Un-Civil War Among Republicans, Mutiny by Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees causing Total Collapse of the Rule of Law in State and County Governmental Agencies!!! CCC BoTs Refuse to Abide by State Law and Commissioner Appointments at July 13th 2021 BoT Meeting!!! Know-Nothing Commissioners Surrender in First Skirmish??? Lies and crooked acts from All quarters!!!! Report, facts gossip, rhetorical hyperbole and conclusions by Robert A. Williams

Folks, I told YOU so!!! The “Un-Civil War” in the Cleveland County Republican Party and the “Mutiny” by the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees has joined together to cause the beginning of a total “collapse” of the “Rule of Law,” such as it was, in the State and Cleveland County Government and its agencies. The Education of our children are the first casualties in these well-known “secret” battles that have already begun. The know-nothing Commissioners appear to have “surrendered” in the first “skirmish.”

This article is a report on what happened at the July 13, 2021 Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees Meeting, But first, let’s deal with the lies and identify the liars that are involved. Everybody will say that I am the liar, so let’s start with me.

I have often, including this series of articles, told everybody “Don’t believe a word I say, read the documents for yourself.” One of the very first things I did, in regard to the rumor that Senator Ted Alexander had went against the Cleveland County Commissioners decision to “boot” Robert “Luke” Queen off the CCC Board of Trustees and Reappointed Luke Queen as an appointment of the NC General Assembly was to send a Freedom of Information Act request and a public records request under the Public Records Laws of North Carolina to all concerned. I did this by email to Senator Ted Alexander, Speaker of the House Tim Moore, Representative Kelly Hastings, All CCC BoTs, All School Board Members and All County Commissioners, County Manager Brian Epley and others requesting the opportunity to inspect any and all public records involving recent appointments by the North Carolina General Assembly to the CCC Board of Trustees. In other documents that I also sent to ALL those mentioned above, I attached a copy of the signed letter that Robert “Luke” Queen backdated and sent to the Cleveland County Commissioners prior to their June 15, 2021 Commissioner’s Meeting where Luke had requested the commissioners NOT to reappoint him to the CCC Board of Trustees because he was too overwhelmed with work as the Chairman of the School Board. All these emails as well as Luke’s letter are public records and according to North Carolina laws are to be preserved and available to ANY member of the public that asks to examine those records.

So far only one entity, the CCC Board of Trustees, has responded to that public records request at 9:00 AM. July 13, 2021. And this is what that email message to me said:

Good morning,

As of the date of this request, no documents or records have been received regarding the General Assembly appointment for Cleveland Community College that would indicate the identity of the individual who will be appointed/reappointed; no documents, records or email correspondences have been exchanged; nor has a press release been written.


Public Information and Marketing Coordinator
Cleveland Community College

(Editor’s Note: My reply to CCC, also a public record, about this public records request response sent after the meeting was: “Then why was Robert Queen sitting in and voting at today’s CCC BoT meeting after his term expired on June 30, 2021??? Why was Jimmy Hensley not sworn in today???“ CCC has refused to reply!!!)

Since it is obvious that MY very own emails to the CCC Board of Trustees and CCC President Jason Hurst and Luke’s Letter that was attached to a number of those emails that are all public records in accordance with North Carolina laws, the response to me by CCC to my Public Records Request was a blatant lie as well as an admission to a violation of North Carolina Public Records Laws. Making all 12 CCC Board of Trustees members and the Secretary of the BoTs not only liars, but crooks as well. This is not just an accusation; it is proof positive that Cleveland Community College leadership are liars and crooks. Also, since none of the others, Commissioners, School Board members, Senator Ted alexander, Tim Moore, Kelly Hastings haven’t even bothered to reply to my Public Records Requests that was legally made and a reply was legally required, I have to consider each and every one of them crooks and liars too. YOU folks can decide for yourself about that.

Now, some other facts that are public records.

