School Board “Selling-off” Surplus Babies!!! Black babies and white babies!! This ain’t no JOKE!! But it is a BIG HOOT!!! !00% TRUE Report and arguendo by Robert A. Williams

Just when you thought you have seen it all from this foolish, crooked and lying Cleveland County School Board you get this message from the school board that there will be a school board meeting August 24, 2020 with an agenda attached. And on that agenda, there is an item titled ”CTE Surplus Declaration” for the school board to approve the sale of some surplus items.

CTE” is the new- fangled name for Vocational Education. Vocational Education is usually associated with carpentry, welding, bricklaying, HVAC, woodworking, etc. Skilled Craftsmen and such. CTE surplus equipment is usually associated with old and obsolete equipment and tools associated with the trades previously mentioned. I always like to see what the schools are selling off regarding these items. Curiosity I reckon. So, I clicked on the link.

What a surprise!! There was a list:

1. Older model stretcher with large wheels. Good working condition. Does not have brakes.

2. Teaching mannequin with arms and legs that move at shoulder and hip joints. Removable male anatomy. Weight around 160 pounds. Great condition.

I immediately wondered, “What the “Hades” are they teaching now at Cleveland County Schools??? A stretcher and a 160-pound male mannequin with removable male anatomy? Infant simulators?? Eighteen of them that are now surplus?? Just how many do they still have?? What kind classes are they giving and how many are enrolled? I wondered even more.

There is more. Pictures were included. For your convenience I have included the pics., You have got to see this!!!

This is the infant simulator-they call it a “Reality Baby-African American”

This is the infant simulator-they call it a “Reality Baby-Caucasian”

This is the Stretcher with the mannequin on it. Note that the male anatomy is covered up.

This is the stretcher with nothing on it.

The infant simulators appear to be nothing but multi-racial baby dolls. Expensive too, I bet-with the way CCS spends money. But the pictures look like the dolls are brand new. And, the Stretcher with no brakes. But what is so important about no brakes on a stretcher that rolls around a dummy on flat floors.

Again folks, what kinds of courses are they teaching at CCS these days and how many students are in these classes. And what can you do with baby dolls that look like this? Practice changing diapers or what?

All this kind of stuff is beyond me folks. I recommend you come out to the School Board meeting Monday night at 6:00 PM and ask the School Board what the heck is going on here”? I would remind you that School Board approval is required for all purchases over $100,000. Under that the Superintendent can sign off on. With this kind of stuff going on, if I was a school board member, I would require all expenditures over 10 cents to have board approval.

What about YOU??? Is this just one big “Hoot,” or what?

Folks, what more can I say? Except vote for the following school board candidates in the 2020 Elections in November:

Robert Queen

Ron Humphries

Joel Shores

Rodney Fitch

Samantha Davis