Freedom From Religion-Devil Worshippers Support Biden!!!?? No Threats of Lawsuits or Protest against Biden for Inserting Religion at Inauguration!!! Report, comparisons, conclusions and opinion by Robert A. Williams

By now everybody that reads or watches the news media is aware of the Devil Worshippers at the Freedom From Religion Foundation (RFFRF) for:
1. Threatening Cleveland County Schools for “thinking” about putting up the Ten Commandments at Cleveland County Schools and
2. Also threatening many school systems across the country for supporting Rev. Franklin Graham for giving needy children Christmas presents.

Everybody that watched and heard the Biden/Harris Inauguration today saw and heard all the prayers, songs and symbols that the FFRF say shows an indication of “State” sponsorship of religion, and that this is unconstitutional. Especially since Biden says he is President of ALL PEOPLE and FFRP people say they are offended and legally damaged by such as happened at Biden’s Inauguration.

So, WHY does the FFRF fight and threatened real Christians, and especially the REAL Christian Founding Fathers that wrote the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, at every turn and then give Joe Biden a free pass???

Of course, the answer is clear. Joe Biden is one of THEM!!! Jo Biden, in all his years in the US Senate has voted to confirm every liberal Federal and Supreme Court Judge that rules in their favor. Joe Biden has voted for every law or attempted to pass laws that support killing babies, taking away our guns and forcing liberal teachings in our schools. And our right to free speech. And more!!!

All we can do with the Ten Commandments in our CCS schools is put them up anyway. And when the FFRF sues us, run it up to the Supreme Court and Pray that the THREE Supreme Court Justices appointed by President Donald Trump and at lease two more will rule our way. It is a fight worth fighting!!!