Another dead teenager body stacks up on the streets of Shelby!!! 16-year-old black girl shot dead in “mistaken” drive-by shooting!! City of Shelby doesn’t have a clue on what to do!!! Report and conclusions by Robert A. Williams

The Shelby Star reported a 16-year-old black girl was shot and killed in a drive-by shooting on a Shelby Street. Charlotte TV news reports gave out the girl’s name (a Shelby High School student) and said the Shelby Police Department has a person of interest, that is still on the loose. They also stated that the shooting of the girl could possibly be a mistaken identity. Maybe the identity was mistaken, but somebody was the target of the shooting. And, maybe still is.

Is this “gang-related??” Nobody knows, yet anyway. What is known is that the City of Shelby officials doesn’t have a clue on what to do on what has become a regular occurrence in the City of Shelby-teenagers injured and dying from gunshot wounds.

The City of Shelby Master Plan calls for a public-private partnership to provide a “Sports Complex.” Somewhere youngsters could go and work off steam. And learn some discipline and teamwork along the way. Mr. Willie Green came to the rescue with a proposal to do just that. So, what does the Shelby City Council and Mayor do? They reject Mr. Green’s proposals and generate tons of lawsuits in the process. And the black teens keep on killing each other continues on a very regular basis.

I blame this continuing crisis on the corruption and long-term systemic racism embedded deep in the past, present, and future history of the Shelby City Government. And the Black Community that continues turning the other cheek to Shelby’s mischief.

I am glad I do NOT live in the City of Shelby, Fallston may be small and insignificant to Shelby residents, but I can walk the streets of Fallston for exercise; daytime, night, morning, midnight, sun-up, and sun-down without fear of being shot at or mugged. Perhaps the shooters and muggers are afraid of the “hog-leg” I might be carrying. I will not say whether I do or not.

But I am not afraid, in large part because I see a Sheriff’s Deputy on patrol on a regular basis. I am NOT advising the City of Shelby what to do in this matter. I will advise Shelby officials to discontinue what they are presently doing, which is NOTHING and do SOMETHING. Something is most often better than doing nothing. And, if that something does not work, then do something else until you get it right.

However, seeing the changes made by voters in last week’s Shelby Elections, NONE, I would have to conclude that the deaths of many more black teenagers in Shelby will continue indefinitely. Again, I am glad I live in Fallston!!!