E. Henson Speaks Out in comment to Article “City of Shelby Piles on mpre Discrimination against Willie Green”  –This is the preface to the evaluation of Court Documents filed by Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony thru his taxpayer paid City lawyer Martha Thompson!!   Opinion and Suggestions provided by L. E. Henson-forwarded and added to by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: I have acquired well over 60 pages OF Court documents filed in the “5-Star Athletes (Willie Green’s Company) v. O. Stanhope Anthony” defamation lawsuit that was filed in the Cleveland County Courts on August 11, 2020 at around 2PM. These documents are Anthony’s ANSWER to Mr. Green’s lawsuit as well as Anthony’s RESPONSE TO GREEN’S FIRST SET OF INTEROGATORIES.


Between these two sets of documents, Stan Anthony tries to shift blame off himself to many others. Those others include Walt Shearer, Mike Philbeck, Spencer Borders, Rebecca Sitzes, City Manager Rick Howell, the entire Shelby City Council as well as his very own wife. Then he attempts to include me (Robert A. Williams) as well as Rev. Dante Murphy in his phony fault-sharing, blame-shifting “smokescreen” of a defense of his very own acts that seems typical of a rat who has gotten himself caught-up in a legal trap of his very on making.



Folks, there is way too much “stuff” in Stan Anthony’s legal filings to ever cover in one article. Therefore, I am providing the following comment that citizen L. E. (Larry) Henson provided in regard to my previous article “City of Shelby Piles on more Discrimination against Mr. Willie Green.” I believe Mr. Larry Henson has caught the essence of the problems-corruption-with the City of Shelby’s leadership and hinted at some solutions-jail time.


Stay tuned for a more detailed series of articles that explore “fine points” of the dummied-up public records and Court documents that have arisen from the corruption that has manifest itself in the City of Shelby leadership and their twists and turns, like a bucking bronco, trying to buck off the cowboys who are armed with the truth and the law. In the noble effort to bring justice, fairness equity of opportunity for all races and social standing in the community. Folks, it is a fight worth fighting, even though most are sitting on the sidelines in silence. Hoping to pick up some scraps of justice that they can claim for their own.



Larry Henson Writes:

“Willie (Green) would have NEVER has these problems if he had JUST “paid off” a Certain Corrupt “city leader’s” architectural company…. if he’d only knew whose dirty hands wanted a payday to FIX the projects… (oh, and the feds, may have already be investigated, and/or proved this). Wouldn’t it be great if Local Law Enforcement did their sworn job, First?


The City of Shelby, should change its motto to: “City of Boss Hog”. Violation of US Constitutionally Protected Rights, is NORMAL for Walt, Rick, Code Enforcement, Mayor and City Council. While the Inspector General’s officers take time, the “wheels of justice grind slow, however they do grind very fine”. CORRUPT “LEADERS” Repent, surrender your golden parachutes, make Restitution to those screwed over by your Blatant violation of Civil Rights, Continuing Course of Conduct (aka: Conspiracy. Color of Law, etc.), RICO and many State AND City Laws, like: Destruction of Private Property, Trespassing, Etc.


Chief Ledford, and Sheriff Norman are you ready to simply do your Sworn Duty? There are several (50?) Ready for charges to be brought against these Corrupt “boss hog” City “leaders”?


We say, “well said Mr. Larry! Hopefully our series of articles about the heinous violations of justice, fairness of application of law and the ultimate serious penalties for the corrupt will bring about just that.