Part III Broke School Board Wants to RAISE Taxes!!! More Shenanigans by NEW School Board Majority!! More NO Transparency and NOW Falsified Documents!! Next Meeting likely to surpass the public fiasco that the last meeting was!!! $100 Reward Offered!!! Proof, Eyewitness Reports, waste reports and arguendo by Robert A. Williams

The NEW School Board Majority, led by Chairman Robert Queen, is showing that they are just as sneaky, arrogant, crooked, tell lies and waste tax dollars just as bad as those that they replaced by the 2020 School Board Elections. With a low-down trajectory to surpass them very quickly. And all unnecessary. They had the mandate to make positive changes immediately, yet they chose to take the dark side. (Maybe the “green side” when the truth finally comes out.) When they all could be hero’s, they all soon may go down as fools amongst fools!!

First, let’s start with the schedule for School Board Committee Meetings. Meetings that Chairman Robert “god” Queen says will soon replace actual School Board Meeting’s. Note that “god” is spelled with a small “g” and is bestowed on Mr. Queen for his delusions of grandeur in his deluded thinking that he can live forever, always as a “god” like school board chairman. Not bound by North Carolina law, ethics or just plain common sense. And never in the best interest of the children or the taxpayer.

When you go to the Cleveland County Schools website and search the Board Committee link, all you will find the schedules stop at Friday, January 22, 2021. The day I attended the Finance/Personnel meeting. I was the only “civilian” member of the public in attendance. A fact that apparently galled “god” Queen to no end. (I have even been told that “god” was overheard saying that “they” had to figure a way to “keep Williams out of our committee meetings.” Now, and likely with the new attorney’s advice, “god” has ordained that access to the future schedules can only be had by downloading mysterious “apps” that require you to give permission to allow unknown entities to take total control of your computer. Something my computer’s security systems advised me NOT to do. Good try “god,” but no cigar. I will request these schedules under North Carolina Public Records laws and then send your secret schedule to the public as well as Poodle Glover, Coleman Hunt, the Shelby Star, Dena Green and Greg Taylor. Maybe I will take your “god”-less ass on down to the Courthouse too.

Now, the phony School Board Committee Reports (only available well after the Regular School Board meetings are held and the unpublicized reports are approved without any “mechanism of public input” by a 5-4 vote) have finally been sneaked into the School Board records-Meeting Agenda-of all places. Well past time for public scrutiny and comment. A Committee Report document that is NOW falsified and different from what actually transpired in the meeting. And there is much more.

We will start with the Finance/Personnel Committee Meeting that I actually attended on Friday, January 22nd. I took three pages of notes and marked up a copy of the fictitious 2020-2021 Budget Resolution. I was there, took notes and paid attention. I am an eye witness to what transpired in that Committee Meeting. Much of which I reported in my Part I article that already has been published. NOW, I will report the stark differences in what transpired in the meeting and what WAS LEFT OUT in the Committee Report that I dug out of it’s hiding place on the CCS website. And that I am publishing below as proof. To make things simple,

I will identify one false entry from that Finance/Personnel Committee Report. An entry that is false because it was not included at all in the final and approved Finance/Personnel Committee Report, the entry that is left out was when the Committee Chairman, Joel Shores, basically ordered Superintendent Stephen Fisher to produce a full CCS Organization Chart, names and all. Something that will clearly show a top-heavy CCS administration that sucks tons of money OUT of the Classroom. Another point with the organization chart is that I had previously requested just such a thing about a month before, along with actual pay as a Public Record Request. A public record request that Supt. Fisher responded to with 100 pages of “stuff” that was entirely different from what I asked for. And what I asked for was never provided.

This, Joel Shores request, along with other things was reported in my Part I of this series article, so it is impossible that I made up this tail of the missing information on the Committee Report. I can only conclude that “god” is responsible for leaving that information out of the final and approved, yet falsified, report.

And, almost last but not least, BREAKING NEWS!!! CCS is broke and the NEW School Board Republican Majority wants to raise your taxes. It’s in the attached Finance/Personnel Board Committee report for their January 22, 2021 Board Committee Meeting Report that the full school board approved unanimously at their January 25th 2021 School Board meeting. The Democrats and RINO on the School Board did NOT ask a question about this. They questioned about almost everything else. Let’s ask them why at the February 8th School Board Meeting.

Now, for you brave of heart. I am offering a crisp new $100 bill to the first person who can go through the attached report and show me one word that tells exactly the details of what was discussed and the questions that were asked and the exact answers given. Or one word on the $522,500 owed on the sale of the old North Shelby School that “god” has decided all by himself to forget about. Hey, I don’t expect to pay out that $100 on this or any of the other reports that I have seen. But, in my humble opinion, this is a Hell of a way to do business. Besides being illegal. Although DA Mike Miller will never prosecute.

And folks, you ain’t heard nothing yet!!! Wait until you hear about the $28 Million worth of Auditoriums that can NOT be used because of COVID social distancing.

Personnel and Finance Committee - Jan 22, 2021