Part 2: Nov 21 School Board Meeting Separated the “Wheat” from the Chaff!! Only Dr. Danny Blanton wanted to do what was right!!! Report and Commentary by Robert A

Part 1 of this 2-Part article described the corruption of the Rogue Republicans on the CCS School Board that appears to be hiding behind a façade of costly incompetence and malfeasance. This article adds in and describes the complete lack of sanity by the Rogue Republicans that have just imitated the complete lack of sanity by all the former Democrat School Board members that have been totally and completely removed from the School Board by the 2020 and 2022 Elections. Only re-elected incumbent Dr. Danny Blanton and newly elected but not sworn in yet Dr. Ronnie Grigg (and the voters of Cleveland County) have the common sense to realize that Cleveland County Schools are in the tight grips of an Educational Emergency. And good common-sense approaches to the many complex problems and issues that plague CCS to its core are the only way that will turn CCS around.

Robert A has concluded that there are TWO MO’s at play by the CCS School Board.
1.The old “Yellow-Dog Democrat” MO: (Utilized by all the CCS School Board except Dr. Danny Blanton)
In this type MO, NO School Board Member is personally responsible for anything. ALL School Board members are obliged to “Support” Public Schools, no matter what. No questions are allowed to be asked, no disagreement is allowed to be spoken and no complaints about anything are allowed to be heard. No matter how serious the issue and no matter how many children are hurt-physically, mentally or academically. AND, no accountability is placed on anybody for low performance, corruption or the wasting of taxpayer’s funding. The School Board hires the Superintendent based on his ability to cover-up complaints from parents and the community and his willingness to hire and promote the family and friends of the Democrat School Board Members-with little to no regard for their qualifications, training or performance. “Transparency” is a word to be spoken often, but never, ever practiced. For any breach of this MO in any way, RETALIATION is the only option allowed and must be followed by all. This Retaliation in all forms must be practiced against the original person who has spoken out and broken the “Code.” As well as all of their relatives, family and friends for at least two generations.
Rogue Republicans Robert “Luke: Queen. Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch, and Greg Taylor have practiced this MO since they were sworn-in in December 2020.

2.The “US Constitution-American Style” MO: (Utilized by Dr. Danny Blanton)
This is the type MO that Dr. Danny Blanton has faithfully practiced for the past 9 years on the CCS School Board. And the MO that Dr. Ronnie Grigg will likely follow as soon as he is sworn in on December 12, 2022. This “Patriotic” MO is based on the American Style Democratic Republican form of government outlined in the US Constitution.
There are no kings, queens or royalty of any size, shape or kind. Everybody is equal under the law and governments at every level in the US are controlled by a system of “Checks and Balances.” School Board “Business” is conducted in PUBLIC and the public is encouraged to attend AND participate. Proper and correct minutes of meetings are kept such that any member of the public can have access to and read the minutes of meetings and come away with sufficient knowledge of what had transpired without having to attend the meeting in person.
All Board members are sworn to uphold the laws of the land and are totally accountable for their own actions. School Board members are accountable and must assure that THEY, personally have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the subjects at hand before voting to approve any action that is before them.
School Board members are responsible to the citizens, taxpayers. voters and children of Cleveland County in every action they take. School Board members have the legal authority, as well as the legal responsibility, to question, investigate, find the truth and take the proper and appropriate action on every issue, fact and circumstance that comes before them.
State and Federal law cannot be circumvented or nullified by any policy, edict or corrupt and improper interpretation of the School Board Chairman that is promulgated and approved by the majority of the School Board for the specific intent of preventing any school board member from performing his sworn and legally authorized duty while on the school board.
That any single school board member or group of school board members that are questioning, investigating and making his own determinations of any CCS related issue, fact, event or circumstance are acting under the “color of law” of their positions as school board members. And, shall not be hampered, obstructed or prevented from performing their sworn duty by any other school board member, the School Board Chairman or any member of the CCS administration or CCS employee.
That any school board member with any concern shall be able to request that the concern be taken before the entire School Board at the next regular, called, special or emergency School Board meeting and that request shall be honored immediately and without question or delay.
That providing the opportunity for a proper and sound basic education for the students who attend CCS is the sole purpose of CCS’s creation and continued existence. And, certainly NOT the institutional bureaucracy of the CCS establishment. Every decision that the CCS School Board makes and every action that the CCS School Board takes should have this sole purpose as the #1 “guiding principle” upon which CCS and the CCS School Board must operate. Without exception!!
That the student’s parents, taxpayers and citizens of Cleveland County are responsible for providing the students (their children) and the funding for CCS. The CCS School Board, CCS Administration and CCS employees must treat all students, parents, taxpayers and citizens with all due courtesy, attention and respect in all matters related to CCS and ALL forms of student affairs and issues. Especially bullying and Critical Race Theory in all of its variations and forms.

Now, the Nov. 21, 2022 School Board Meeting reportables:

First, it should be stated that several items of interest soon became and would become obvious to Robert A during the course of the meeting. Therefore, some parts of this article are out of sequence to allow a better description of their “happenings.”

The School Board Chairman Robert “Luke” Queen, during the meeting opening and out of sequence with the “preliminary” agenda, noted that a planned in advance inspection from the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) in Raleigh had taken place at several CCS Schools and provided a preliminary report. Luke failed to note that DPI is part of the bureaucracy in State Government in Raleigh that oversees North Carolina Schools. A bad report from DPI regarding CCS is also a bad report on DPI itself. A good report from DPI regarding CCS is, therefore, a good report on DPI and their entrenched bureaucracy. Such reports have little to no credibility and comparison with reality. Nor should they. However, CCS School Board Chairman Robert “Luke” Queen stated the following about this preliminary report: “This visit by DPI is another example of CCS cultivating excellence every day.” As Robert A would eventually look around the School Board meeting room and see several of the five Democrats that were defeated in the 2020 School Board Elections; Robert A immediately smelled a rat. Robert A would soon observe that this meeting was a sham and a scam. Read on!!!

