School Board “Kills” Blanton’s Idea for a Safety Committee!!!  Cuts off Mother’s Complaint About her son’s serious injury and Makes the Case for using CCS funding for Home Schooling and vouchers!!! Refuses to explain why CCS spent large $um$ with out of town business when local business could have provided the very same thing!!!  Folks, Be sure to read this article to the very end!!  Report, arguendo, evaluation and discovery by Robert A. Williams

 Cleveland County School Board Member Danny Blanton, long known for trying to put CCS on the right track, has made many motions as a board member to do the right thing. Thinks like stop the CCS Credit Card fraud, save $Millions in Construction costs in the building of the new North Shelby School Project and much much more. Only for his Motions to DIE for the lack of a second to his motions.


At the July 17, 2020 School Bord meeting Danny Blanton made the motion that CCS form a “Safety Committee.” A committee that would be a “School Board Committee” independent from Superintendent Stephen Fisher’s control and retaliation. A committee that would be formed at each school and include citizens, parents, teachers, law enforcement, etc., as necessary to identify every safety and security issue from external terrorist threats, security, shootings, fires, emergencies and the like to internal issues such as bullying, student disciplinary actions, illegal teacher-student sexual misconduct, administration sexual misconduct, school bus cameras, bus routes, pandemic diseases, nutrition and everything in between; regarding student safety, security and educational experience This  from the moment a student leaves home for school until the student returns home from school. No other school board member would second Danny Blanton’s motion and Chairman Shearra Miller declared that the motion was dead because of the lack of a second.


My article published July 20, 2020 called this School Board action, or inaction, unbelievable. It is recommended that each of you readers scroll on back for this July 20, 2020 article.


Then, the School Board must have realized that this is an Election Year and they reconsidered this “Safety Committee.”  So, I reported that in my July 23, 2020 “Part II” article. It is recommended that you readers go back and re-read this article too.


My July 23, 2020 article stated that Danny Blanton’s idea for a “Safety Committee” discussion would be held at the July 26, later corrected to the July 27, 2020 School Board meeting. But the School Board Chairman Shearra Miller, Richard Hooker, Roger Harris and Supt. Fisher would not put a discussion on a Safety Committee on the agenda for the July 27, 2020 meeting nor would they on the upcoming several special called meetings. It was only until the August 10th, 2020 School Board Meeting that there was any discussion at all about the Safety Committee that Danny Blanton had envisioned was even mentioned.


In the August 10th, 2020 School Board meeting agenda, there is no item on that meeting agenda regarding any “Safety Committee” discussion. Instead there is a section for Category “21st Century Systems,” Subject “Board Committee Updates” that was listed only for “Information” and presented by Superintendent Stephen Fisher only. This was just more proof that the School Board, minus Danny Blanton, works for the Superintendent and not the other way around. Which is just more reason that the citizens and voters in Cleveland County need to put in Five new School Board members in the 2020 Elections. Five new school board members that will take their oversight responsibilities seriously. Those five are Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch and Samantha Davis.


Then Supt. Fisher presents three slides that mean absolutely nothing and says the Safety Committee Danny Blanton had envisioned would be included in the present-day Operations and Facilities Committee. In my six to seven years of attending School Board meetings, I do not recall ever hearing one peep from the Operations and Facilities committee. School Board member Danny Blanton commented that he was on the “Bullying” Committee for two years and they have only met two times. Basically Supt. Fisher; enabled by Shearra Miller, Richard Hooker, Roger Harris, Phillip “Bully’ Glover, Jo Boggs, Coleman Hunt, Jack Hamrick and Dena Green, killed the Safety Committee envisioned by Danny Blanton with not one word of serious discussion. Although all of them voiced an election year talking point that the “safety of the children was their number one priority.”


Then Shearra Miller moved the meeting on to the next item on the agenda. Which happened to be Public Participation.


The meeting broadcast is for one hour and forty-eight minutes. The last eight minutes-Public Participation-are the only part of the meeting worth watching. There were three speakers who signed up for Public Participation.


Board Member Danny Blanton again reminded the School Board that it was a shame that a duly elected school board member has to sign up for public participation to get three minutes to speak on the issues facing CCS. Blanton also stated that there were too many unknowns on starting school next week. That WE (The Cleveland County School Board) need to decide about starting up CCS. Either we do or we don’t start up needs to be decided right now.


Editor’s Note: A Fallston Elementary School parent told me that she attended the school orientation on Wednesday. I asked her what she learned about the school start-up? Her reply was “Nothing! Nobody has a clue whether or not school will start on Monday!”


Suzan Parris, the mother of a North Shelby School student that is severely autistic and can not speak, addressed the School Board stating that her son’s severe injury at school that took a trip to the hospital and five staples to the back of his head and the following cover-up was totally unacceptable. And that she would work hard to elect a new majority on the School Board in the 2020 Elections.


