Bernice Speaks Out: CCS School Board Covers-Up Bad Stuff!!! CCS tried to pass off “Troubled” student to Pinnacle Classical Academy—And more! Danny Blanton cares about all students!!! Comment forwarded by Robert A.

Bernice says:

So, your great Cleveland County school board is at it again. Or have been for 4 years.

It seems there’s a child at one of the KM schools that’s, we will say troubled. Kills animals in the back yard, threatened to kill students. With a dull knife because it will hurt worse than a sharp one. Threatened to kill a fireman. The principal knew, others knew but swept it under the rug.

Why? Oh, because his uncle was a county commissioner, I guess.

So, this child that obviously needs big time help was still in the school for 4 YEARS doing all this.

Thankfully and FINALLY someone, not the school system, stepped in and got this kid out.

What did the powers that be in the head office of the school system say? Take him and try to get him in Pinnacle. WTF??? We don’t want that in our school and why would you even suggest that?

Oh yeah because they don’t like Pinnacle. They are jealous because Pinnacle scores are better and Pinnacle is better in every other way.

Thankfully there’s one CCS school board member that cares about ALL the kids in Cleveland County, Danny Blanton,

Real good school board ya got there CC. Just think what all that kid has done in 4 years!!! Hopefully the parents will have him involuntary committed to get him the help he needs instead of ignoring it and just pass him on from school to school. But people know this…

CC school board, except Danny Blanton, does NOT care about your kids. Don’t let milk dud head, Mrs. Prisspot (they’ve called me a smartass anyway) fool you. And Dr. Fishbait is a joke!!! They only want to hide things so it looks like CCS has a great school system no matter if there’s bullies, threats or whatever…

EDITED****** Danny Blanton did NOT tell me all that I’ve posted. Matter of fact I called him!!! He told me NOTHING!!! This came from other parents that know.

And, I’m not afraid to put it out there.