The Cleveland County Commissioners at their June 15, 2021 Commissioner’s Meeting booted Robert “Luke” Queen off the CCC Board of Trustees by NOT reappointing Luke when Luke’s term expired June 30, 2021. Instead the Commissioners reappointed Alan Langley and appointed Jimmy Hensley by a unanimous (5-0) vote to the CCC BoT for four-year terms beginning July 1, 2021.

The only other CCC BoT member (besides Luke and Alan Langley) that expired June 30, 2021 was philanthropist Betty Carrigan. That appointment for Carrigan’s position on the BoTs, by law, was to be made by the North Carolina General Assembly. Senator Ted Alexander, Speaker of the House Tim More and Representative Kelly Hastings are the only members of the NC General Assembly that represent Cleveland County, in whole or part. They would be the ones to lead the General Assembly on the Cleveland Community College BoT appointments. Since I sent each of these General Assembly members advanced copies of ALL my articles related Robert “Luke” Queen being “booted off” the BoTs by the Commissioners, they cannot truthfully say that they did not know what the Commissioners had done in this matter. I hold Alexander, Moore and Hastings equally responsible for any re-appointment of Luke Queen back onto the CCC BoTs through a General Assembly appointment. Tim Moore is also the Cleveland County Attorney and was most likely consulted beforehand about Luke’s misbehavior that caused the commissioners to give Luke the boot to start with.

(Folks, if you are not mad about this situation-this Robert “Luke” Queen multifaceted situation-by now, read on. You ain’t heard nothing yet.)

Now, let’s get to the July 13, 2021 CCC Board of Trustee Meeting.

For the past five years or so, I have attended almost all of the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustee meetings and wrote many articles about them. My attention was first drawn to CCC due to reports from Raleigh about CCC collusion with Cleveland County Schools to increase CCS student participation in “Dual Enrollment” college credit classes by “dumbing down” the supposedly college level classes. Then it was discovered that the College President had set the password “fuckshannon69” into his college “work” computer. Shannon being the first name of his second in command. An attractive woman whose career was accelerated to that point apparently because of her ”favorable” relationship with the President. Whatever that “relationship” actually was has been hidden by the CCC Board of Trustees by deeming the investigative report “Confidential.” Most of the CCC Board of Trustee members then are still there and still covering up. Now, after the previous CCC President and his second in command are both gone, I have heard “gossip” that the former CCC President was also a gambling addict. And, all of Cleveland County so-called leadership have drawn an Indian Casino into our midst. Go figure!!

Also, about that time, the CCC Board of Trustees chairman was accused by the Mayor of Shelby (Stan Anthony) of a conflict of interest regarding a multi-million-dollar CCC construction project-the CCC “Advanced Technology Center” (then called the “Advanced Manufacturing Center”) that has just recently broken ground. And there were lawsuits filed against CCC that CCC lawyers got them off and some that they had to pay off. Never admitting to doing anything wrong.

I say all this to say this: I always look closely at everything the CCC BoTs do and also what they don’t do to correct the many problems that they have. This Robert “Luke” Queen CCC BoT Board Appointment fiasco is no different. Plus, all the other concerns that came to mind during this July 13, 2021 CCC BoT Meeting. (And, don’t forget that I have already caught CCC in the lies about maintaining and allowing access to public records as previously noted.)

The Optics at the beginning of the meeting were this:
Robert “Luke” Queen was sitting at the Board’s table as if he owned the place.
Alan Langley was there. Jimmy Hensley was absent as was Commissioner Johnny Hutchins who is also a CCC BoT member.
Philanthropist Betty Carrigan was also absent at the start of the meeting. Craig Debrew was also absent.
Chairman Rev. Dr. Lamont Littlejohn stated that the missing BoT members had gone to the “Beach.” Which was a lie as Mrs. Carrigan came in a few minutes after the meeting started. Right after the agenda was approved by all the BoT members that were present.

