Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees Calls Police on Citizen!!! BOTs Scared to death by Judges Ruling in Willie Green v. Shelby Case!! Public Meeting Laws violated, Two and a Half Years of Official Legal Documents Purged-from CCC Records in Apparent Coverup Of Lawsuits; Lies, waste AND Other “Mistakes” By the Board of Trustee Under New Chairman Rev. Dr. M. Lamont Littlejohn, Jr and “New” CCC President Dr. Jason Hurst!! Eye Witness Report of Lawlessness, Intimidation, employee fear, arguendo, conclusions and perhaps a little gossip is provided by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: If YOU are one of those that were hoping and praying that the change of a few high-level administrators at Cleveland Community College have made things at 137 S. Post Road any better, YOU need to read every word of this article. Things have indeed “Changed” at Cleveland Community College. Things are WORSE than ever before!!
This Article covers the November 12, 2019 Regular BoT meeting, January 10, 2020 Emergency BoT Meeting, as well as the January 14, 2020 Regular BoT Meeting for this continuing saga of corruption, lawlessness and cover-up. YOU will also learn of the REAL problem at CCC that is never talked about. That will be revealed at the end of this article. Please don’t “peep” until you read this entire article. I regret that it has to be so lengthy.

Folks, keep in mind that every local governmental agency in Cleveland County, such as the County Commissioners, the School Board, the City of Shelby and the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees are bound by North Carolina law to conduct their business in OPEN Session. That is, they are open to the public to listen, record or video record as they choose. These agency meetings can go into CLOSED Session, where the public is excluded, only in very rare circumstances that are closely described by state law. State law that is based on the United States Constitution’s concept of public access to governmental affairs. Every State in the Union, by 1976, has adopted Open Meeting Laws, often called “Sunshine Laws” to codify this important Constitutional concept. North Carolina is NO exception.

However, just as criminals like to do their deeds in the dark, politicians at every level of government like to do the same thing. Do their business in the dark. Outside of public view. Reasoning for this may vary; higher efficiency, trust, honorable people running things, etc. But the fact is this: whether crooks or Preachers are running things, it is often very difficult to determine whether or not the business of the agency is doing criminal acts or righteous deeds.

This analogy between criminal acts and righteous deeds is ever so appropriate with the Cleveland Community College, whose Chairman of the Board of Trustees is Rev. Dr. M. Lamont Littlejohn, Jr., an ordained Baptist Minister, whose name seems to turn-up with remarkable frequency in what appears to be shady deals and back-door wheeling and dealing. But that set of circumstances will be the subject for other articles at another time.

In particular, the business doings of the Cleveland Community College Board of Trustees, an appointed and not elected board, seems to probably be the worst run organizations in Cleveland County. Just about everything they do is contrived to avoid public scrutiny at every twist and turn. An appropriate concern is, if a board will violate simple and straight forward state laws, it is logical to assume that they will soon be violating more complex and serious laws, most often regarding MONEY. THAT is what THIS article is about.

The most common way to hide from the public at their board meetings is to conjure up a phony excuse for a closed session to discuss their dirty deeds. Most all agencies in Cleveland County place their Closed sessions at the end of their boring meetings in the hope that the public will go home before they come “out” of Closed Session. The School Board stops their broadcast recordings when the CCS Board goes into Closed Session. But. The CCC Board of Trustees try other things to exclude the public. Sneaky and dirty to the bone. Read on.

November 12, 2019:
At the November 12, 2019 CCC BoT Meeting the BoTs, as usual, have their closed session “business’ as the last agenda item before adjournment. State Law requires that no official decisions and votes can be had during closed sessions, that the official acts from closed sessions must be voted on during open session. State law requires this transfer from open session to closed session and back into open session be done like this.

A BoT member makes a motion to go into closed session per the North Carolina General Statute that applies to the circumstances where a closed session is allowed. The motion must be specific and describe exactly which law applies. Then, there is a second to the motion and a vote. If the vote passes the BoTs enter into Closed Session. Unlike everybody else in Cleveland County, the BoTs removes members of the public from the meeting room instead of leaving the meeting room for another location like everybody else.

