Part II:  Shelby Culture of Corruption under attack!!  Opportunity to set the record straight!!  Former Mayor’s Response provided!!    Report, comments and arguendo provided by Robert A. Williams

 Editor’s Note: Mr. Willie Green sent this message to me (copying many people) regarding my article that presented Mr. Green’s request that former Shelby Mayor Mike Philbeck explain himself on whether Mike was present Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony source of phony information printed in the Shelby Star that was damaging to Mr. Green. Read for yourself what this message says.


Also note that Mr. Green commented on an uptown Shelby project that belonged to Councilman David White. Mr. Green’s zoning change represented competition to Mr. White’s high-end (meaning expensive) project. I would add that the Shelby Star published a favorable article related to Mr. White’s project that included a picture. The picture showed a view of the unfinished project that showed a high stud wall as well as part of a roughed-in HVAC system among other things. I reviewed that photo closely and it appeared to me there were several potential code violations or at least some poor construction practices that a high-end purchaser might consider that the constructor had cut some corners. The photo was not clear enough or expanded enough to tell for sure. It did, however, cause me to conclude that perhaps Mr. White’s position on the City Council may have had an influence on the Code Enforcement inspectors that work for the City of Shelby. I know that if I were a prospective buyer of the property, I would have considered the workmanship as substandard. I would advise Councilman David White to explain himself on this matter.

The following message to me and widely copied to the Shelby Star and others is as shown below. It speaks for itself.

Subject: Shelby Culture of Corruption under attack-Opportunity to set the record straight

From:  Willie Green


I did get a written response from Mike Philbeck, responding to my question of was he the unidentified source who told Mayor Stan Anthony that I refused to add a contingency before I purchased my property after I was told to do so. Mike responded by saying he “never talked to anyone other than you (meaning me) till prior to hearing.” Mike also stated that “he did not think anyone could likely get approved.”

I need to remind Mike that Councilman Eric Hendrick’s business Hendrick Appliances did get his zoning application approved in June 2019. Even though four homeowners spoke in opposition to his zoning application to change his property from residential to general business, despite those homeowners’ objections, the City Council still voted to approve Councilman Hendrick company’s zoning change request.  And after the City Council denied my application, Councilman David White built his apartments downtown to rent to the same professionals that I was building my townhouses for.

Also, if Mike Philbeck did not speak to the Mayor before the hearing in Nov 2019 and I purchased my property in March 2019, 8 months before the Nov 2019 zoning hearing. The question then to Mayor Anthony, who was your source that knew I was purchasing the property and knew my intentions back in March 2019?

Speaking of Mayor Stan Anthony, I understand the Mayor spoke at the County Commissioners meeting last night and urged the County to remove the confederate statue in downtown Shelby. So, the Mayor has no problem speaking out against something he considers a symbol of racism. But at the same time, he is engaging in discriminatory practices towards a black business owner and the defaming of that black business owner so that no one will do business with him. Somewhat ironic, slaveowners did not want blacks to own businesses in their town, and if a black person tried, they were destroyed and killed. Fast forward to the present day. A black man is attempting to do business in Mayor Anthony’s town, Mayor Anthony and his posse are fighting hard to destroy that black man business.

I know the city officials think they are protected by immunity and can do as they please because the taxpayers will have to pay for any monetary damages. But I need to remind those officials and their friends who are part of this orchestrated campaign against me, the definition of “criminal conspiracy,” it’s when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. A person may be convicted of conspiracy even if the actual crime was never committed. Under the federal conspiracy statute, the offense is punishable by up to five years of imprisonment and fines. I have asked several federal government agencies for an investigation of civil rights violations and criminal conspiracy against the City of Shelby and individuals that are involved.

Willie A. Green, Sr.

Editor’s Note and fact check:

  1. Green is correct in his statements that Shelby Councilman Eric Hendrick’s company, Hendrick Appliances, did have a zoning request similar to Mr. Green’s denied zoning request that was approved over the opposition of neighbors.
  2. Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony did attend the July 7, 2020 Commissioner’s meeting and spoke to the commissioners under the Citizens Recognition segment. Mr. Anthony did indeed recommend to the Commissioners that the Confederate Soldier’s Memorial Monument be removed and replaced with another monument for all the citizens. Mr. Anthony did NOT speak on who would pay for the removal of the existing (for over 100 years) monument of the new monument. Of course, Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony could take up the City of Shelby Council the idea of erecting such a new monument on City of Shelby property as he envisions to be paid for by the taxpayers of Shelby. But Mayor Anthony did not make such a suggestion.
  3. Green is correct in his definition of Criminal Conspiracy and that immunity of city officials is removed when that official acts with malicious or criminal intent. A Cleveland County Superior Court Judge, W. Todd Pomeroy, has made such a ruling in Mr. Green’s lawsuit against Shelby City Manager Rick Howell in Howell’s individual capacity.