When Mrs. Carrigan arrived and took her seat, the Board Meeting was obviously being conducted in some sort of illegal manner. Langley had been properly re-appointed by the Commissioners but Robert “Luke” Queen was booted off the BoTs by the Commissioners, at Luke’s own backdated request and replaced by Jimmy Hensley at the June 15, 2021 Commissioner’s meeting. So, Luke Queen would have had to be appointed by the General Assembly-allegedly by Senator Ted Alexander-although such an appointment would have booted Mrs. Carrigan. Since the CCC BoT Meetings are only held every other month, the “optics” regarding Commissioner Johnny Hutchins absence, coupled with NO Commissioners being present and Jimmy Hensley being absent, seemed to indicate that the Commissioners had surrendered to the Mutiny by the BoTs without one word of protest. Making the Commissioners appear to be incompetent and know-nothing fools.

As for the Board of Trustees, they were acting like they were the kings of the world. Doing what they wanted and having plenty of money to spend. We will talk about the money a bit later. Now would be a good time for you taxpayer folks to take your blood pressure pills.

All CCC BoT Members present at the time voted unanimously to accept the agenda (without swearing in newly appointed Board members) without a question, discussion or comment. I wrote in my notes, “What a joke!” My thought when Mrs. Carrigan came in just seconds after the phony agenda was approved was that her timing was planned to avoid that phony vote. A smart move in my opinion. My recommendation to the Commissioners, if they ever wake up and smell the roses (or the excrement) is to “fire” every BoT member who voted for that phony agenda.

I will note at this time that myself and Rev. Billy Houze, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lawndale, were the only “civilian” members of the public that were in attendance.

Nowhere in this CCC BoT meeting did Chairman Rev. Dr. Lamont Littlejohn ever mention the appointment or reappointment of Board members whose terms had just expired or any newly appointed Board members or when they would be sworn in. I would note at this point that newly appointed Board members are usually sworn in at the first BoT meeting after their terms start, July 1, 2021 by the Clerk of Superior Court. However, there are no legal restraints from the new Board members being sworn in by the Clerk of Court at any time and at any place. If the Commissioners would wise up, they would arrange for Jimmy Hensley to show up at the Courthouse at the earliest possible moment and be sworn in the Clerk of Superior Court’s Office. Putting a stop to this charade by the mutinous CCC Board of Trustees members.

CCC President Dr. Jason Hurst stated that a new Vice President’s position would be filled soon. Hopefully not an attractive female who trades in on her sex appeal for favorable treatment, Raises and such. Something the former CCC President had problems with. As well as BoT member Wes “Taliban Dan” Westmoreland-according to gossip and rumors.

Also, President Hurst also recognized and thanked SENATOR Westmoreland for his role in “obtaining” the old Shelby Prison Camp for CCC for the hefty sum of $1. All the while the Commissioners in their new budget are planning to spend $90 Million to build a new Law Enforcement Campus, which includes a new $20 Million jail. My thoughts were many dimensional. First SENATOR Wes Westmoreland never won any election for NC Senator or and other elected office that I know of. Taliban Dan was appointed Senator by the Republican Party to fill a vacancy and only then conditionally if he would promise NOT to run for the office at the next election. What a loser. And NO credit was given to Speaker of the House Tim Moore who would have had a major hand in approving such a purchase of the old Prison property for a dollar. Second, where were the Commissioners when they missed saving taxpayers Million$ on what could have been a new jail with much more capacity. When the Commissioner’s new tax bills come out in the next two weeks, outraged taxpayers will surely be calling for a new batch of Commissioners. This is probably what the CCC Board of Trustees were thinking about as gossip and rumors say they are trying to recruit Millie Keeter Holbrook (Eddie Holbrook’s wife) to run for Commissioner in the 2022 Elections. I checked the State Board of Elections database and Millie Keeter Holbrook and Edwin Charles Holbrook as well have switched party affiliation from life-long Democrats to Republican. Further fueling the UN-Civil War between factions of the Cleveland County Republican Party. Especially if Eddie and Millie both run for County Commissioner in the 2022 Elections.

Folks, this meeting gets “better” (or worse if you are a taxpayer) as the meeting goes on.

