Public NOT Invited to Public Meeting!! School Board Pulling a Fast One on Citizens??!!! For School Board Meeting April 27, 2020!!! Where are the details of the Sale of the Old North Shelby School’s default and other corrupt actions??? Report and arguendo by Robert A. Williams

For those of you, us< who personally attend School Board Meetings and speak up during the phony public participation, you ands me are not welcome to this Monday-April 27, 2020 School Board meeting. Of course, we are never welcome, but this time we are actually locked out. Despite North Carolina state law that requires all governmental meetings to be open to the public. Of course, the CCS School board and Governor Roy Cooper have always over-reacted to the Covid-19. Especially in Cleveland County where the infection rate is very low. And was ZERO when our schools were closed and an emergency declared. But, even the Cleveland County Commissioners, despite all the stupid things they do, had enough sense to cancel this week’s Commissioner’s Meeting. Did the School Board have sense enough to do that for Monday’s meeting?? Not no, but Hell NO!! People out of work everywhere in North Carolina and protesting in the streets have not convinced Gov. Cooper to get real and stop his politicizing of the so-called emergence. And, Gov Cooper still holding out with his stupidity, only surpassed by the CCS School Board’s stupidity to lock down their school meeting to the public and hold a telephone meeting. But folks, as I am famous for saying, DON’D Believe me. See for yourself. The School Boards message to the public for the April 27, 2020 meeting is as follows: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING INFORMATION and PUBLIC COMMENT INSTRUCTIONS Board of Education April 27, 2020 Meeting

The April 27, 2020, Cleveland County Board of Education meeting will be held electronically to honor social distancing requirements related to the coronavirus pandemic. Cleveland County Schools is committed to providing opportunities for members of the public to listen to the meeting and to submit public comments in ways that resemble as closely as possible the normal processes for in-person public meetings.

Listen to the Regular Business Meeting
The meeting will begin on Monday, April 27, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public will be able to listen to all public portions of the meeting (i.e., every part except closed session) Listen to the live audio stream of the meeting with any web browser by clicking here.

The super-dumb CCS School Board even plans to allow “public participation” by calling in by telephone of sending in your prepared statement in advance and they would read in YOUR statements. The instructions and long and complicated. You can bet technical problems will set in and everything gets botched up. I figure that is the plan. I don’t intend to waste my time with calling-in as the don’t print what I say anyway. I recommend everybody boycott this call-in fiasco until the public meetings are actual public meetings again.

However, if you want to try to call in, the full instructions and notifications are described on this CCS Link!!

Now, let’s look at the meeting agenda to see what CCS is trying to hide? What they have on the agenda to talk about and what is NOT on the agenda to talk about!!!

The most obvious thing that is left off this agenda is the details sand status of the phony sale of the old North Shelby School to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church pastored by Rev. Dr. M. Lamont Littlejohn. A deal that was in default from start to finish. Excuse me, I should have said the deal was in default from the START. There has been no finish, according of state law and a check of public records.

For brevity of this article, the defaulted sale (disposition) of the old North Shelby School was supposed to be in accordance with North Carolina General Statue 115C-518 (Disposition of School Property, Easements and Rights of Way) and subsequent instructions. The law is clear and the law was violated. If anybody says that is not correct, then ask them to show where the bid price money was paid in full to CCS and the DEED to the Old North Shelby School has changed hands to Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

At this time, especially amidst all the discussion going around about Mt. Calvary/Littlejohn’s Default, I am not going to take my time and effort to spoon-feed this information to anybody that refuses to inform themselves on what went on and what was supposed to go on in this CCS school property disposition. Which, may end up in Court before this is over. State law says a default starts the auction process all over again. And Rev. Murphy’s new bid, legal and transparent sees to that. But, for the actual law, Read it for yourself.

While you are reading the law noted above, that is available to every citizen online, also take a look at NCGS 115C-521 (Erection of School Buildings). And, if you are a taxpayer, be prepared to get very, very angry. Around $16.5 Million was wasted on the construction of the NEW North Shelby School for a projected student population of 175, when only around 50 students actually attend the NEW North Shelby School now that it has been built.

Considering that the New Shelby Middle School was built for 950 students and now that construction is complete only around 400 students attend the new Shelby Middle School. The students from the old North Shelby School could have been easily moved to the empty wings of the new Shelby Middle with minimal cost and plenty of room left over. Totally bad and wasteful planning from the CCS School Board. The CCS School Board deserves NO trust and maximum oversight. Maximum accountability and maximum checks and balances too.

Again, note that none of this is on the agenda for Monday’s School Board meeting. Or on the agenda for any school board meeting in for discussion. EVER. Total corruption all around.

Another corrupt action that IS on the Monday’s School Board Agenda is the selection of another School Board member to fill the vacancy in the unexpired term of former School Board member Jeff Jones. Jones term in office is up for re-election this year in November. And with such a short time in office, why would anybody want to be appointed and before you even get your feet wet, you will be gone in December??? Word is all the five Republican School Board candidates that signed up to run for office and made it through the Republican Primary have chosen NOT to apply for this short-term appointment. The WHY is clear. It is because they would be under the thumbs of the Democrat incumbents, Shearra Miller, Richard Hooker and Roger Harris-who are backed by Phillip Glover and Coleman Hunt. Making it impossible for any Republican candidate to do anything positive. And be saddled with the mess that the Democrats have left them. Even Democrat candidate Samantha Davis, a true conservative for change, probably did not apply for that very same reason.

However, rumor has it that this seemingly insignificant appointment, insignificant in that the School Board could just as easily operate with only 8 members for the next several months, is being highly contested in a divisive, racially charged power struggle. Or ego struggle. Or something just as sinister.

This is the rumor, in whispered tones-afraid that it might get out. The School Board Democrat majority wants to appoint Dr. Jack Hamrick to fill that vacancy. Jack Hamrick was a long-tern School Board member, Chairman a time or two or more. The problem with Jack Hamrick is just about everything bad going on at CCS has its origins during Jack Hamrick’s tenure. Why Jack Hamrick would even apply is beyond me.

But the real power struggle is that a highly respected black minister, Rev. Ray Lockhart has applied. Rev. Lockhart was an original member of the CCS Diversity Team until the likes of Rev. Lamont Littlejohn and CCS Superintendent Stephen Fisher, in a sneaky move, disbanded the Diversity Team and then reinstated the Diversity Team without Rev. Lockhart and Rev. Dante Murphy as members. The rumor goes on to say that black School Board members Richard Hooker and Coleman Hunt will not support Rev. Lockhart for this appointed position. You have to figure that Rev. Littlejohn’s illegal/defaulted award of the old North Shelby School was part of the payoff for Littlejohn’s support of getting rid of Rev. Lockhart from the CCS Diversity Team and other corrupt payoffs-especially to compensate Littlejohn for raising black voter turn-out for Democrat candidates Shearra Miller, Roger Harris and Richard Hooker.

All this divisiveness is playing out as we speak. Except that myself and other folks with white skin are supposed to stay out of this fray. To that I say, NO WAY!!! Millions of Tax-dollars are wasted at CCS. It is just as much my business who gets elected and appointed to the school board and spend my tax-dollars as much as it is anybody else business. ‘Nuff said about that. Off the record, I say appoint Rev. Lockhart.

This is the link to the agenda for the April 17, 2020 School Board meeting. Ain’t I nice for looking this up for you.