Rich Man Dances to the Music—Poor Man Pays the Band!! Saga of the American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc. An Eddie Holbrook Enterprise!! Taxpayers put up around $10 Million$ In-Crowd treated to Secret Party at LeGrand Center at Taxpayer Expense!!! Commissioner Deb Hardin Refuses to Attend! Report, research, commentary and WWJD analysis by Robert A — Who Else??

The American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc. is a Corporation established and registered in North Carolina. Former Cleveland County Commissioner Chairman Eddie Holbrook is the President of this company. And THE American Legion, a well-respected nationwide benevolent VETERANS group, is in no way legally or “corporately” associated with Mr. Holbrook’s corporation; EXCEPT through a periodic term business CONTRACT to host baseball games commonly called the American Legion World Series. These baseball games have been played somewhere else for many, many years before any involvement with Mr. Holbrook’s company and will likely continue to be played somewhere else way, way past the demise of Mr. Holbrook’s company. The fact is the Shelby High School Baseball Field is NOT the Permanent Home of the American Legion World Series games and never has been and never will be. Also, the fact is that the American Legion will move the American Legion World Series somewhere else whenever somebody, somewhere else, is stupid enough to offer the American Legion a better deal than Eddie Holbrook and the Cleveland County Commissioners, using taxpayer’s money, to host The American Legion’s World Series Baseball Games. Mr. Holbrook’s company is said to pay the American Legion $150,000 per year to use the American Legion’s name in his company’s name. Often the Cleveland Commissioners (taxpayers) have paid that $150,000 directly to the American Legion itself to hide from the public the fact that Mr. Holbrook’s Company is and has used taxpayer’s money for his own company’s financial advantage. Same is said for ESPN coverage for the games. Often paid directly to ESPN by the Commissioners. All of this is factored in Robert A’s estimate of $10 Million$ the Commissioners, using taxpayer funding, have paid to Mr. Holbrook’s private enterprise. Perhaps a corrupt and illegal enterprise at that.

Folks, again, these are NOT Mr. Eddie Holbrook’s or Shelby’s American Legion World Series Games. They are the American Legion’s World Series (ALWS) games. And the American Legion organization can jerk these games out from Cleveland County at the drop of a hat. If and when the American Legion wanted to. But, with the $Million$ that the County Taxpayers involuntarily “invests” (some would say “wastes”) with these games, the ALWS will stay in Shelby, sucking up Cleveland County tax dollars like a big fat tick that sucks the blood out of an old hound dog. And remember, the American Legion is not the “tick;” Eddie Holbrook’s company is the blood-sucking TICK. It is highly likely that the American Legion organization has no idea of the shenanigans Mr. Holbrook has pulled on Cleveland County taxpayers.

Now that we have that issue all straight, let’s talk about the underhanded corruption with the American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc.—Mr. Holbrook’s Company—that has sucked so much cash out of taxpayer’s pockets here in Cleveland County. Around $10 MILLION tax dollars is estimated to have been funneled into Mr. Holbrook’s Company, with much $$$ siphoned off along the way. Not to mention, in this article, the $Billions, Robert A (I said BBBBillion$ of dollars in County Property (The Cleveland County Healthcare System) which was secretly sold out dirt cheap for a seed money bribe to Mr. Holbrook’s company of $1,000,000 to help fund the ALWS games in Shelby. Robert A has published a copy of that Million Dollar Cleveland County Check made out to Mr. Holbrook’s Company several times already. Perhaps I will publish that copy again sometime in another article. Better yet, says Robert A, why don’t YOU ask the County Commissioners, under North Carolina Public Records laws, for a copy of that check. Robert A dares citizens to do that. Get yourself involved. Get yourselves informed. See for yourself about such things. When you do, you will be singing that old Hank Williams song, “I saw the Light,” It goes like this, “I saw the Light, I saw the Light. No More darkness, no more night.” Another verse of that song goes like this. “I was like a blind man who God gave back his sight, Praise the Lord, I saw the Light.” In this ALWS case at hand, when YOU see the light, YOU will not be praising the Lord. You will also NOT be happy that YOU have been duped by Mr. Holbrook and the Cleveland County Commissioners for so long. They say that the “Truth Hurts.” Maybe so, but at least you will finally know the truth behind all these years of lies and deception about the ALWS and Mr. Holbrook’s company. And the County Commissioners too

Let’s start with the latest siphoning-off that occurred this past Thursday evening, June 23, 2022 with a SECRET celebration party that occurred at the LeGrand Center, County property on the Cleveland Community College premises. And then work backwards to the start of this deceptive and probably illegal business–the American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc.