Illegitimate Board Member Luke Queen gives two Committee Reports. First from the Grounds Committee who is responsible for tens of million$ in new Construction projects thanks to grant funding from the State arranged by Speaker of the House Tim Moore. Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony’s architect firm has been approved for use by CCC. The architect firm Mayor Anthony complained about previously has a guaranteed Million dollar plus contract with CCC on the new Advanced Technology Center which basically consists of more classrooms that will be added to the already glut of unused classrooms at CCC. A glut of classroom even before the COVID pandemic drastically reduced attendance at CCC.

Luke Queen also gave the report for the Curricula Committee. Something Luke has no known training and experience in. Apparently, the BoT Mutineers are blowing “hot air” toward Luke to justify their mutiny.

BoT Member Larry Hamrick gave the Financial Committee Report. CCC is swelled with ready cash. Obviously thanks to Speaker of the House Tim Moore’s assistance in getting State Grant approval. Unfortunately, without CCC having well planned use for the money received. A pre-curser to massive wasted and untargeted spending. More on that later.

BoT Member Dennis “Beetle” Bailey (along with Taliban Dan Westmoreland as part of the Mutiny scheme leadership) gave a lackluster Workforce Development report. Prison programs are cut off because of COVID. They did a Job Fair for Greenheck, the new Catawba Casino and worked on Truck Driving training. Since Cleveland Community College’s sole purpose for existence was and in large part still is training students with job skills, this report was telling in the real progress CCC has made since the high-level sex, staffing and student dumbing down scandals that most recently plagued CCC. Scandals that CCC paid off on a lawsuit and that still exist at CCC due to the Board of Trustees cover-up.

There was also a Staff Report on student recruitment studies and efforts. CCC is targeting a recruitment effort for 1,704 additional students. I could not decipher whether those additional students were in addition to the present decreased level of students or the pre-COVID attendance. Since almost every report at this meeting was obviously slanted to hide deficiencies of one sort or another, I have to assume those 1,704 additional students are based on the pre-COVID student attendance levels. Otherwise the report would have been more specific on that point.

Another Staff Report on recruitment of students for on-line courses also indicated to me that Cleveland Community College may be flush with cash right now, but there are financial problems projected to be coming soon.

The President’s Report provided by Dr. Jason Hurst was probably the most distressing. Hurst apparently doesn’t quite get the message that CCC has to be fiscally responsible.

For instance, Hurst bragged about the new CCC Truckdriver training program now owning four semi-trucks and that these trucks will soon be fitted with large “banners” and new CCC “Logos” advertising Cleveland Community College. That is on top of all their billboard I suppose. Another indication that CCC is desperately searching for students. Despite the fact that road training has to be done one student at a time and CCC would be competing with a large number of commercial Truck Driving Schools. This new endeavor for CCC is questionable and no BoT member asked any hard questions.

Another thing Hurst bragged about was the new heavy equipment operator training. Hurst even showed pictures of the large number of expensive heavy earthmoving equipment that CCC now owns. The only thing is there are various manufacturers for each type of heavy equipment and the training given on CCC equipment might not be worth a hill of beans if the Construction Company happens to be looking for employees trained on his brand of Heavy Equipment that is different from what CCC has bought. Apparently neither Hurst nor the BoTs members had thought about that. Or, if they had, they didn’t mention it. Which was strange as all this talk seemed to be new to the BoT members. My take was this was a “show and tell” meant to impress any members of the public that might have shown up for the meeting. Or for a favorable Press Release to the Shelby Star. Which is the usual trick.

Dr. Hurst also showed pictures of the new athletic training rooms that CCC has built. Hurst bragged that this equipment in the workout rooms and private gym was necessary for athletic training and could also be open to all the other CCC Students and staff as well. I am sure the local YMCAs and the many other “weight rooms” and gyms around Cleveland County when they learn they have new competition paid for my taxpayer dollars.

