Counter Protest Being Organized!!! Save True History –Save the Confederate Monument on the Court Square!!! –Report by Robert A. Williams

The recent invitation-only Protest by local Black Ministers at the Confederate Soldier Monument on the Court Square in Shelby has resulted in a Petition being circulated for signature demanding the Monument honoring Confederate Soldiers be removed or destroyed. Now, supporters of True History are organizing counter-protests to keep the Monument exactly where it has been for over 100 years. It should also be noted that a recently expired City of Shelby Master Plan called for removing the Confederate Soldier Memorial Monument as well as the other Monuments around the Court Square. However, the Court Square belongs to ALL of Cleveland County and the Shelby Master-Plan has no authority to remove or destroy anything from the Court Square property. And the County Sheriff is tasked with protecting County Property.

The Counter-Protesters are seeking women volunteers to chain themselves to the Monument 24/7 for as long as it takes to protect the Monument from rioters, and most likely County work crews who might be sent without notice by the Commissioners to remove or destroy the Monument without notice. Note that the Monument is owned by the United Daughters of the Confederacy–so women chained to the monument to protect the monument would probably be completely in order. However, I suspect there will be plenty of men who also volunteer for Counter-Protest duty to protect the women who are protecting the Monument until cooler heads prevail.

More information will be provided as I receive it.