Rumor of High-Level Forced Resignation at CCS!!! To Cover-Up for very Bad Behavior??? Pass the Trash??? Nobody’s Talking!!! As Usual!! –Gossip Report by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: Most people know by now that most of Cleveland County governmental agencies practice the art of retaliation against those that reveal embarrassing information or criminal or unethical acts within the agency. Cleveland County Schools, having so many employees, administrators, staff and teachers are especially egregious with their own brand of total retaliation that is generational in scope. That is why I take extreme steps to protect the identity of my trusted sources. That is also the reason I call this a “gossip report.” Even though I believe every word in this article is 100% accurate.

I have been told by multiple trusted sources that a very high level (some sports fans would say the highest level) member of the CCS Central Offices administration has abruptly resigned from Cleveland County Schools. And, that resignation has been given the highest level of the silent treatment. Which usually indicates a cover-up of something serious.

Such abrupt resignations at mid-year are often the result of such indiscretions as listed below:
Failed the Random drug test.
Intoxicated on the job.
Theft or fraud of school property.
Sexual acts with students, perhaps resulting in pregnancy
Sexual acts with subordinate employees.
Illegal sexual acts such as rape, incest or assault.
Sexual acts with a parent to show favoritism to the child.
Provided drugs to a student for sexual favors.
Willfully provided knowingly false information to law enforcement investigators.
Lied under Oath in CCS court proceedings-lawsuits.
And, who knows what else.

This is all I can report at this point. Perhaps more information will come out at the School Board meeting this coming Monday, October 11, 2021. But, sooner or later this information will come out. It most always does. Many already know the details. I already know the name(s).

Stay tuned!!!