Junie Barrett for School Board!!! Represents the previously Unrepresented!!! Report, evaluation and Recommendation by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: Folks, to tell this story, I have to tell another story first. A success story that has gone around the world time or two. But, probably many more. A success story that Junie Barrett had a large part in making a dream come true. A story where success was NOT achieved by the false words and promises of politicians, but by the day by day actions of many persons. Working hard every hour of every day. And getting the job done. Indeed, Well done!!

Dawn Loggins was in the center of a personal crisis when her parents abandoned her a few years back in Lawndale. Dawn attended Burns High School and was known by all at Burns and later the entire community to be smart, consciences but very poor. And now, homeless. The community came together in many small and large ways to help Dawn. Collections, and other financial assistances was one of the easier ways to help. Finding a more permanent place to stay was difficult, but soon found. Dawn began working at Burns High School as a custodian. Junie Barrett, the Custodial Services Supervisor at Burns High School and was Dawn’s supervisor.

Junie assisted Dawn in many ways. Before Dawn went homeless, Junie washed Dawns cloths at school in the washing machines used to wash mops. Allowed Dawn and her brother to take showers at school because they had no running water at home. Helped provide candles for lighting so Dawn could do her homework after her work at school. Little, but necessary things. She encouraged Dawn to work hard and get her education as far as she could go.

And Dawn did just that. Dawn applied to five colleges and got accepted at everyone. Even Harvard. One of the most prestigious Colleges in the United States. But Dawn had never been anywhere but small-town places like Lawndale. Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts-near big city Boston.

So, who goes with Dawn Loggins to Harvard for the first time to make sure Dawn gets there safe and sound. As well as giving her some support and guidance along the way. Junie Barrett goes to Harvard with Dawn. Dawn does well and graduates from Harvard. But this is where Dawn’s story ends and Junie Barrett’s story begins.

Now, we are all concerned about Cleveland County Schools. The scandals. The cover-ups. So many students graduating that cannot read or do math with the expected proficiency. So much tax-dollars wasted. So many lies and broken promises coming from the School Board majority. All the talk about low teacher pay and ZERO talk about the plight of the custodians, the bus drivers, the maintenance workers and all the other workers who nobody on the School Board pays any attention to. (Except Danny Blanton.) CCS has become an even more top-heavy organization where the bigshot administrators make all the money and the little people struggle to get by. And the school board overall and the administrators don’t give a whit.

Well, it is now 2020, the cry from CCS has been heard and some good folks have signed up to run for the School Board. Junie Barrett is one of them.

Junie Barrett is once again answering the call to help people (teachers, bus drivers, custodians, administrators and especially students) in an organization in distress. And, CCS is certainly an organization in distress. Too long run into the ground by a bunch of self-ordained elitists on the school board.

Junie Barrett describes herself on Facebook as being “Tenacious, loyal, spitfire, honest, ruthless, rebellious towards the unjust! A Compassionate woman.” Then she calls out the Rogues on the School Board by saying:

“Cleveland County Schools Bigwigs:
I am curious to know how many Students, parents and employees that you have used as scape goats to cover your atrocities? You tend to come out smelling like a rose, but of course you would with all the manure you cover up!!
It is time to dig up the roots.
Taxpayers we need change.
It is in your hands. It is your vote. March 3. Time to make a difference. I know I am.”

I could not have said it any better than Junie Barrett said it herself. We need change on the School Board. We need Junie Barrett’s heart, soul and get ‘ur done attitude. All directed toward doing what is RIGHT. No more crazy lawsuits against the Sheriff. All efforts on doing the right things and in the right way.

Junie Barrett is recommended in the 2020 Republican Primary Election on March 3rd as well as in the November General Election.