Samantha Davis Fighting for children-AGAINST ALL ODDS!! CLEVELAND COUNTY VOTERS, IF YOU TRULY CARE ABOUT OUR CHILDREN YOU WILL READ THIS!! David Poston Comments provided by Robert A. Williams

SAMANTHA DAVIS, the mother of bi-racial children and one special needs child, whose children were both bullied and assaulted ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS on school grounds is FIGHTING AGAINST ALL ODDS to become a Cleveland County School Board member. She is fighting for her children still left in school and for every other Cleveland County child. When Samantha complained to the school staff, both teachers and principals, THEY DID NOTHING. Oh, I apologize, they did do something on one occasion, they removed her son from the class and left the bully there. When Samantha realized the school was not going to protect her children, she approached the school board, ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. With the exception of a couple current members that were not on the board at the time, the school board members were made fully aware of each and every incident and THEY DID NOTHING. To be clear, the board members that DID NOTHING were current board chair Shearra Miller, current Vice Chair Richard Hooker, Roger Harris, Phillip Glover and Dr. Jack Hamrick. Miller, Hooker and Harris are up for re-election.

VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

If the other do nothings continue their wayward path, we will vote them out at the next election.

PLEASE, voters of Cleveland County, if you have any concern whatsoever about the education and safety of Cleveland County’s children, DO NOT allow these do nothing, we’ll turn our backs on your bullied children and pretend nothing happened, board members to remain.


These are just some of the instances of bullying and assaults that the teachers, principals, and the aforementioned board members DID NOTHING ABOUT.

Samantha’s special needs son was taken into a bathroom, his jacket was pulled over his head and he was beaten up. NOTHING WAS DONE

Her special needs son was knocked down by TWO BASKETBALL PLAYERS who tried to take his Jordan shoes off of him. NOTHING WAS DONE

Another student approached this special needs child and wanted to fist bump him. That student had a needle in between his fingers. When they bumped fists, the needle punctured her son’s finger. NOTHING WAS DONE

Two students zip tied this special needs child’s hands behind his back and left him. Rather than cut them off with scissors, the moron principal waited until a maintenance person came to cut them off. The marks were still on her son’s wrists the next day. To add insult to injury (and assault) when Samantha reported this to LAW ENFORCEMENT, an officer told her there was nothing that could be done BECAUSE HE ALLOWED THE BOYS TO ZIP TIE HIS HANDS. This child is autistic, this child believes everyone is his friend and would not harm him, THIS CHILD DID NOT KNOW TO SAY NO. I’m sorry officer who ever you are (CCS Wheel Jennifer Wampler’s Husband), THAT DOG DON’T HUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you that lazy or that inept, or were you told say that by one of your superiors? Imagine YOUR autistic child having his or her hands zip tied behind their backs because they didn’t know better and you being told nothing could be done because your child allowed it to happen. Well, if you have an autistic child, or a child with some diminished mental capacity, that could very well happen. YOUR CHILD COULD BE NEXT!

I wonder, was this just a lazy, inept law enforcement officer or could it be something else?

On another occasion Samantha arrived to pick her special needs son up and a girl had him in a headlock JUST BECAUSE SHE DID LIKE WHERE HE WAS STANDING. NOTHING WAS DONE

Those are only a very, very few instances of the bullying and physical assaults that the teachers, the principal, and THE AFOREMENTIONED CURRENT SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS DID NOTHING ABOUT. Oh, let us not forget the law enforcement agency that told her nothing could be done because her special needs soon who believes everybody is his friend and did not know to say no let those boys zip tie his hands behind his back.

Not to insult anyone’s intelligence but in case you don’t know, the above instances were all CRIMES that the teachers, the principals, this school board, and apparently someone in law enforcement, DID NOTHING ABOUT.

Samantha Davis’s teenage daughter was called the N WORD twice and assaulted by the same student that called her the N WORD. There were no cameras nor witnesses but based on the word of the assaultive bully who claimed he doesn’t hit girls; Samantha’s child was charged. At first, Samantha was told her daughter would get three days suspension. Then an hour later, she was told her daughter was being charged with assault. HOLD ON THERE YOU SAY. WHAT THE HECK YOU SAY?

