Once Again Sandra Stroud Tells it Like it IS!!! CCS School Board “2020 Majority” has Committed Political Suicide!!   This message should win the Pulitzer Prize in Political Commentary!!   Message gladly forwarded by Robert A

Editor’s Note: Folks, when you get finished reading the message below by Sandra Stroud, come back to the top and read it again. By now all of Cleveland County knows we made a big mistake in 2020 by not recruiting and electing a different FIVE Republicans on the school board than Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch and Greg Taylor. We must not make that same mistake in 2024.


Follow the Leader: by Sandra Stroud

Can we please have some independent thinkers on the Cleveland County School Board? Seemingly there are only two or three among the lot of you who can make a decision in opposition to ”Kahuna” Queen! Are you men so intimidated by the big bully who you elected to be your chairman that you willingly surrender your own mind to him? What is wrong with you? Can’t you see and hear how unpopular he is with the citizens? Why must you march with him to your own political demise?

None of us elected you to have bullish, arrogant and oppressive behavior toward your peers on the School Board. (Or Members of the Public!) We expected you to conduct yourselves in a gentlemanlike fashion being respectful of one another. However, we have seen the opposite from you. You react like “robots” when your “Kahuna” speaks whether he’s right or wrong doesn’t matter to you. You strive to please the “Kahuna” with no thought to the consequences that may result. You just follow like dumb sheep or “water-boys”.

We citizens/voters will have the opportunity to correct the MISTAKE we made by electing you with the next election cycle. And that cannot be soon enough!!

Sandra Stroud


Sandra P. Stroud



Editor’s Note: Ms. Sandra Stroud is a fearless Champion of right and proper government in Cleveland County and the US. When Prayer at the beginning of School Board Meetings was the issue, Sandra Stroud stood up and voiced her strong support in front of 600+ citizens. When Shelby Schools refused to teach a deaf child, Sandra Stroud single-handedly made Shelby Schools mend their ways. When the Cleveland County Commissioners surrendered to a Federal Lawsuit against them by agreeing to a settlement that was Un-Constitutional; Sandra Stroud put her name and money behind a Federal Lawsuit and took the Cleveland County Commissioners to the US Federal Courts in Washington, DC and made the Commissioners mend their cowardly ways. When Sandra Stroud sends me her messages, I publish them. Word for Word. Sometimes satire, sometimes prose. When Sandra Stroud speaks, Robert A listens. When Sandra Stroud writes, Robert A publishes. If there is a typo, misspelling or unclear language, that is Robert A’s, mistake, not Sandra Stroud.

Folks, there are more citizens like Sandra Stroud and Robert A in Cleveland County that want bullying stopped in our schools and in our School Board and education improved. We want no more corruption like what was found out about the Catawba Casino, the bribed sale of our hospital for 2 cents on the dollar, endless sales tax increase referendums, endless property revaluations where Cleveland County has deployed drones to peep into our bedroom windows looking for whatever it is that they can use to raise property taxes over. And it goes on and on.

Stay tuned folks. If you want the truth, the whole truth and justified and logical speculation, you will get it here and perhaps not anywhere else in the same detail and depth of understanding. Also, folks, if you want to throw YOUR 2 cents into our knowledge base or just share your opinion, send it to Robert A. Your identity will be protected. It is completely understood that RETALIATION is alive and well in Cleveland County.