Lawsuits and Legal News Catching Fire!!! Community College Board of Trustees Lose Lawsuit-Having to Pay Up City of Shelby-City Manager Loses Motion to Dismiss!–Files Appeal!!! Shelby Mayor Charged with Slander from Shelby Star Article!!! Councilwoman Violet Dukes Charged with Slander–same Article!!! Citizen Stacy Heafner Charged with Slander —- allegedly lied during Willie Green Zoning Change Request Hearing!! Commissioners Under Federal Lawsuit for Sexual Harassment!!! Sources report possible new Lawsuit against the School Board!!!

Folks. If you think that, just because I am mostly doing Election “stuff” right now, that everything else involving corruption in Cleveland County is just standing still; You are wrong!!! The Items in the title above are all alive and well and percolating through the Cleveland County Courthouse and the Federal Courts in Asheville. They are all on my “To Do” list. I will get to them as soon as possible.

But, it is true that there is a 2020 Primary Election going on right now for both the Republican and Democrat Party candidates and a few more Primary races, such as Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party and the Green Party!!!

Stay tuned folks, we will get to them as we can.

In the meantime, get yourself informed about the Commissioners Race and the School Board races in the Republican Parties. These races will have the biggest impact at the local level.
Our recommendations for these races are provided below by a marked-up sample ballot.

Voting Guide!!!
2020 Primary Elections for Cleveland County
County Commissioners and Cleveland County Board of Education
Note: These are Republican Primary Elections as
There are No Democrat Primary Elections for these offices!!!

2020 Primary Elections–Voting Guide
County Commissioners

2020 Republican Primary Elections for School Board
Sample Ballot

Note: You can print off this page and take it to the Voting booth with you.
Nobody has the authority to take this voting guide away from you. Inside the polling place or outside.
You also have my permission to copy this page and pass the copies around as voting guides for your friends, neighbors and relatives.

Thank you for voting.