Pt. 3-Public Hearing called on Closing Shelby Schools!!! 6:00 PM January 25, 2022 (Tuesday) at CCS Headquarters!! (Schemers on the School Board try to fool the public!!!) Be prepared to be Pissed-Off!!! Report and personal opinion comments by Robert A. Williams

Folks, I thought I had said enough about the closing of Shelby Elementary Schools as a phony use of the so-called School Board’s Facilities Assessment that is the basis for this Public Hearing related to closing some Shelby Elementary School(s). I don’t believe anything I said was incorrect, Just incomplete. There is one more critical component driving the Rogue Republican School Board. One more thing the Rogues, Rodney Fitch, Robert “Luke” Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Greg Taylor and the behind the scene sneaks, Dennis Bailey, Wes Westmoreland, Kevin Whisnant, David Allen and a few others desperately want to cover up. Especially since they have had control for over a year and have done nothing (good) about the problem. FAILING SCHOOLS!!! FAILING ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!!!

If you remember, a few years ago when the School Board just had to build a NEW North Shelby School. Then they just had to hook it on to the James Love Elementary School. And waste $17 million$ in the process. All because James Love was graded a “Failing School” for a number of years and the North Carolina STATE Board of Education was about to take control of running James Love. By hooking on the new North Shelby School to James Love, James Love went into another category school and the Clock was reset before the State took over.

Now, there are indications that James Love has continued to be a failing school, even in this new category, and the State HAS come in and taken over running the operations of James Love Elementary School.

There is MORE.

There were other Failing Elementary Schools in the so-called Shelby Attendance Zone. Graham is one and perhaps there are others. CCS has already tried other cover-up tricks, like switching around Principles, to stave off and delay eminent State takeover. To no avail. It is likely Graham Elementary School has already been taken over by the State. And the COVID pandemic and the ensuing school lockdowns have been used so far to cover up that situation.

So, to keep the “cat IN the bag,” (so to speak) the Rogues now appear to have spent tons of money bringing in these Facilities Assessment people and gave them “Guiding Principles” to do everything but assess the facilities. To move elementary school kids around so the CLOSE THE GAP efforts are diverted from teaching Reading, Writing and Arithmetic to indoctrinating our kids with Critical Race Theory (CRT), Transformative Social Emotional Learning and CRT components by other phony names. Even indoctrinating 3-year-old disabled kids, as was revealed by Ms. Nannette Leonhart at the January 10, 2022 School Board meeting. And Rodney Fitch, Luke Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores and Greg Taylor never said a word or batted an eye.

So, Shelby Folks, there you are. Another item to ask Rodney Fitch, Luke, Ron, Joel and Greg about at the January 25, 2022 Public Hearing. Or, perhaps you would like to call them and ask about this over the telephone. Their numbers are listed below. I suspect all the other School Board Members have been kept in the dark about the School Closing details, so these folks would be the ones I recommend calling.

Rodney Fitch—704-974-2647 or 980-522-6239

Robert “Luke” Queen—704-477-0105

Ron Humphries—704-472-2764

Joel Shores—704-418-4155

Greg Taylor—704-477-6457

Shelby Folks, I have provided you the best instructions on how to access the so-called Facilities Assessment and just a few thoughts on just some of the many problems. This is YOUR Schools and YOUR Children. It is up to YOU, from here on, whether or not YOU read the Assessment, attend this Public Hearing (Public Meeting) and speak out. Whether YOU do what is stupid or do what is smart is on YOU. Otherwise, YOU know as much as I do. These screwballs surely don’t want to tell me the truth about anything.

Wake up Kings Mountain Folks, YOU are next.

Stay tuned.

PS: Shelby folks, I just got ahold of the agenda for this January 25, 2022 Public Hearing. I will send it to you in a Part 4 article as I already know YOU are going to be pissed-off.