Cleveland County Snub-licans set Special Called Meeting!! For Next Wednesday!!–Of Course you and me ain’t invited!!! Snub-licans v. the Pee-Ons!!! Report, satire and commentary provided by Robert A.

I have just ciphered out that I have been much too nice and kind to the so-called “Rogue Republicans” in charge of the Cleveland County Republican Party. The Wes Westmorelands, The Dennis Baileys, the Kevin Whisnants, The David Allens, the Robert “Luke” Queens. The Ron Humphries, the Pam Kellors and the others. The elitist crowd that snub everybody else with their snobbish behavior and condescending manner. Their attitude that they can do anything, but YOU and ME have to follow rules that they decide to impose on us without our permission-without even asking! Especially the rules of the North Carolina Republican Party’s Plan of Organization. That says what they say it says with their own incorrect interpretations. It is the Snub-licans I am talking about here.

The High and Mighty Snub-licans that have been called out for the Snub-licans that they are. Arrogant, untrustworthy, selfish, self-centered and WRONG wannabees. The Snub-licans who violate all norms of polite and civilized society in their behavior toward others, but claim they didn’t do anything wrong. It’s the “Pee-ons” that have done the wrongs, the Snub-licans say. The Pee-ons are NOT team players say the Snub-licans.. “The Pee-ons” who think that, just because they were taught to read and write, the “Pee-ons” also get to decide what the words that they just read actually mean. Oh, the “Pee-ons” the Snub-licans say amongst themselves. The Pee-ons think that that just because the Pee-ons don’t like us peeing on them, that us Snub-licans are going to stop peeing on them. Because we ain’t going to STOP peeing on the Pee-ons. We Snub-licans will show them “uppity” Pee-ons who is still the big boss man. WE Snub-licans have always “cracked the whip” on the Pee-ons and WE always will. WE are going to have a meeting.

The Snub-lican Meeting is going to be held Wednesday, May 18, 2022. The Day AFTER the Republican 2022 Primary Elections. We will celebrate a Snub-lican victory, whether or not we actually win, with our four Snub-lican School Board Candidates hand-picked by Robert “Luke” Queen, Dennis Bailey, Kevin Whisnant, David Allen and a few other “Snubs.” (Snobs might be a better word here!)

This Snub-lican meeting will be held at the Commissioner’s Chambers on that Wednesday at a secret time. The Snub-licans don’t want any of us Pee-ons knowing about their meeting, so they are keeping the TIME a secret to keep any of us Pee-ons from finding out and showing up.

This way the snobby Snub-licans can meet, (or maybe NOT meet and just say they did) and say that there was a majority of opinions by the Snub-licans had meet and voted unanimously that all the dirty trick and violations of the NC Republican Party Plan of Organization never happened and Snobs like Robert Queen, Dennis Bailey, Wes Westmoreland, Kevin Whisnant, Ron Humphries and all the other Snub-licans had done their proper duty and Nothing WRONG had actually been done by their butt-hole Snub-lican co-conspirator buddies.

Folks, defeat the Snub-licans. Here is how!! Copy off this Robert A. Sample Ballot, and mark up your ELECTION DAY ballot just like this.

Sample Ballot-2022 Republican Primary-CC