Election FRAUD found right here in Cleveland County, NC!!! Rogue Republicans are the likely suspects!!! Tampering with VOTER Registration Records!!! Everybody is at risk of NOT being able to sign up and run for office!!! Or VOTE!!! Prison Time ahead for Rogue Republicans!!!??? Report, research and conclusions by Robert A. Williams

The 2020 US Elections have been the subject of much controversy. President Donald Trump and millions of like-minded supporters believe the reelection of President Trump was stolen from him by widespread and sophisticated voter fraud, especially by the use of fraudulent mail-in ballots. Thousands upon thousands of them. Trump-haters by al accounts, say this is a false allegation and there certainly was NOT any voter fraud of any significance.

As for me, a person interested in the details of things, I remember the North Carolina 2018 Election in the Ninth North Carolina Congressional District. The election was between Democrat Dan McCready and Republican Mark Harris. Per Wikipedia:

On election day, unofficial vote tallies showed Harris defeating McCready by 905 votes, but on November 27, 2018, the North Carolina State Board of Elections and Ethics Reform declined to certify the election results, citing voting irregularities involving absentee ballots in the eastern part of the district. The irregularities became the subject of a criminal investigation into an alleged ballot harvesting scheme to elect the Republican Harris. It was orchestrated by Republican political operative McCrae Dowless in Bladen and Robeson Counties.

The Associated Press subsequently retracted calling the race, pending the ultimate decision of the state board of elections. On November 30, the election board of the district decided to hear evidence about “claims of numerous irregularities and concerted fraudulent activities” at a meeting to be held by December 21, which was subsequently delayed to January 10, 2019, after the new Congress was scheduled to be seated. McCready withdrew his earlier submitted concession on December 6.[ In February 2019, the bipartisan election board unanimously determined they would not certify the results because of ballot fraud by Republican operatives. They called for a special election to be held. The state legislature passed a law requiring new party primaries.

The election board called a special election to be held for this congressional seat. A newly passed law by the North Carolina General Assembly requires such a do-over to include the holding of new preceding primaries for the parties. McCready filed to run in the special election. McCready’s major party opposition was Republican State Senator Dan Bishop. The election was held on September 10, 2019.
During the election, President Donald Trump claimed that McCready “wants to take away your guns”, “raise your taxes”, “likes open borders”, and “really admires socialism. CNN described Trump’s claims as comprehensively inaccurate, as McCready advocates for tax cuts for the middle class, does not advocate for taking guns away, and supports physical barriers on the border.

On September 10, 2019, Bishop won the 2019 special election to Congress with 50.7% of the vote to McCready’s 48.7%.

Despite Wikipedia’s CNN’s Fake News leanings, the facts are:
 In the 2018 North Carolina elections there were voter fraud
The Voter Fraud was investigated
A new do-over election was held
McCrea Dowless was charged with felony election law violations and gets a Federal prison sentence

Now, be prepared for shocking news.

A Charlotte TV Reporter, Nick Ochsner, wrote a book about this NC 9 District Voter Fraud called The Vote Collectors: The True Story of the Scamsters, Politicians, and Preachers behind the Nation’s Greatest Electoral Fraud that just came out about three weeks ago.

The advertisement for this book states:
In November 2018, Baptist preacher Mark Harris beat the odds, narrowly fending off a blue wave in the sprawling Ninth District of North Carolina. But word soon got around that something fishy was going on in rural Bladen County. At the center of the mess was a local political operative named McCrae Dowless. Dowless had learned the ins and outs of the absentee ballot system from Democrats before switching over to the Republican Party. Bladen County’s vote-collecting cottage industry made national headlines, led to multiple election fraud indictments, toppled North Carolina GOP leadership, and left hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians without congressional representation for nearly a year.

In The Vote Collectors, Michael Graff and Nick Ochsner tell the story of the political shenanigans in Bladen County, exposing the shocking vulnerability of local elections and explaining why our present systems are powerless to monitor and prevent fraud. In their hands, this tale of rural corruption becomes a fascinating narrative of the long clash of racism and electioneering—and a larger story about the challenges to democracy in the rural South.

At a time rife with accusations of election fraud, The Vote Collectors shows the reality of election stealing in one southern county, where democracy was undermined the old-fashioned way: one absentee ballot at a time.

Cleveland County has, until recent years been totally controlled by Democrats. The term “He is a “good Democrat” meant that the person was also a member in good standing of the Ku Klux Klan. There are plenty of other cliché’s about Democrats coming up from their graves to help win close election. “Vote Early and Vote Often!” is another one. Even Obama in the 2008 Presidential Election had a group called ACORN register this one person to vote 71 times.

Anybody that believes there is very little to no election fraud in the USA is a fool. If you study Presidential elections all the way back to George Washington, you will find that in just about every election there was substantial voter fraud. I can still personally remember the 1960 elections when the Chicago Mob and multi-millionaire Joe Kennedy’s money “fixed” the election for Democrat John Fitzgerald Kennedy over Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon. I can personally remember vote gatherers rounding up black people from the fields, give them a drink of liquor and take them to vote for the candidates they told him to vote for.