About two weeks ago, letters were sent out to certain in-crowd folks that Mr. Eddie Holbrook and his American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc. crowd were throwing a big shindig celebration party at the LeGrand Center. A famous Country singer would provide entertainment. The Party, Entertainment, Meal and drinks would be available for free for ALWS, Baseball, Inc. supporters. Atrium Health allegedly was one of the sponsors. And why not? Atrium still owes Cleveland County around $50 millions, interest free, on the sale of the Cleveland County Healthcare facilities close to 10 years ago.

These letters allegedly also carried a warning. “Don’t tell the public about this party. This party is by invitation only. Tickets will be required for entrance.” Sources indicate that there was 300+ to 400+ in attendance. Some of the particular names my sources told me were in attendance were Mr. Eddie Holbrook of course, Robert “Luke: Queen, Greg Taylor, Kevin Gordon, Doug Bridges, Ronnie Whetstine, Johnny Hutchins, Stephen Fisher, David White, Dennis Bailey and others that I have forgotten as I didn’t write them down at the time.

One other name was intentionally mentioned in particular; Commissioner Deb Hardin was NOT in attendance. Commissioner Hardin, despite intense pressure, had refused to vote for the proposed County Budget because of the continued and excessive, in relation to others who did NOT receive anywhere near the $425,000 given to the ALWS, Baseball, Inc., at the Commissioner’s Meeting just two days before this shindig. In Robert A’s opinion, Commissioner Deb Hardin is a full-fledged HERO for finally standing up to the intense insider Good-Ole-Boy corrupt political pressure and finally just said NO to the corrupt way everything about the American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc. is done. Especially and in particular, the total lack of transparency, the lies and the deceptions by Mr. Holbrook and his supporters. And, on top of that, the refusal of the Holbrook company to provide the financial accounting that the Commissioners had asked for way in advance of the 2022-2023 County Budget.

Shame, Shame, Shame on Commissioners Kevin Gordon, Johnny Hutchins, Ronnie Whetstine and Doug Bridges for “caving in” to the payment of $425,000 to the Holbrook cabal without any documented financial justification for such a HUGE amount. Especially since Speaker of the House and County Attorney Tim Moore had just secured a $2.2 MILLION$ “Grant” for Mr. Holbrook from the State. BTW, “cabal” means “a secret political clique or faction who conspire, plot with intrigue or scheme in such a way as to benefit themselves or their inner circle…”

Now, since this article regarding this latest ALWS scandal deserves more attention, the past history of corruption regarding Mr. Holbrook’s company will be included in a follow-up article.

This is 2022 and an Election Year. As Robert A has previously noted. HE has been asked to consider running for the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners in 2024. So. It would be a fair question to ask Robert A what HE would have done in that June 7, 2022 Commissioner’s Meeting regarding that 2022-2023 Proposed Budget vote???

This is Robert A’s Answer:

Robert A says he would always base his judgement calls on this and other matters on what is commonly called WWJD. What would Jesus Do? WWJD?

WE all know that when Jesus was asked about paying taxes, Jesus said “Render into Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and into God the things that are God’s.

Robert A says that is a good start. That Jesus believes that people should pay their just taxes. But there is more to this issue than just paying your taxes. After the taxes are paid, what are the responsibilities of those that have collected those taxes and on what that tax money is spent on?
Robert A continues. Then, there is Romans 13:7 which basically says: Pay everyone what you owe him: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due. What do us taxpayers owe to Mr. Eddie Holbrook’s company??? Especially to the tune of $10 Million$??? NOTHING is the Correct answer!!!