When the BoTs are ready to come back into open session, State law requires for them make sure that any member of the public that was present during the meeting be summoned back into the meeting room before it actually becomes an official Open Meeting. Once the public is back in place, the BoT Chairman, Rev. Littlejohn in this case, is supposed to call the meeting back into order.

If the BoTs took no action in the closed session, Chairman Littlejohn is supposed to state for the record that the meeting is back into open session and “No Action” was taken in the Closed Session. If the BoTs need to take some action, Chairman Littlejohn is supposed to ask the Board for a motion to take the action that was agreed upon in the Closed Session for a vote in Open Session. Once the vote is taken and the BoT’s want to adjourn, they make and pass a motion to adjourn. Simple, right. RIGHT??? Legal, right! RIGHT???

But NOooo!!! At the November 12, 2019 BoT meeting, the Closed Session was to discuss a settlement of the Ginger Bullock lawsuit against the BoTs. In this instance, I was very pleased that BoT member Dennis Bailey very correctly made the proper motion to the letter of the law to go into closed session. But things immediately went to “Hell in a Handbasket” after that.

That November 12, 2019 was one of the first, maybe THE first, BoT Meeting held in the brand-new Board of Trustee “Board Room.” Maybe the first meeting chaired by Rev. Littlejohn. Right across from the President’s office. With an attached large room for their catered meals. No expenses for this “Board Room” was spared. Closed Circuit TV Screens all around. Microphones for everybody and the mike on the Public Speaker’s podium was equipped with a “kill-switch” that will be activated by Chairman Littlejohn when your three minutes expire. To the very second. Synchronized with an on-screen three-minute timer. I can vouch for that. I was probably the first public speaker in this new and lavish “Board Room” and I was cut off at exactly three minutes. So much for encouraging Public Participation as State law requires.

Anyway, after BoT member Dennis Bailey made the motion to go into Closed Session to discuss a settlement (an admission of guilt on the CCC Board of Trustee’s part) was seconded and approved. Myself and others were sent out of the meeting room. With NO instructions on how we would know when the closed session was going to transform back to an OPEN session as required by state law. As there were two doors into that Board Room and each door had a very small window, I paced back and forth between those two doors waiting for the doors to be opened. And, when they were opened, I walked in to find that the BoTs were going into their catered dinner room and the meeting was over. In a total, flagrant and planned violation of state law.

I immediately complained to Chairman Littlejohn and other BoTs that they had just committed an illegal act. I also stated to the BoT’s Attorney that he had not done his job in NOT informing the BoTs of their legal obligations to follow state law. I was told that the door had been unlocked and that was all they were required to do. A big lie. I knew it was a lie and so did they. The BoT’s thought the whole planned scheme episode was funny. They never stated whether or not any action was taken on the Ginger Bullock lawsuit against them as they were required to do in Open Session with ME present as I was the only member of the general public that was present.

January 10, 2020:
Then the January 10, 2020 Emergency Called meeting of the CCC Board of trustees was announced to again discuss a “legal matter” and a “personnel matter.” None of which appears to be a sufficient reason for a special emergency meeting that was called for in the morning of January 10th on very short notice. My conclusion was the BoT’s had had to settle Ginger Bullock’s lawsuit by paying big bucks and firing somebody. Which would have been totally appropriate as I had attended BoT meetings when Ginger Bullock spoke to the BoTs about her complaint and the BoTs just ignored her and everybody else. Treated their former employees like Pieces of Shit and turning up their noses at that. Arrogant bastards-all of them back at that time.

Two lawsuits later and the Bots are not so arrogant. The Willie Green Lawsuit against Shelby City Manager Rick Howell, in his individual capacity got their attention loud and clear when the judge is about to remove Rick Howell’s “immunity” because of criminal or malicious intent. The BoTs are not so arrogant now, but they are just as sneaky as ever. Read on.

I arrived a few minutes early to the Jan 10th BoT meeting and informed Chairman Littlejohn that I expected him to follow the law and inform me of the open session after the closed session and allow me back into the meeting room as is required by state law. I was NOT asking for anything extra. I was just a citizen, resident and taxpayer in Cleveland County and I expected to be treated as state law required that I be treated. I was not begging; I was demanding that state law be followed. To the “T.”

