PROOF Robert “Luke” Queen has CHANGED Regarding CCS!!! SOLD-OUT our Children and LIED is Better Description!!! WHO? and WHY? and for HOW MUCH? Doesn’t Matter!!! Luke Queen HAS to go!!! Facts and Assessment by Robert A. Williams

Most people that follow the shenanigans and corruption at Cleveland County Schools, including me, remember Robert Queen from 2008 on and how he worked hard to expose and correct problems at Cleveland County Schools. Robert Queen asked CCS for information under the proper laws and procedures and received bull shit from CCS. Robert Queen spoke to the School Board many times and was recorded it doing it. Private recordings made under North Carolina law. Way before CCS began to video their own School Board meetings. The link at the end of this article shows “clips” of Robert Queen in action back in the day.

This is the Robert Queen we all supported and finally got elected to the school board. Along with a clean sweep in the 2020 School Elections. WE the People, made Robert Queen the Chairman or the School Board. A position that put Robert Queen in exactly the right place to make the needed changes at CCS. Only to find that the Robert Queen that we all thought we knew was now a big traitor to us all and especially to the children of Cleveland County. And it didn’t take us long to find out. At the November 2021 School Board meeting, many speakers who were former supporters told Robert (Now “Luke” for Lucifer) Queen what they thought of him and got great applause from those present.

Many of us find ourselves questioning who? and why? and for How Much? was Robert “Luke” Queen was paid to make his sudden and abrupt change to the “Dark Side.” And that is exactly what Luke Queen has done. Turn to the Dark Side. The clip at the end of this article very clearly shows Robert Queen fighting for our schools and our children. Now the CCS School Board Meeting videos show Luke Queen trying to strip Cleveland County of the education for our children that we have paid for so dearly with our hard-earned tax dollars.

NOW, we find Luke Queen as he is. Deceitful, a liar, an ego-maniac, vain, hollow, big-headed, self-important, toxic and hopeless. WE are totally wasting our time and efforts wondering about the Who, Why and how much did it take to change the “old” Robert Queen to the new “Luke” Queen. Money is the usual “Root of all Evil!” Or sex. Or power and prestige. Whatever it was that changed Robert Queen to “Luke” Queen matters no more. Luke is Luke and Luke Queen has to go. And that is where WE need to spend all our time and efforts doing. Getting rid of Luke Queen from the Cleveland County School Board as well as from the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees. Anything to do with the education of our children needs to be rid of the Luke Queens and his Rogue Republican buddies.

So folks, come on out to the Monday, December 13, 2021 School Board meeting and watch Luke Queen and his sheep in action. Watch closely to see and identify those that support Luke Queen. At this meeting, a meeting where the upcoming year’s Chairman and Vice-Chairman are selected, watch for the show of hands that vote to keep Luke Queen as Chairman. These fools would have just identified themselves as also needing to get off the School Board. Watch to see who might nominate Danny Blanton for Chairman and then vote for Danny Blanton for Chairman. There might be some hope for them. Otherwise, they are all just Luke Queen, Second Class. Big Luke and his Little Lukes. Who all need to be gone from the school board!!! Immediately, if not sooner!!

Now, for the main event. The “Old Robert Queen in action.

Robert Queen, THAT, Robert Queen used to be an activist for the students and teachers of Cleveland County Schools…then, one day, while campaigning for a seat on the Cleveland County School Board, he campaigned against the very things that you will see in this video. Today, he sits on two boards (CCS and CCC) and is the extreme opposite of what you see here. He is now, All In, for the powers that be…the puppet masters who pull his strings. But, the puppet master is NOT who claims to be the Kingmaker!
-Hal Trammell