Preliminary Notice of Intent to File a Lawsuit against Mt. Calvary Baptist Church for $523,5000 for money allegedly owed in the Sale of the “Old” North Shelby School!!! Report and Preliminary Notice provided by Robert A. Williams

One of the worst kept secrets in Cleveland County is the mystery surrounding the “old” Cleveland County School Board “selling” the “Old” North Shelby School to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church for $550,000 and never collecting the remaining $523,5000 after a deposit of $27,500 was made in January of 2020. Many, including myself, believe that the sale of that CCS “Surplus Property” may have been a political payoff to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church’s Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. M. Lamont Littlejohn to persuade black voters to vote to re-elect Democrat Candidates Richard Hooker, Shearra Miller and Roger Harris in the 2020 School Board Elections.

But Hooker, Miller and Harris lost their reelection bid and the remaining $523,500 owed for the sale of the “Old” North Shelby School to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church was never paid to CCS. Newly elected School Board Chairman Robert “Luke” Queen, who is also on the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees with Rev. Littlejohn has also never mentioned a word about collecting that remaining $523,500 for the sale of that CCS property, although Littlejohn actively worked to defeat the Republicans, including Luke, in the 2020 School Board elections.

Also, School Board Chairman Luke Queen has noted that there are more needs for school facility maintenance than there were funds to pay for them. This means that taxpayers will eventually be taxed for those needed school maintenance items. And that is the “rub” here. Taxpayers will have to make up for that $523,500 owed by Mt. Calvary Baptist Church to CCS. And some say that it would be political suicide for a governmental elected official like Luke Queen to file a lawsuit against a “black” Church.

So, What’s to be done about this???

Cleveland County resident (and yours truly) Robert A. Williams, et, al, (and others) have sent an emailed letter dated April 21, 2021, on behalf of Cleveland County taxpayers, to Rev. Lamont Littlejohn and Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Executive Leadership reminding them of the money they owe to Cleveland County Schools and have requested Mt. Calvary Baptist Church to pay up. Otherwise face a legal action (lawsuit) against them. That letter is attached below for your convenience. Note that the letter states that if the money owed is paid in full, there will be no lawsuit. It is believed that Mt. Calvary Baptist Church has adequate resources readily available to pay the amount owed to CCS and take full ownership of the “Old” North Shelby School. And, in the meantime, pay taxes like everybody else. Hopefully that is what Mt. Calvary Baptist Church will do. Be responsible and pay up. Political graft and corruption is no longer an acceptable option!!!

Stay tuned folks. You will be advised as to further news as it happens regarding this issue.

Preliminary Notice of intent to file a lawsuit against Mt Calvary Baptist Church-f