Ariel Speaks: People of Cleveland County, WAKE UP!!! Stand Up for what is Right! Stand up for our Children!!! Special Message forwarded by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: These are our children. Let’s keep them this way as long as we can!!!

Folks, Let’s welcome Ariel to our “A Good Citizen” List. Ariel is not this person’s real name, but a Pen Name that I gave “her,” (The name Ariel is a female name. The meaning in Hebrew is Lion of God. From this person’s writings, the name Ariel fits like a glove. Also, me giving Pen Names provides a little extra security to that person’s personal safety and identity as well as. Let’s give Ariel a warm welcome by our readership. I am sure Ariel will have much more to say in the future.

Also, others who despise corruption in our governmental agencies. Feel free to write up your feelings and ideas and send them to me at via the internet. We will give YOU a Pen Name too. Your identity will be kept totally secret. WE know full well how Cleveland County likes to retaliate against people who think for themselves.

BTW, I thought the picture shown above was perfect to go with this article.

Ariel’s message is shown below. Anybody want to add their comments to what Ariel has to say???

Hi Robert,

I have attached an article I ran across where an Oregon Middle School CRT Teacher is under CRIMINAL investigation for sending a nude selfie to a student.

If I’m not mistaken, there were at least two of these same instances in the last month here in Cleveland County Schools. However, I dare to say they were handled very differently in both States.

The Teacher in Oregon was escorted out of the school building by the Police, which tells me a crime was committed. Showing nude photos to a child is actually child pornography and is indeed a criminal act. The teacher is suspended from the school pending the outcome of the investigation.

Also, the Principal of the school sent out an email within a couple of days of the incident, alerting parents what had happened and that an investigation is underway.

Now, compare that to the incidences in Cleveland County recently. It is my understanding that no police were ever called to the schools regarding these crimes against children. No parents were notified that anything had even happened. The Teachers in question were sent home while one returned days later and another one went on to teach in another county. WHAT is wrong with this picture Cleveland County Schools? It seems to me that you want to hide every incident and obfuscate details around every situation that comes up.

We should all be upset that more information is publicly released about a crime involving a child in a leftist, west coast state than right here in Shelby, North Carolina. The only information the good citizens in Cleveland County received about these cases was complete SILENCE!!

What say you Cleveland County School Board?  What say you Cleveland County Sheriff’s Dept? And you Shelby Police Department?

In all the years I attended school, there was never a teacher that felt the need to discuss his/her love life, sexual orientation or sex acts with me. Not ONE!!  It should disturb every Parent, Grandparent and Citizen in this County that our children are now being exposed to teachers that deliberately share this kind of information with our children. They should be TEACHING the children how to Read and Write, how to do Math, delve into Science and dig into History. They should NOT be trying to sexualize our children at young ages.

It is time for all good and moral people in this County to stand up for what is right!