Guy Smith, a local political activist and TEA Party member, stated he had learned that CCS had let a very large contract to a company across the country when a local business three blocks down the street could have provided the exact same goods and services. Mr. Smith said that this contract would have provided jobs and business and trickle-down economic impact right here in Cleveland County that was instead sent to improve the economy in a location far removed from Cleveland County. Totally against every economic development program here in Cleveland County. And that he, Mr. Smith would “walk the halls” of the General Assembly in Raleigh to pass legislation against what CCS had just done.


Then the meeting went into Closed Session and Danny Blanton’s “Safety Committee” was effectively killed deader than a doornail.



But folks, this is NOT the end of this article. It is only a START!!! While I was searching the CCS Website for backup information regarding this article, I discovered some very telling stuff on CCS waste, corruption and lies that even surprised me! Read on!!


First of all, CCS has just recently updated their website. These updates include lots of pictures of smiling kids and happy faces that are surely intended to cover-up for all the pain and suffering CCS staff feels when they are bullied in intimidated into silence in regard to the many problems at CCS. And, even if they even whisper something, they are retaliated against. This cover-up also hides public records by making them hard to find by the average citizens who is trying to gather information about CCS and how they operate.


And while I was “surfing” the CCS website looking for meeting agendas and past minutes of meetings, things that were easily found previously, but are hidden now-I discovered something very interesting. Something that made me laugh out loud and roll on the floor. Something I just have to share with all you readers and concerned parents. Read on folks. If you don’t laugh, you might just cry about how much of you hard earned tax dollars have been wasted to telling you cover-up lies from a totally corrupt governmental agency that is the Cleveland County Schools!!!


What I discovered on the CCS website was a program called “Safe Schools” operated under the secret and so-called the School Safety Review Committee is mind boggling in that Supt. Fisher never mentioned that this committee even existed. And Fisher had to have shivered at the thought that when Danny Blanton made a motion to start a “Safety Committee” that the “School Safety Review Committee” would be discovered for what it really is. A ghost committee. A nothing committee. A secret committee a do-nothing committee. And most of all a committee that does not exist except in the memory banks of the CCS website.

But, don’t believe me. Read about the Secret and non-existent School Safety Review Committee as well as the secret and non-existent “Safe School” program that I copied and inserted below.


From the CCS Website:


About Us‎ > ‎

Safe Schools

Anonymous Tip Line

(704) 476-8169


School safety is a constant conversation at Cleveland County Schools. We meet and discuss a multitude of potential happenings to do our best in thwarting any such occurrences. We value our relationships with our local law enforcement partners and supporting agencies. Rest assured, absolute safety of all students and staff will always remain above all priorities.


School safety discussions and safety committee meetings occur frequently to enhance our schools, facilities, plans, and preparations. Upon the discovery of any deficiencies, the district administration works to help schools remedy potential weaknesses in the school’s safety infrastructure. It is important for our community to know that Cleveland County Schools has made many safety modifications over the past several years and will continue to do so to the best of our ability. We cannot live or learn in fear, but will always be mindful of such occurrences and hope we never experience any such incidents in our county.


Cleveland County Schools formed a School Safety Review Committee to help make sure our schools remain safe and secure for our students and staff.  The committee is comprised of district administrators and local law enforcement leaders, as well as dedicated to the safety and well-being of our schools.



Click here to inform the School Safety Review Committee of any safety successes, suggestions, or concerns.




Email us directly at

(In the event of an emergency, please call 911 immediately.)


Folks, have you read all this Safe School and School Safety Review Committee propaganda? Do you actually believe they do what they say they do? If you are foolish enough to say that you believe what they say, I have some ocean front property just North of Casar that I will sell you real cheap. Better yet, did you notice the Anonymous Tip Line and number 704-476-8169? Dial that number and see who answers the phone.


I have called that number eight times over the past three days and received the exact same recorded message that says “Sorry. This is an invalid extension. Please try again.”


So much for the non-existent Safe Schools Program. And all the rest. Just false words from phony leadership at CCS. And NO leadership from the phony School Board.


Like I said previously, In the 2020 School Board elections vote for Robert Queen, Ron Humphries, Joel Shores, Rodney Fitch and Samantha Davis. Put a stop to such foolishness as this from Supt. Fisher and the phony school board as it presently exists. The names mentioned above represent a brand-new majority what will have the power to make the necessary and overdue changes for the better at CCS.


And, whatever you might think, call that Anonymous TIP Line immediately as CCS will likely rush to have somebody answer that number as soon as my discovery becomes public. Who knows, maybe Supt. Stephen Fisher might answer the line as his job will be on the line. Especially now that he is caught red-handed. Tell him that Robert A. Williams says Hello! And Good-Bye!!