“We have pedophiles in Cleveland County Schools!!!” 2020 School Board Forum Article 3-The Public Speaks!!! Public Comment forwarded by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: Cleveland County citizen and Shelby resident Bill Gray attend many to most Cleveland County School Board meetings and hears and sees what I hear and see. Bill also reads what I publish and keeps track of what is going on at CCS that the old School Board refuses to change. We welcome Bill Gray to our 2020 School Board Forum.

This brings a question to all 2020 School Board Candidates. What will you do to keep our children safe from pedophiles and other sexual perverts that prey on children? Another questions to incumbents Shearra Miller, Richard Hooker and Roger Harris. Why did you do nothing to ensure our children are protected from sexual predators?

Bill Gray writes:
Hello Neighbor,
Here is a repost from Mr. Williams blog. We had a School Board Meeting that could have brought this to the forefront. There was a Lady in attendance that said something like this, “There is no nice way to say this, so I will say it like it is, we have pedophiles in Cleveland County Schools”.
It was sickening to hear a Lady, that showed such emotions about this, it was as if she had someone who had been directly affected by this. I expected to see a mob at the next Board Meeting, but the subject just went away. Folks, if there is just one thing in all of our lives to stand against and to STOP here in Cleveland County, this is it. The link in this repost will inform you of the extent of this epidemic in N.C. Schools and in our Own Cleveland County Schools. The place to start is to seat in a new majority on our School Board in November.