Who is telling lies about Willie Green???–Shelby Officials or Shelby Star!!! Shelby Mayor and Council Woman Violet Dukes say it’s the “Shelby Liar”!!! Report, arguendo and questions by Robert A. Williams

An article in the Shelby Daily Star, or “Shelby Liar” as it is often called says what it says. Court documents filed down at the Courthouse say what they say too. Now, an article in the Star that contains quotes from Shelby City Council members and even the Mayor, despite warnings from Shelby’s Attorneys to keep their mouths shut is resulting in a series of lawsuits filed by Mr. Willie Green against Mayor Stan Anthony and Violet Dukes and counting. Not counting the lawsuit against City Manager Rick Howell where Superior Court Judge Todd Pomeroy has already ruled that governmental immunity does not apply when the officials acted with malicious or criminal intent.

In this particular Shelby Star article, Star Reporter Rebecca Sitzes, in her article “Diving deeper into Willie Green’s Proposal” published January 26, 2020 questioned the Shelby Mayor and the Shelby City Council; statements made by Violet Dukes and Stan Anthony caught Willie Green’s eye, were determined to be defamatory and legal actions were filed against Dukes and Anthony. Case Numbers 20-CVM-266 against Dukes and 20-CVM-267 against Anthony

In those legal actions Plaintiff Willie Green clearly alleged Dukes and Anthony made defamatory statements and requested damages for their defamatory statements.

Now, Dukes and Anthony, through their taxpayer paid lawyers, have denied everything in Mr. Green’s Lawsuit and demand a jury trial. In such a denial, Dukes and Anthony are basically denying everything the Shelby Star and Rebecca Sitzes wrote about them was FALSE.

So, now the questions”

1. Does Willie Green add the Shelby Star to his lawsuit against Violet Dukes and Stan Anthony?

2. Does the Shelby Star file a lawsuit against Violet Dukes and Stan Anthony?

3. Does Stan Anthony and Violet Dukes file a lawsuit against the Shelby Star for publishing false statements that they did not make?

4. Who files a lawsuit4 against Star Reporter Rebecca Sitzes? Will Sitzes be fired or disciplined by the Star? Or disappear without a trace?

5. Will the City of Shelby, Stan Anthony, Violet Dukes, the Star and the other Shelby City Councilmen just offer Willie Green enough $Millions so Green will settle and laugh at Shelby all the way to the bank.

6. Maybe Commissioner Johnny Hutchins will file a lawsuit against me as a part of his “Smoke Blowing” effort to get re-elected? The first thing I would do is remind Hutchins and everybody else, that I sent him an advance copy of every article I write about the Commissioners and offered him the opportunity make factual corrections or comments-which he has never done. Then counter-sue ‘til the cows come home. Same with Violet Dukes, Stan Anthony, Eddie Holbrook, Jason Falls, Rev. Lamont Littlejohn, the Star and anybody else. And, I don’t intend to disappear without a trace.

I would expect the Shelby Star to make a public statement in this lawsuit matter. Or just cut their losses, file for bankruptcy, tuck their tale between their legs and finish their move to Gastonia or somewhere else, never to look back. At the least they should support their Reporter, who very likely never made up anything it the article. Probably left a lot out.

This is the link to the Shelby Star article in question: Read for yourself.

For your convenience, Violet Dukes and Stan Anthony’s lawsuit filings are attached below. Don’t believe a word I write, read for yourself.

Defendant Violet Dukes Answer to Willie Green Lawsuit 2-27-2020

Defendant Stan Answer to Willie Green Lawsuit 2-27-2020

DSS, Police Escape in $12 Million Lawsuit!!! Father Awarded $12 Million from Mother and her boyfriend!!! Boyfriend in prison for life, mother also escapes jail time!! Father Likely never to collect a dime from Mother or boyfriend!!! NO Justice here!!! Shelby Star silent!! Spay the Mother, neuter the Judge and lawyers, fire DSS and Police is my recommendation here!!! Report, analysis and recommendation by Robert A. Williams

The Gaston Gazette, owner of the Shelby Star reports that Gaston County Superior Court Judge Robert Bell just signed an order awarding a Father $12 Million for the Death of his daughter. Many will remember the Bessemer City Case where the mother left her three-year-old daughter with her boyfriend while she went to work as a bartender at the “Whiskey River” in nearby downtown Bessemer City. The boyfriend was convicted of First-Degree Murder for killing the three-year-old girl, burying here in a shallow grave nearby and then called the police to report the child mission. Only to have the Gaston Police find the child’s grave in relatively short order. The boyfriend was charged, convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The mother was not charged with anything.