YES, I am saying that based on this WHITE BOY’s word and nothing but this WHITE BOY’s word, Samantha Davis’s bi-racial daughter was charged with assault.

Now let that sink in citizens and voters – no witnesses, no cameras, on nothing but the word of this WHITE BOY Samantha Davis’ bi-racial child was charged with assault.

Did this have racial overtones? Maybe, maybe not. I’m just laying out the facts.

Regardless whether this was racially motivated or not, IT WAS WRONG AND THE TEACHERS, THE PRINCIPALS INVOLVED AND THE SCHOOL BOARD and on at least one occasion, LAW ENFORCEMENT



SAMANTHA DAVIS is fighting dysfunctional, ineffective, do nothing school board incumbents; some allegedly paying a political mercenary to lie to voters about Samantha.

I have seen no rebuttal about the paid mercenary, so form your own opinion.

SAMANTHA DAVIS is fighting her own party that not only will not support her financially or otherwise, they are doing everything possible overtly and covertly to undermine her candidacy.

Stop and think about that for a moment. HER OWN PARTY IS TRYING TO UNDERMINE HER CAMPAIGN!!!!

Why would her own party try to destroy her campaign?

I can tell you why, SHE ISN’T A SHEEP. SAMANTHA DAVIS is being PUNISHED because she does not tow the party line. She has her own mind and she speaks it. APPARENTLY, PEOPLE WITH THEIR OWN MIND ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE DEMORAT PARTY. What a shame!
Well Dems with your own mind, there is plenty of room on the other side of the isle and I understand many Cleveland County Dems are now, shall I say it, REPUBLICANS.

If I have insulted any of you Dems, don’t be angry with me; look to your leadership and ask CURTIS PRESSLEY why he is allowing this to happen to someone of his own party. Ask CURTIS PRESSLEY why he is allowing a Democrat poll worker to outright lie about a Democrat candidate. Why is CURTIS PRESSLEY allowing a liar to scratch out a Democrat candidate’s name on the Democrat sample ballot? Democrat voters put your big boy or big girl pants on and PUBLICLY RENOUNCE what your party is doing to one of its own. Maybe it’s time to look for new leadership because the current leader is destroying the Cleveland County Democrat party.

Unlike the DO-NOTHING school board incumbents, SAMANTHA DAVIS will fight to ensure ALL STUDENTS are treated with dignity and that all students receive a quality education in a safe environment. Unlike the DO-NOTHING incumbents, SAMANTHA DAVIS will listen to parent’s complaints and she WILL ACT on them. Unlike the DO-NOTHING incumbents, SAMANTHA DAVIS will fight to hold those teachers and principals accountable for any wrongdoing they allow in their classrooms and school grounds.


So, VOTERS, do you want a dysfunctional, do nothing school board that turn their backs on wrongdoing, that go along just to get along and let the tail wag the dog. OR do you want a school board that has the best interest of our children in mind, a school board that will improve the quality of education and ensure our children are educated in a safe environment free of bullying and physical assault?

The choice seems a simple no brainer to me though.

If you want the children of Cleveland County to be subjected to the behaviors I outlined above and have no one held accountable, vote for the incumbents. But when YOUR child or family member is the victim, their pain, their blood, and their embarrassment will be on YOUR HANDS and you will have no one to blame but YOURSELF.

On the other hand, if you want EVERY CHILD IN CLEVELAND COUNTY to receive the best education possible, in a safe environment, free of harassment and prejudicial treatment, and anyone that harms or does not protect them to be held accountable, you will vote for SAMANTHA DAVIS!




Editor’s Note: The alleged “Paid Mercenary” Mr. Poston referred to is none other than Mary Degree. Democrat and High-Level disgrace to the NAACP. We have received information that Mary Degree has been paid by Richard Hooker and Phillip Glover to pull Dirty Tricks on Samantha Davis at the Early Voting Location at the LeGrand Center. No doubt that Shearra Miller and Roger Harris are in on the payoffs too.

Also Note that we have filed official Complaints to the Cleveland County Board of Elections as well as to Sheriff Alan Norman as wells as District Attorney Mike Miller that allege North Carolina Election law violations and felony conspiracy. That information will be provided in a follow-up article. Stay Tuned for that!!.

This is our recommendations for the School Board.

Other recommendations are provided at the end of this article.

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