People want to Reform the Cleveland County Republican Party!!! To Get Rid of the Rogue Republicans who won’t abide by the Rules!!! What’s in a NAME?? Let’s have a NAMING Contest!!! Report by Robert A.

Folks, before you start reading this article, you have to remember three things:

1.God did NOT create the Cleveland County Republican Party, NOR did God make His Son, Jesus Christ, the Chairman of the Cleveland County Republican Party!
2.Public Schools in the American Colonies were formed to teach children to READ so they could read and interpret the BIBLE for themselves and also read the laws of the land for themselves. They called the first law requiring public schools The Old Deluder Satan Act because they believed Satan (the DEVIL) was a “deluder” who would cheat the illiterate into doing bad things that would cause them to go to Hell instead of Heaven.
3.Things can be REFORMED! Remember the “Reformation” of the Catholic Church 1,500 years after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ because the Pope had become “Power Hungary” And the Church becoming Corrupt. This Reformation gave us all the Protestant Churches that we know well in Cleveland County: The Baptists, The Methodists, The Lutherans, The Presbyterians, and on and on.

So, fighting corruption and Reformation is in our “Blood.” It is our right. More than that, IT IS OUR DUTY!!

Now, Cleveland County has a group of Rogue Republicans that are in clear violation of the North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization. When called out about the violations, they say, “No, YOU are misinterpreting the rules.” When it is obvious that THEY are indeed violating the rules. When Cleveland County Republican Party Executive Committee member Robert “Luke” Queen and others pass out sample ballots and send out Robo-Call text messages endorsing “their” selected candidates, calling them the “GOP Slate of Candidates” and leaving off the other Republican candidates, calling them Radical Republicans, Luke Queen in in violation of Republican Party Rules.

Yet David Allen, the CC Republican Party Chairman, sends out (to only a few) a notice that these Queen endorsed are NOT the GOP Slate of Candidates and considers that the end of it. Right in the middle of a Republican Primary Election is a clear dereliction of duty. A clear indication of his complicity in the first place.

Calls and messages of complaint to NC State Republican Party Officials are rejected. Nothing is or will be done.

So, what to do about the power grabbing and corruption in the Cleveland County Republican Party? There are options.
Change your registration to Democrat? NOOooo!!! Not an option. Especially in this day and time under Governor Roy Cooper and President Joe Biden.
Join the TEA-Party (Taxed Enough Already-Party? NOOooo!!! They have already become puppet-fools for the Rogue Republicans. Besides, in Cleveland County they are not really a registered Political Party that you can run for office under.
Change your registration to Unaffiliated? Possible, but bad at election time because of the onerous Petition requirements. Which means the largest party of Cleveland County registered voters is not a political party at all. Just a bunch of voters who refuse to be a Democrat because of the liberal stance on issues, and also refuse to be a Republican because of all the power grabbing at the top and all the corruption.
Join a different party such as the Green Party, the Constitutional Party, etc. Possible, but these splinter parties, although their candidates can file and run like the Democrats and Republicans; the Democrat and Republican Party NAME recognition overwhelms them in any election.
Start and register a new party under the derivation of the Republican Party name. A “Reformed” Republican Party, “RR” Party for short, using two “R’s” for maximum effect-and very much more likely to draw “Trump Conservatives” away from the “Trump haters” in the Cleveland County Republican Party so-called leadership. Or, the Trump Republican Party. The “TR” Party. Or anything with the word “Republican” in it.

Why don’t we have a Naming Contest??? Let’s find a NAME for new political party in Cleveland County. The Democrats have moved far away from the politics of most Cleveland County Voters. The Cleveland County Republican Party has become too corrupt, foolish and elitist. The Greens and Constitution Party are too narrow. Taking conservative voters out of the unaffiliated and Rogue Republicans could end up being the largest and most influential and powerful political party in Cleveland County and perhaps North Carolina or the USA.

Anybody want to get on a political party Name Finding Committee??? To judge a name for a new political party”” Offer a prize?? Hey, it’s a start in getting rid of the Rogue Republicans in the Cleveland County Republican Party. And all the corruption. All at the same time!!