All that is a tragedy. However, DSS was called out five times on the mother and her boyfriend before the child was killed. Gaston County Police were also called out several times before the child was brutally murdered by beating her to death. Authorities tasked with keeping children safe were totally involved and totally failed their task. Nothing in the article spoke to any reprimands being issued at DSS or the Gaston Police. Not a peep of this $12 Million award was printed in the Shelby Star, which normally prints Gaston county news in the Shelby issue.

The Father’s lawyer was clear about this $3 million for damages and $9 Million for punitive damages, totaling $12 million, saying this “will send a message to other parents in the same situation.

Duh!!! Remind me to never hire that lawyer for anything. The Gaston Gazette article did not identify the lawyer or I would tell you right here and now. The people that need lessons sent to them are the DSS and the Gaston Police. I would also say that the judge should also issue an order to spay the mother as well. Citizens in Gaston County should call for the Judge to be neutered. That would be a message worth sending.

I would also recommend some spaying and neutering for the Sexual predators over at Cleveland County Schools and on the School Board and administration that enables them. Another message worth sending.

My recommendations for the Cleveland County Commissioners and School Board Primary Elections are shown below.

Tomorrow is Election Day!!. Do your duty.

Voting Guide!!!
2020 Primary Elections for Cleveland County
County Commissioners and Cleveland County Board of Education
Note: These are Republican Primary Elections as
There are No Democrat Primary Elections for these offices!!!

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2020 Republican Primary Elections for County Commissioner
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Investigation Called for Due to Incident at Pinnacle Classical Academy! 7-year-old white boy alleged to attempt Lynching of black girl!!!??? Some “Due Process” Needed!!! Immediately!!! Report, arguendo, analysis and recommendation by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: I have family members with children of that age at Pinnacle Classical Academy who have NOT raised any concerns regarding these allegations. I have personal knowledge that Cleveland County Schools will lie about and conceal incidents ranging from playground injuries to sexual predators masquerading as teachers, with plenty of cover-up by CCS when the preds are caught.

The facts of the Pinnacle Classical Academy subject alleged incident, that I know of so far, are these:
1. The mother of a six-year-old black girl has accused, on Facebook, a seven-year-old white boy of trying to lynch her daughter on the playground with a plastic jump-rope. Speculation on Facebook is the jump rope was tied into a “hangman’s noose. Sources report the boy has trouble tying his shoes.
2. The mother allegedly took the girl to the hospital. Pictures of the girl’s neck area was posted on Facebook allegedly showing bruises. I looked at the pictures on Facebook myself (and I have no appropriate medical training) and could not determine whether or not there were bruises.
3. What appears to be threats of violence are posted on Facebook that call for retaliation against the boy and the boy’s family.
4. Pinnacle Classical Academy Chairman of the Board, Debbie Clary, has promptly issued a statement to all K-2 Parents and the Press involving the alleged incident that says:
“The below letter was sent to our parents and Dr. Bullard is making a public statement today.

Dear K-2 Families,

There have been some concerns about an incident that happened on the playground on Friday, February 28.

A 7-year-old, 1st grade child was playing with a plastic jump rope, swinging it like a lasso. It wrapped around another student. The student swinging it was immediately disciplined and the plastic jump rope was taken away. There was never any sort of noose, as has been accused, nor any attempt to cause harm. No child was bullied, no child complained of bullying on the playground. The children were playing and one made a bad judgement in trying to use the plastic jump rope as a lasso in a game. A member of the administrative team checked on the student after the incident and she was having lunch and then singing and dancing in music class. The incident has been investigated and appropriate disciplinary action was taken before the end of the day. Please be assured that the safety of all of our students is our top priority.

Dr. Shelly Bullard
Pinnacle Classical Academy”

5. Rev. Dante Murphy of the Southern Coalition for Equal Protection Under the Law (SCEPUL) has issued a request to Sheriff Alan Norman and Shelby Police Chief Jeff Ledford to immediately call in the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) to investigate this “hanging” incident.