Next, the conceit, stupidity and downright divisiveness of the Post 2022 School Board elections are brought into focus within the Public Participation part of the School Board Meeting Agenda. Which came directly after the Meeting Agenda was adopted. Note that Robert A did NOT sign up to speak during this Public Participation. Part 1 of this series of articles describes Robert A’s suggestion on how to best resolve the $Multi-Million$ HVAC Projects at Kings Mountain and Shelby High Schools. Since the School Board did NOT amend the agenda to allow discussion of his common sense solution and save $Millions, Robert A had nothing else to say about the matter at this school board meeting.

However, Samantha Davis, President of Parents Against Bullying, signed-up for Public Participation and had plenty to say. Totally spoiling, for a moment, Luke Queen’s fiction that all was well at CCS.

This is exactly what Samantha Davis spoke to the School Board:

“This has been a long time coming…
I Prayed, I Prayed for many years that you all would listen to me. I Prayed that you would stand up for our minority children, our special needs children and our bullied children.
I Prayed for better days. Days without the heartache of seeing my children as well as others be bullied and retaliated against (at school). Days when this school board would do what is right for every single child. Days when you all would listen to us parents who so many times cried out to you for help. I never stopped praying.
Mrs. Green and Mr. Hunt, I remember when you two became members of this school board. I remember thinking, ‘Finally we have someone that will help our minority Children.’ Finally, I believed that I could breathe a little easier because you knew what it was like to be a minority.
Yet, you did NOT stand up for our minority children. You did not do anything about the injustices against our minority children. You did nothing.
Mr. Glover. Sixteen years. Sixteen years of you bullying other school board members, sweeping things under the rug, mocking and laughing at parents who would speak up at school board meetings. Sixteen years of you thinking you are invincible and better than us all.
We the people have voted. It is time to say goodbye and good riddance. I Pray that you never have to feel the pain that I have felt and many other parents have felt because school board members truly didn’t care.”

Many in the audience, including Robert A, applauded the brave, heartfelt and unfortunately 100% true statements just delivered by a truly concerned parent. Robert A suggests Samantha Davis and four other brave and fearless parents sign up to run for the CCS School Board in 2024. It would be nice to say to Robert “Luke” Queen, Joel Shores, Ron Humphries, Rodney Fitch and Greg Taylor “Goodbye and good riddance” in November of 2024.

Stay tuned folks, the silly, shameful and even CRAZY shenanigans by the School Board have just begun!!!

There were the Agenda Item 8.03 HVAC Project at Kings Mountain and Shelby High
Schools that was described in detail in Part 1 of this series. When Danny Blanton askes some questions to the Chairman about this Agenda Item and got “growled at” by Chairman Luke Queen. Dr. Blanton just voted against the motion. Of course, it was an 8-1 vote and Dr. Blanton was the only NO vote.

Dr. Blanton also voted against approving the minutes of a previous meeting. Dr. Blanton explained to the full board that the minutes were not correct. But they voted 8-1 to approve the minutes without asking any questions about the “correctness” of the document that they had just approved.

Dr. Blanton also voted against approving the CCS Personnel Report in another 8-1 vote. Always 8-1 votes.

Dr. Blanton also voted against approving the calendar change at Turning Point Academy in another 8-1 vote. If there is any consistency in any Cleveland County Schools School Board Meetings, it is Dr. Danny Blanton will vote against ANYTHING that has the stench of corruption about it. And when he is NOT satisfied that the issue at hand is in the best interest of the students, parents and taxpayers of Cleveland County. That is in total agreement with the US Constitution-American Style MO that Cleveland County voters want to see more of. And the 2022 School Board Elections clearly gave that mandate to the candidates in that election. Dr. Danny Blanton and Dr. Ronnie Grigg understand that MO and that very strong mandate given by the results of the 2022 School Board election. Anybody else on the School Board that refuses and refutes that MO and mandate will soon be told “goodbye and good riddance” at the 2024 elections.

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Robert A gives 2-1 odds that School Board Members-elect, Aaron Bridges and Walter Scott Spurling, will likely follow the leads of their Rogue Republican supporters and practice the Yellow Dog Democrat MO. Robert A and the Citizens of Cleveland County would love to be proven wrong about that.

Folks, as the November 21, 2022 School Board gets on down to the end of the Agenda. Where the Superintendent gives his reports and the School Board members make their comments, this meeting made a sharp-right turn, deep into the Twilight Zone. Robert A says that for all his attendances at School Board meetings, Commissioner’s meetings (except for the July 12, 2022 Commissioners meeting) and even the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustee “sex-pot” meetings (fuckshannon69 scandal), has he ever seen such a thing as what Robert A is about to describe.

Stay tuned folks. This Twilight Zone style episode that happened at the end of the November 21, 2022 School Board meeting will be brought to you in Part 3 of this series of articles. You readers will have to decide for yourself if this type of deliberate, fake and questionable behavior that was obviously, preplanned, choregraphed, orchestrated, led and delivered by CCS Superintendent Dr. Stephen Fisher, Robert “Luke” Queen and the Rogue Republicans, belongs at School Board meetings??? Or, anywhere else in County Government?