“Emergency” Shuts Down Courthouse Thursday at Noon!!!  Will remain Closed until further notice!!?? Officers Refuse to tell those with Subpoenas what the emergency was about. No information provided when emergency will be over.  No information on whether or not the “Emergency” will delay or affect schools opening Monday Morning???    –Report provided by Robert A. Williams

  Sources reported that they were subpoenaed to Court Friday Morning for a District Court appearance. When they reported to the3 front door of the Cleveland County Courthouse early Friday Morning, along with about thirty others and many more on the way, all of them were refused entrance to the Courthouse by armed Sheriff’s Deputies pulling Security duty.


The large crowd was told that an Emergency had been declared Thursday at noon at the Courthouse and that the emergency closing was continuing for an unknown length of time. The Deputies refused to answer the questions from the crowd about what the emergency was, when their required presence would be rescheduled to or when the Courthouse would be back in operation.


This is all I know at present about the Emergency closing of the Cleveland County Courthouse just days before Cleveland County Schools are set to re-open Monday Morning!!!



Recent events with the North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, as well as Governor Roy Cooper-both Democrats-cause me to wonder about all of this. Did some lapse of security at the Courthouse, or some COVID symptom get caught by the Courthouse security team and everything got shut down as a precursor to what might happen in a student gets on a school bus with a fever that doesn’t get caught until the bus gets to school. Something Danny Blanton has brought up several times at school board meetings. Especially since there is no check BEFORE a child gets on a school bus.


It appears to me that Danny Blanton’s common sense has again caught CCS being vulnerable with their plans to re-open school tomorrow. One kid with the ‘sniffles” and a slight fever gets on a school bus with a bus load of children. None of them checked before getting on the bus. But when the bus gets to school and temperatures are checked, one sick child has contaminated the whole bus load and one busload of children exposed contaminate the whole school. And “in an abundance of caution” the whole school and all the schools get shut down until further notice.


This whole scenario seems like a planned scheme to shut-down schools and blame it on President Trump for pushing to re-open schools so parents can get back to work and pay their bills. More shutdowns may be followed with short-term orders to prevent home foreclosures, but sooner or later the debt will get too high and many people will be too far in debt to ever recover. And only bankruptcy and homeless shelters will be their only way to survive.



NOW, sources tell me that a vendor coming to the Courthouse Thursday entered the Courthouse and the temperature scan showed he had a fever of 100 degrees. The person was determined to have been around someone with COVID and a judge closed down the whole Courthouse. As Yogi Berra was supposed to have said, “it’s Déjà vu all over again!”


My prediction is the re-opening of Cleveland County Schools, under Democrat Control, will end up being a failure. Only voting for School Board Candidates Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch and Samantha Davis can save the education of this generation of school children from continued disaster. As well as a vote for President Donald Trump, Governor Candidate Dan Forrest, Attorney General Candidate Jim O’                                       Neill, District 5 US Representative Virginia Fox, US Senator Thom Tillis And NC Cupremia Court Chief Justice Candidate Paul Newby in the 2020 Elections will bring Cleveland County and North Carolina back to some degree of sanity. See you at the Elections Booth on November 3, 2020.


Also, folks, Sources report the Courthouse will be back open Monday Morning. Maybe!