More Gang Fights at Shelby v Kings Mountain HS Football Game!! Kept Secret by the Shelby Star and Cleveland County Schools!! New Mental Health Program, “Compeer,” a FAILURE in the making!!! Three Year Federal Grant is Too little and too LATE!!! City of Shelby is a Gang “Incubator.” Everything Shelby tries is Half-assed, half-baked and stupid. Under-funded and under-staffed!! Race-based and Doomed from the START!! Wake Up Cleveland County!! The Shelby Inner-City gang crowd is NOW loosed all over Cleveland County. And coming for YOU!!! Report, review, analysis and conclusions by Robert A

Robert A’s last article about the gang fights at the Crest High School Football Game against Burns this past Friday night; lights going out, panic attacks, and ambulance doors stuck shut, appears to only foreshadow more bad things to come. Robert A, just yesterday, learned that another gang fight at the Shelby v. Kings Mountain HS Football game (at Shelby) was also happening at that very same time. Probably uncoordinated and un-planned, but the mass has reached criticality (a nuclear term) and the effects can NO LONGER be denied. The ticking time bomb has exploded and there will be nothing but trouble and hard times from now on.

It didn’t have to happen this way. All the “signs” were there and all the warning alarms sounded. Cleveland County Schools has failed, again! The City of Shelby has failed, again! With their one-size-fits-all “notion” that their Plantation-Politics brand of bi-partisan leadership would keep the lid on all Shelby’s social problems. It has not. As we all can now see.

The brags and promises of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Pastor, Rev. Dr. Lamont Littlejohn, that all he needed was an “abandoned building” and things would be kept under control were just that. Unfounded brags and unkept and empty promises. Rev. Littlejohn’s buddy, CCS School Board Chairman Robert “Luke” Queen saw to it that Rev. Littlejohn got his abandoned building, the old North Shelby School, on the cheap. But what social issue has Rev. Littlejohn and Mt. Calvary Baptist Church tackled and solved? After several years now, NO social issue has been seriously taken on, much less corrected. Or even diminished by Rev. Littlejohn and Mt. Calvary Baptist Church. Or by anybody else,

What about all the so-called “Promise” or “Partnership” programs initiated by the City of Shelby and especially through the City of Shelby Law Enforcement arm? Can Shelby show anything of value coming out of ANY of those programs? The answer to that question is a resounding NO. Not just NO, but HELL NO!!! Mostly because the Shelby Plantation Politics “crowd” always interfered with the SPD-developed programs and refused to put up enough resources or share enough control to independent members of the “black” community who were the closest to the problem and had enough common sense ideas to resolve the real problems at hand. When those independent and common-sense people amongst the “Black” community were rejected by the City of Shelby, “they” just stepped aside and let the City of Shelby leadership “work” with the “Uncle Toms” and the “Coons.” And the City of Shelby now has what they have always denied having. A crime-filled and violent small-time small-town that is an out-of-control city. A city run “OF the clueless, BY the clueless and FOR the clueless.”

The only person of color (of ANY color) who had the interest, the personal financial wherewithal, AND a PLAN to make a positive difference in such matters was former NFL Player Willie Green. Mr. Willie Green’s PLAN was to construct and operate a “Sports Complex” to accommodate the “Travel-Ball” phenomenon. Mr. Green estimated that his Sports Complex, as envisioned, could accommodate Travel Ball tournaments as much as 48 of the 52 weekends per year. Vastly surpassing the economic impact of Eddie Holbrook’s American Legion World Series. As well as providing a structured and well disciplined “team-work” environment for the youth of Cleveland County during the all the week days.

Mr. Green drew up his plans, purchased land and secured his own personal financing for his project. Only to be shot-down by the small-minded City of Shelby and Cleveland County leadership in his proposal to partner with them in a Public-Private Partnership to provide recreational services that both the City of Shelby and Cleveland County had previously announced that was something they were interested in. Rebuffed by Shelby and Cleveland County, Mr. Green has taken his “Plan” to his home town of Athens, Georgia, been well received there, purchased, with his own resources, a large arena, refurbished it to suit his plan and is only days, maybe only hours, away from his Grand Opening there in Athens.

Still, with his family here in Cleveland County and his son playing football for Crest, Mr. Green was in attendance at the Crest v Burns HS Football game this past Friday night. Mr. Green witnessed the gang fights, the stadium lights going out, the woman’s panic attack brought on by her fear that gun violence would soon break out and the EMS Ambulance door failure. And, despite Mr. Green’s own ideas being rebuffed by the City of Shelby and Cleveland County because of the color of his skin, Mr. Green saw fit to express his concerns to Shelby and County leadership and offer his own advice.

