Serena Speaks: The CCS School Board BROKE the LAW-Twice!! “They can’t be transparent and honest!!” A Comment to Sandra Stroud’s “Call for Reason!” post. Serena’s Comment forwarded by Robert A

Serena says:

Enforce a policy. You’re joking right? They (the CCS School Board) are breaking the law for the second year in a row with this school calendar. Who are they to worry about policies being followed when they can’t even follow the law? The “well the public voted for it” BS don’t fly with me. I completed the survey. There was no mention of one choice being against the law. Goes to show that even when giving the parents options, they can’t be transparent and honest (about it).

 Editor’s Note: Serena has made this comment to Sandra Stroud’s Invitation for us citizens and parents to “Reason” regarding Robert Queen’s BS unenforceable Policy 5020 that requires School Board Members to get permission from Superintendent Stephen Fisher to visit schools. Serena is not disagreeing with Sandra, but pointing out that citizens and parents can and should reason together, but reasoning with the school board would be wasting time as they, the School Board, are not transparent and honest. Leaving nothing left to do with Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Rodney Fitch, Joel Shores and Greg Taylor, but to throw them out of office in 2024. If not sooner. Serena, like Sandra Stroud, Robert A and many, many others have come to this conclusion, “throw the bums out,” but what is needed are FIVE good candidates to run against the School Board incumbent idiots and crooks in the 2024 Republican Primary elections. FIVE good Republican School Board Candidates in 2024. And three of the same for Commissioners in 2024. Let’s clean-house all around while we are at it. Also remember that Robert A has suggested that Danny Blanton, Ronnie Grigg and Aaron Bridges file and run for the School Board seats in the 20254 School Board Primary Elections. That way, it will only take TWO new, highly scrutinized and not Republican “Rogue” candidates to get rid or Robert Queen and all of his water boys and lapdogs in 2024. And all totally legal according to the NC State Board of Elections lawyer.