I can still vividly remember my very first voting experience in 1968, when I turned 21 and was able to vote. The person in front of me in the line to vote was a young black man that I knew. He and I both were products of segregated schools. I went to the white schools and he went to the black schools. When he reached the point where he was given his ballot, he asked the head poll worker there at the Fallston Precinct for help with his ballot. The young black man could not read and I was a Junior at NC State studying Nuclear Engineering. The Head precinct worker, a head shorter that the young black man pointed at the ballot and said, “Right here is where YOU mark Straight Democrat.” The young black man stammered something about who were the candidates and the shorter and much older white man, threw back his head far enough to look down his nose at the “uppity” young black man, raised his voice and said RIGHT HERE IS WHERE YOU VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT!!! The young black man sulked away with his ballot and I don’t have a clue whether or not he marked the ballot Straight Democrat. When I received my ballot, I did NOT vote for a single Democrat (in those days most of the offices only had Democrat candidates). For that reason, however, it took me many more years to finally switch to the Republican Party. And I have occasionally voted for Democrat candidates when they were the best qualified candidates-in my humble opinion.

NOW, are YOU ready to hear about the latest political shenanigan in Cleveland County, NC??? In the 2022 School Board Elections!!! If so, read on!!

Folks, Remember the articles I have written recently about the Trump hating Rogue Republicans who want Danny Blanton OFF the Cleveland County School Board? The ones who are trying to recruit “their” Republican candidates to run against Danny and the three Democrats who are up for reelection in the 2022 Elections. The ones who have “cooked up” a scheme to tell Danny Blanton that one of them will nominate Danny Blanton for the Chairman of the School Board at the December 13, 2021 school board meeting and then tell Blanton shortly before the meeting that they have changed their mind and then one of them will nominate Robert “Luke” Queen for Chairman and then another one would very quickly move that the nominations come to a close. An old parliamentary trick. Of course, Democrat Phillip Glover has been politicking around looking for support for himself for Chairman. There is no telling what’s come of that. So, show-up at the school board meeting this coming Monday at 5: PM to see the show. Remember, Monday, December 13, 2021 at 5 PM. This is one hour earlier that all the other school board meetings.

However, there are even more Dirty Tricks coming down from the Rogue Republicans. Let me name a few. Wes Westmoreland, Dennis Bailey, Robert “Luke” Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Kevin Whisnant, David Allen, Ted Alexander and, I am told, Aaron Bridges. And just a few others who are still hiding in the shadows.

The Latest Dirty Trick by the Rogue Republicans is the main reason for all the introduction material in this article.

Ronnie Grigg is a lifelong Republican who was one of the first ones approached by the Rogue Republicans to run for the school board as a part of the Rogue Republicans “tag-team” of candidates to run in the Republican Primary to beat out Danny Blanton from the school board.

But Ronnie Grigg would have no part in such a sleazy and underhanded scheme and said so. Loud and clear!! Ronnie Grigg told the Rogue Republicans that he would run for the school board, but on Danny Blanton’s side.

A short time later, Ronnie Grigg goes down to the Cleveland County Elections Office to pick up the materials he would need to fill out to run for the school board office. At the Board of Elections office, they check Ronnie Grigg’s registration and tell him that he is registered as Unaffiliated and the only way he can run for the school board at this late date is to run as a “Petition Candidate.” And, a petition candidate has to gather over 2,600 valid voter signatures to be eligible to run for the school board.

Ronnie Grigg was surprised to say the least. I have always been registered as a Republican; Ronnie Grigg tells the Elections people. But they tell Ronnie Grigg that their records show Ronnie Grigg is registered as Unaffiliated.

So, Ronnie Grigg takes all the Unaffiliated Candidate petition paperwork and begins collecting signatures. I was one of the many who first signed Ronnie Grigg’s petition.

But, Ronnie Grigg, to use my expression, “Smelled a Rat” and began checking the North Carolina State Board of Elections records in Raleigh. Ronnie Grigg examined the State’s records and found his application to register as an unaffiliated. It was totally typed out except for the required signature. A strange signature that bore NO resemblance to his own signature.

Ronnie Grigg showed his picture ID and convinced the State Board of Elections that he was who he said he was and that the signature was FALSE.

Ronnie Grigg reapplied for a Republican registration and it was granted December 8, 2021. This past Wednesday.

Also, during all of the Rogue Republican scheming the North Carolina State Supreme Court had been looking over the 2022 elections time line and ORDERED the State of North Carolina to reschedule the 2022 Primary Elections and candidate filing for office dates. Keeping those that have already filed as is, but moving the filing period back a month or so.

With these new election process dates, all of a sudden, and including Ronnie Grigg’s new registration, Ronnie Grigg is indeed qualified to run as a Republican Candidate for the Cleveland County School Board.

So, all the Rogue Republican scheming and dirty tricks have come to naught.

But, not really to naught. Falsifying Election Registration documents is a felony crime. A Federal felony criminal act. The Rogue Republicans have committed a Federal felony crime.

This is the reason I included the information regarding the Voter Fraud, prosecution and Federal Prison time at the start of this article. As I intend to make sure the “right people” are notified that this crime has been committed and ask for an investigation and prosecution, I suggest that all those Rogue Republicans listed above, resign from the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees. The School Board and Republican Party too. Resign immediately. if not sooner. Right now, you cannot be forced to resign, but a felony Federal Crime is indeed grounds to have you legally removed from your positions of trust. But that might not matter much to YOU as you settle your affairs before you are led off in handcuffs on your way to Federal Prison in Atlanta. You too, DA Mike Miller.