Note that Robert A included Mr. Green’s message to the City of Shelby and Cleveland County’s leadership as well as to law enforcement in Robert A’s last article. It is suggested that everybody go back and re-read that last article.

Also, Robert A notes that the Shelby Star has just published a very foolish article describing a new three-year Federal Grant to Cleveland County’s Mental Health Organization that would provide Mental Health “mentoring” to troubled youth and young adults here in Cleveland County. The Star published a statement that this new group called “Compeer” has so far “obtained” ONE “youth specific volunteer (mentor)” to provide “friendship and support” for the “youth” here in Cleveland County. In time, according to the Star article, “The program will allow these youth a safe place to have fun and interact with each other.”

This foolish Shelby Star article also states this program will be on a one to one basis. One Mentor to one mentee. Meaning that this program sounds like a governmental bureaucracy in the making. With the only thing that is done well is to soak up lots of tax dollars and produce very few to no results. Probably this is what the City of Shelby and Cleveland County “Plantation Politics” leaders want to hear. So, they can claim that something is finally being done but no results are expected or even wanted.

Another foolish idea was that the youth needing services “While waiting for a match (with a volunteer mentor), they have group activities such as art or book club.” Robert A has to wonder how art or a book club will be effective in rehabilitating a gang member with a pistol under his belt and a knife in his pocket?

Folks, Robert A believes this Compeer stuff is only a gimmick put out by the Plantation Politics people, through the Shelby Daily Liar. The idea is to continue to persuade the public that they are actually doing something about the gangs and the violence that is the gang’s MO. Like the Friday Night Fights of long ago that are now practiced by the gangs at High School Football games and the drive-by shootings. Robert A suggests that citizens demand that their so-called leaders, like Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony, Shelby City Manager Rick Howell, Commissioner Kevin “Phony” Gordon and County Manager Brian Epley mend their fences with Mr. Willie Green. Even if they have to go to Mr. Green on their knees begging for forgiveness. “Please Mr. Green, come back to Cleveland County with your Sports Complex proposal. We will do what is necessary to make you happy. To partner with you on your Sports Complex ideas. Please build your Sports Complex on your land that you have already purchased for that purpose. Or, you can have the old Doran Mill Property or the Old Shelby Prison Camp Property. Or whatever you want. Just come back to Cleveland County and save us from ourselves!!!”

Robert A says if the so-called leaders don’t or won’t do that, put in new leaders at the very next election that will. Before High School Football games have to be shut down permanently because of the violence. Gun violence especially.

Robert A says, if he were a Commissioner, he would do what it takes to get rid of the gangs from the streets and Football games in Cleveland County. Robert A believes you have to identify problems before you can fix them. Sticking your heads in the sand never works for long. Fixing the problems when they are small is always better and cheaper than letting them grow so large that you can’t ignore them any longer. So large that you can’t lie out of them any longer, no matter how misinformed and ignorant the people are. The truth of the matter always comes out in the end. And, the truth is the City of Shelby and Cleveland County government officials have ignored the gang infestations for too long already. Official must get rid of the gangs or the citizens will get rid of the existing officials. At the Ballot box or the Jury Box. One way or the other. Sooner than later.

All you Rogue City and County so-called Leaders, the 2023 and 2024 Elections are closer than you think. And the targets are already on your backs.

Folks, Stay tuned!!! It is a shame that his gang “thang” ain’t over ‘til it’s over. And, doing nothing counts for nothing!!! You are either a part of the solution, OR you are a part of the problem. It ain’t what you say that counts, it is what you DO that counts.

This kind of thinking will soon come to the forefront in Cleveland County Election discussions and results. Robert A will see to that. Whether he runs for Commissioner or NOT. Whether Commissioner Kevin Gordon screams and yells at the very top of his lungs, or NOT!!! Stay tuned!!

Also, folks, ask yourself this: Why is it that this Mental Health “Compeer” Federal Grant only pay Mental Health staff, but all the work is done by unpaid volunteers??? Why did the Shelby Daily Liar NOT ask that question??? Robert A surely would have!!! Perhaps that is why Governmental Agencies don’t like Robert A’s questions. Perhaps they should just get over it. Answer the questions or be replaced by someone that will. And lies and deceptions don’t cut it with Robert A. Ask Commissioner Chairman Kevin Gordon if you don’t believe me. Then get the truth. Straight from Robert A!!!