every student and parent. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure the safety of our children at school. YOU have failed miserably at this when you are silent and inactive every time an incident of violence (including bullying) is reported. Expulsion from school is not the answer or the remedy for the perpetrators.

My suggestion to every parent: If and when your child or grandchild is threatened verbally or physically at school, Go immediately to the school after you have been notified. Take a witness and the Sheriff if possible. Take control of the situation when you arrive on scene. Start your own investigation by taking photos of ALL involved. Take names and DO NOT be intimidated by school personnel. Protect the rights of your child- Start building your case for arrests and possible prosecution. Principal will not protect nor defend your children. Too many principals have been assigned to schools who lack the qualifications to hold such an enormous responsibility. They were awarded their titles and assignments by way of the “buddy system,” or the “good ole boys of girls club!”

Parents are the chief caregivers and protectors of their children. And given the times we’re living in now; PARENTS MUST TAKE CONTROL! My child was born deaf and he was educated in public schools with all hearing students and graduated from Shelby High School with a good education. I was never (too) timid to go to a school to intervene if there was a teaching issue. I was never afraid to request for the Superintendent of Education in (Raleigh) NC to come to Shelby to meet with me and school personnel. I can’t encourage you parents enough to be active in your child’s education, be their advocate and protector. Your school board will not help you! Principals at schools will only do the minimum required of them.

So, you see folks, a Republican school board is not the answer to stopping violence in our schools, corruption and underachieving schools. I encourage parents to take control. We have a school board of six incompetent, arrogant Republican men who don’t give a rat’s “tail” about your child’s safety or education.

(School Board Members) Danny Blanton, Ronnie Grigg and Aaron Bridges are giving their best efforts with no help from the other six on the board. This must change. The previous Democratic board, at least, showed some level of respect to us (parents)

Sandra Stroud


Editor’s Note: Five of the six Rogue Republican (Snub-lican) School Board members that Ms. Stroud is opposed to; Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch and Greg Taylor are up for election in 2024. 2024 is a Presidential Election year and an extremely high voter turnout is expected. It is also expected that NO Democrats will be elected for any local election in 2024. So, all us people that want good schools, safe schools and a good education for our children must seek out, recruit and elect five GOOD Republicans for the School Board in 2024. And certainly NOT reelect ANY of the five previously noted above to the CCS school board ever again. We got snookered into voting for them in 2020 because of all their lies and false statements. We must not be fooled by a new set of liars and deceivers either. Pay attention folks. Robert A intends to do just that. Pay close attention.

BTW: Ms. Sandra Stroud is registered as Unaffiliated.


Sandra P. Stroud


Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.