Breaking News!!!—Shelby City Attorney Bob Yelton Quits!!! –Refuses to go along with all the Corruption??? –Report and arguendo by Robert A. Williams

Trusted sources report that longtime City of Shelby City Attorney Bob Yelton has resigned as the Shelby City Attorney effective May 4, 2020. Sources also indicate that Attorney Yelton may have become disillusioned with the poor and ineffective leadership of Shelby Officials (As identified in the new City of Shelby Masterplan conducted by the NC Electri-cities folks which identified “ineffective leadership” as a major weakness in their SWOT Analysis. SWOT being Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis.)

Folks, there is a Shelby City Council meeting this evening at 6:00 PM. Updates on this will be provided as soon as possible.

Also, we wish Attorney well in any new endeavors that he might become involved with.

It is too bad that the Shelby so-called leadership; Mayor Stan Anthony, City Manager Rick Howell, Members Violet Dukes, Charles Webber, Andrew Hopper, David Causby, Eric Hendrick and David White refused good legal advice and now find themselves involved with so many lawsuits. Even in their individual capacity because of their malicious and criminal intent. Oh well. They deserve what is coming their way.