Crest High School Female Teacher Shows Nudie Pic to Students!!! Happened TODAY March 3, 2022!!! Superintendent, School Board have lost Control of CCS If the Teacher has to go, Dr. Fisher has to go too!! Report and conclusions by Robert A. Williams

The call came in today at 1:05 PM. “A Crest High School (female) teacher had accidentally shown a nudie picture of her husband to her students.” I am withholding the name of the teacher.

Accidently is the keyword here. How do you accidentally show a nudie picture of your husband to students or anybody else? First, the nudie picture has to be taken in the first place. Is shown to students. You have to figure out the picture was taken by the teacher and stored on the teacher’s cell phone. Then the cell phone has to be carried into the school. Then, somehow, the nudie picture has to be put on display by the teacher.

I count four steps. as stated above, had to be gone through to get such a picture in front of students and the first three steps were certainly NOT by accident. I have no sympathy for whatever discipline the teacher is about to receive for her total lack of judgment (at best) in this matter. And, I know for a fact that this incident is not the first coming out of Crest High School.

I also know for a fact that Cleveland County Schools, under Superintendent Dr. Stephen Fisher and the present School Board have clearly lost control of this porno and sexting situation with staff and teachers. I have clearly notified Dr. Fisher and the School Board myself of several instances and CCS just “passes the trash” and never “fesses up” to their own lack of accountability in such matters.

At this point I must conclude that too much has gone on, is still going on, and is likely to continue to go on under Dr. Stephen Fisher’s regime. If this teacher has to go, then Dr. Fisher has to go too. And, if the next Superintendent allows even a single instance of such inappropriate behavior, they must also hit the road too. And, on and on, until somebody can be hired as Superintendent who has backbone enough to finally put a stop to hiring staff and teachers who are foolish enough to bring porno to school with them.

As for us citizens and voters, we have to find ways to find and elect school board members who will NOT abide by a Superintendent who continually allows porno and sexting at any level. If THIS school board under Chairman Luke Queen continues to refuse to hold Dr. Fisher’s feet to the fire about such things as this, WE have the responsibility to get rid of them immediately, if not sooner.

Stay tuned folks. This incident just happened today. I expect Dr. Fisher is to resign by tomorrow. And Robert “Luke” Queen resigns by Monday.