Another of Dr. Hurst’s statements, perhaps the most telling, was his comments related to the sale of college surplus equipment. Hurst was passionate about the fact that CCC had given away useable and expensive to replace classroom equipment to other community colleges. His words were along these lines. “I am glad that Cleveland Community College has the resources to purchase new equipment instead of having to do with old equipment that might not be the latest model. I am glad that CCC can provide our older but serviceable equipment to help other community colleges that might not have the resources (cash) that we do.” Of course, North Carolina law requires that surplus equipment from governmental agencies has to be sold on Gov.Deals to the highest bidder with the proceeds coming back to CCC. A little thought about this means that CCC is purchasing NEW equipment while the old equipment is still serviceable. Not a fiscally responsible act. And an illegal act in the process. I am sure the tax payers in Cleveland County will be just as proud as CCC President Jason Hurst when they hear about this big-time waste of tax dollars by Cleveland Community College.

Another thing that got my attention was the lack of discussion by anybody about the College’s “Campus 10 Year Master Plan.” I had noticed this Master Plan on the Agenda and went to the College’s website and pulled it up on my computer.

The Master Plan was 49 pages long and I did a pretty good scan of the document as this indicates what the College says it wants to do and the costs are usually in the tens of Millions of dollars.

Since the purpose of Cleveland Community College is, in a very large part, training skilled workers for our local industries. I expected to see large bits of information and research dealing with our local industries. Who they are? What services they provide? How many employees they have on the payroll? And what are the projections for growth over the next 10 years and beyond.

What I found on page 3 of the documents was this:

The new Campus Master Plan Study for Cleveland Community College (CCC) studies the existing campus and explores various growth strategies for the College. The Master Plan provides a guide for the development of the CCC campus. The strength of the Master Plan will be dependent upon:

1. A collaborative design process that is responsive to the vision of the College.
2. Establishing a clearly defined strategy for short-term growth that also remains flexible for long-term growth possibilities.
3. An effective existing building and site study that helps to prioritize a maintenance plan for the College.
4. Implementing design strategies that improve the overall campus identity.

All this barely touching on what I expected

What the CCC Campus 10 Year Master Plan actually contained after page 3 was many referrals to the Community College’s VISION. Which was never ever explained.

What was described in detail were descriptions, pictures and conceptual drawings that showed a new Student Affairs Center. A new Pedestrian Promenade. New signs and entrances to CCC. New athletic facilities including a fancy new Baseball Field and a newly constructed softball fields alongside with parking, Facilities to support the athletic field. Moving the College’s Maintenance building. Renovations to the college library. A campus “Quad.” And always new classrooms, beyond the new “Advanced Technology Center” that already provides new classrooms when there are plenty of existing unused classrooms. The new Advanced Technology Center is already under construction across the road from the Fair’s Racetrack and next to property owned by others. Which the new Campus 10 Year Plan says CCC will eventually purchase.

When the meeting was adjourned at noon sharp and the BoT members headed to their “Other Room” for a catered lunch, I decided take a self-guided tour of the new Advanced Technology Center (AMC) and the ball field construction while everybody was out to lunch. It was relatively warm but not too hot. It was a perfect opportunity. Since I have been around lots of major construction in my time, I saw nothing that I have not seen before. The AMC foundation and support columns appear to be poured and mostly complete, Overall, I would estimate close to 10% of the overall AMC Construction work has been done. Experience tells me that foundations and structural work goes fast and the finish work, inside and outside goes exceedingly slow to casual observers. The Ball fields work is in progress.

Nowhere in the Campus 10 Year Master Plan could I find any credible evidence that the effective training of the students to match the needs of local industries was ever determined or considered in anything in the Campus 10 Year Master Plan, The value I place on this document is based on the scrap value of the paper it night be printed on. Which is pretty close to nothing.

Stay tuned folks! It appears that Robert “Luke” Queen has set off even another set of enemies in his settlement of the sale of the Old North Shelby School to his cohort Rev. Dr. M. Lamont Littlejohn and the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church. Luke seems to have a King Midas Touch-IN REVERSE. Instead of turning what he touches to gold, the things that Luke Queen touches seem to be turning into uhhh!!! “Sewage” might be the politically correct word here.

Also, please excuse the length of this article and any misspellings. I tried to make this as short as possible and still adequately describe the important things that are going on.

More later.