From the “Facts” noted above, we concur with Rev. Dante Murphy’s request for an Immediate SBI Investigation. WE share SCEPUL’s concerns as previous Shelby Police Department investigations have indeed been determined to be “white-washed” and such SPD investigations now would be suspect. Also, there appears to be a “Protocol” issue where the SPD and the Sheriff’s Office resent their “turf” being stepped on. Our recommendation, in the future, is that ALL investigations regarding Cleveland County Schools be conducted by the Sheriff’s Department as well as ALL School Resource Officers at Cleveland County Schools be provided and supervised by the Sheriff’s Department. Thus, eliminating any and all “turf” issues as well as providing a consistent policy and accountability for everybody. It is “Cleveland County” Schools and the Sheriff has authority for law enforcement in ALL of Cleveland County.

We also recommend a “Due Process” element to take hold on Facebook and in public conversations. The Cleveland County Schools are full of problems and cover-ups. To date the Pinnacle Classical Academy has been the reverse. Good educational programs, good test scores and high public confidence. If an independent investigation shows problems are involved here, it is very likely that Pinnacle will take quick and decisive actions-involving criminal charges if appropriate. On the other hand, numerous public scandals have erupted out of Cleveland County Schools for their numerous cover-up attempts.

Also, the timing of this incident, which coincides with the 2020 Primary Election TOMORROW, raises some questions too.

But we can do more NOW!

As soon as I get this article off to the printing press, I am going to make a Public Records Request to Pinnacle Classical Academy for any security video recordings that might be telling in this controversy. Whatever I get, I will provide to the public for all to see. No matter if the recordings go in favor of Pinnacle Classical Academy of NOT.

Get the evidence and make a decision. That is what “Due Process” is all about. At CCS and PCA.

In the meantime, the 2020 Republican Primary Election is Tomorrow. Our recommendations on Commissioner and School Board candidates are provided below. This is the first step in cleaning up the mess at our schools. All Schools!!!

School Board Caught “Passing the Trash!!!” Enabling Sexual Predators to “Mess” with YOU kids!!! Report forwarded by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: The Federal Department of Education under Betsy DeVos is cracking down on Sexual Predators masquerading as School Teachers messing with school children and the Schools letting the perverts resign and move to another school district when they are caught. Cleveland County schools have been doing this all along. Even though North Carolina Law says they are not supposed to. Call your school board members, representatives, state and federal and demand that the sexual predator enablers be prosecuted.

This full article of discovery is here.

Don’t believe me. Read it for yourself.

The text below is also sent to the School Board, superintendent, reps, commissioners, etc. to give them a heads up. That they are caught!!!


“On February 26, Betsy Devos, the U.S. Secretary of Education announced that the department will be investigating sexual assault cases in K-12 public schools as part of a new Title IX initiative.”
Bill Gray.

School Board Passing the Trash:

Look what Bill Gray found involving school districts to “pass the trash” when they allow teachers to resign under a cloud of suspicion or before arrest. I suspect when you adjourned the recent School Board meeting during his public participation, you motivated Bill to “Out” you for what you are, Sexual Predator enablers. This also proves what I said during the Feb. 24, 2020 school board meeting public participation was 200% correct.

Anyway, School Board and Dr. Fisher: Shame on you!!! You are caught!!! You will be hearing more about this. You also have lots to do to evaluate your Superintendents clear lies during the Feb 10, 2020 school board meeting. Whose minutes have been approved by the school board. Now, your cover is blown and your lies discovered.

Robert A. Williams

From the article at that link:

In 2018, there was some shifting of language in the state’s education statutes requiring districts to report teachers who have criminal history relevant to that attempt to resign:

It’s worth noting that Devos’ announcement comes in the week prior to the release of the annual school crime report to the North Carolina State Board of Education.
If you didn’t read the whole article at link:

U.S. Dept. of Ed to take on child predators in K-12 schools

Go back and read it now!!!

Then, go vote Tuesday as shown below NO Exceptions and NO substitutions. Otherwise, nothing will be done!!!

Voting Guide!!!
2020 Primary Elections for Cleveland County
County Commissioners and Cleveland County Board of Education
Note: These are Republican Primary Elections as
There are No Democrat Primary Elections for these offices!!!

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2020 Republican Primary Elections for County Commissioner
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