And there is MORE. The parable about the “Master” that goes away for a long period of time. The Master left five talents with one servant, two talents with another servant and one talent to a third servant. The first servant invests and gains five talents. The second servant invests his two talents and gains two talents. The third servant digs a hole and buries his one talent so he wouldn’t lose it or let someone steal it. When the master returns and learns what his three servants had done with his money, he rewards the first and second servants and banishes that third servant who had gained nothing. Robert A says one of the messages in the 21st Century is that our commissioners are supposed to be fiscally responsible. Do not fund, or continue to fund, losing propositions. Mr. Holbrook’s company has received $10 Million$ over the years, $2.2 Million$ plus $425,000 in taxpayer money for 2022 alone and will require Million$ more for next year and beyond. The “Master” in Jesus’s parable, would have banished Mr. Eddie Holbrook many years ago/

Now, for the clincher. Robert A recalls other lessons from Jesus about sowing seeds. When you sow seeds in good soil, you will produce a good crop. When you sow your seeds amongst the thorns, the thorns choke out the seedlings and you produce NO crop. Robert A looks at the American Legion World Series, Baseball, Inc. and sees no crop. No returns on the years of the Baseball Games and around $10 million$ invested and NO comparable returns. Every year there is only hands out by Mr. Eddie Holbrook wanting more money. And big money at that.

So, what would Robert A have done if he were a Cleveland County Commissioner at that June 7, 2022 Commissioner’s meeting on that 2022-2023 budget vote? Robert A would have done exactly what Jesus would have done and what Deb Hardin actually did. Robert A would have voted NO. Exactly the same as what Commissioner Deb Hardin actually did. Voted NO and is being punished for it.

But it is not fair to isolate this one vote amongst many votes. Robert A, if a commissioner during the preparation of that defective budget, would have demanded that County Manager Brian “Cosmo” Epley take that single ALWS-Holbrook funding out of the WHOLE budget and vote on it separately. BEFORE adding it to the whole budget package. Cosmo surely added that one item into the whole $120 Million$ County Budget as a way to put pressure on Commissioner Deb Hardin to vote to continue funding Mr. Holbrook’s company. A NO vote would go against the whole $120 Million$ in spending. And Commissioner Deb Hardin alone had guts enough to stand up for what was right. What was best for all Cleveland County taxpayers and not just Mr. Eddie Holbrook.

If Robert A decides to run for the office of a Cleveland County Commissioner in 2024, he would do a WWJD Analysis on every Commissioner’s vote. On every issue and during every discussion. A WWJD analysis just like what was previously described above. Plus, one more thing. Jesus would NEVER stand for a lack of transparency. Rampant corruption, secret meetings and secret parties paid for by County Taxpayers on unofficial business. Neither would Robert A. Robert A take the approach on every vote that if he did NOT have all the information and discussion on any issue to vote FOR the approval Robert A would vote NO, against approval of anything that was not satisfactorily explained. And continuing to vote NO until all the facts are known and clear in everybody’s mind. Robert A would also be sure to ask other Commissioners what information THEY had that he didn’t have to vote to approve something that smelled so bad.” Robert A suspects that the OTHER Commissioners would come around after that first vote. Cosmo too.

No more playing around with secret games, corruption and schemes for Robert A. And that goes for the disaster in Cleveland County Education. The lies and deceptions regarding Critical Race Theory (by any other name) and the smut and perversion that has fully infiltrated CCS and the Cleveland County Library system. Even in the Library’s Children’s section. Just wait until you hear about that in another article.

Stay tuned for the rest of the articles about the American Legion world Series, Baseball, Inc. run by Mr. Eddie Holbrook as well as lots of other things. YOU are about to become better informed about the evil doings that have sneaked into Cleveland County. What we need is a major County-Wide Revival this summer. From now until 2024. And then beyond. If Robert A runs for County Commissioner and wins, the long overdue cleanup in Cleveland County government would begin immediately!!! If not sooner as the other Candidates and incumbent Commissioners begin to realize that the lies, deception, coverups, corruptions and wasteful spending had better be disappearing way before the 2024 elections rolls around. Robert A says that is NOT a threat, it is a promise!!!