Littlejohn retorted that the door was opened at the end of the November 12, 2019 BoT meeting closed session and I “was down the hall.” That was a bold-faced lie right to my face. My reply to Littlejohn was “I know where I was.” Littlejohn stated that I would be notified.

However, now that I knew such a big lie cover-story was being circulated by the BoTs, I would certainly keep my eyes wide open to every detail of this meeting. I had read the state laws regarding public meetings and probably knew those laws better that most, or all, of the BoT’s themselves. Only to find out later that my knowledge of the law would serve me well. Again, Read on! The plot thickens. Perhaps I should say, the plot “sickens” as that would be a better description.

And Littlejohn himself appeared to be rattled over the entirety of the situation. A board, caught up by a catastrophic lawsuit of their own making; that they were now certain they were going to lose. And me examining every corrupt cover-up move they were making. Chairman Littlejohn called for a public participation speaker after the agenda was adopted without public participation being on the agenda or anybody signing up. I would have signed up but I had already noticed that there was no public participation item on the agenda.

Also, when Dennis Bailey made the motion to go into closed session and Chairman Littlejohn momentarily forgot to call for a second, former BoT Chairman Wes Westmoreland quickly seconded the motion to cover-up for Littlejohn who appeared confused and startled. But then quickly called for a second after the second had already been made. Lots of simple things like that, that often are ignored without a thought. But I was paying very close attention to detail of everything this crowd was doing. Looking for any signs of any “Freudian slips” that would expose their sneaky schemes. It was surprisingly easy to do.

Even BoT Dennis Bailey, after making the motion to go into closed session and the motion passed, asked the BoT’s Attorney if they were doing everything (procedurally) correct. But I knew as soon as Bailey asked that question, that Bailey was covering his own behind from a situation like Shelby City Manager Rick Howell had gotten himself into in the Willie Green Lawsuit. A criminal or malicious intent would remove the BoT’s “immunity” from any litigation against them, unless they first asked for legal guidance beforehand. And then followed the legal advice of the lawyer. And why not? Bailey himself was NOT a CCC BoT when the makings of this lawsuit had taken place. THAT was Bailey’s “immunity” and he certainly did NOT want to lose it now.

So, the BoTs go into Closed Session and I am outside that sound-proofed “Board Room,” occasionally looking through the small window in that heavy and expensive door to see that the BoTs were not again adjourning the meeting without going through the proper and state law mandated procedure I described above. I was determined to NOT allow that dirty trick to be played on me again.

But things were about to go from bad to worse.

On one of my “looking’s” through that small window (about four inches wide and eight inches high) in that big door, such a window being in all the such doors in the building-probably a Building Safety Code Requirement, I noticed the BoT attorney had taken a chair in front of the BoTs and was very animated-waving his arms around like a wild-man, shaking his head back and forth. The lawyer apparently finally saw me at the door and said something to the BoTs. Several of them with their backs to me looked around at me and I waved to them.

In short order the Board Secretary, CCC President Dr. Jason Hurst, apparently under Littlejohn’s instructions jerked the door open and stepped up to me as if he was coming through for some unknown reason. I stepped back a step to allow him to pass by. Hurst did not pass by. He stepped up to me again and ordered me to move far away. I stated “I don’t think so” and did not move another inch. Hurst became red-faced when I did not follow his direct order and it appeared that he was going to assault me in some manner. A move that would have immediately resulted in a criminal charge against him. I suggested that Hurst call the Police and he said “I will.” And he did.

Hurst chased down the Shelby Police Department Officer that had also been in the Open Session meeting and told the officer that “People in the Hall were talking and distracting the BoT Meeting.” Another big lie, but the officer maybe didn’t know it.

The Officer requested that everybody in the public hall move on down from the BoT Meeting room door. As they were all CCC employees they moved along quickly. I did not move an inch. I knew I had the legal right to stand exactly where I was standing. I told the officer that I had not spoken a word to anybody and that I intended to stay exactly where I was until the Closed Session was over. The Officer correctly walked away and left me standing exactly where it was my legal right to stand-All in front of Hurst and the BoTs through the still open door.

Suddenly, the door closed and somebody, probably Hurst, went through an internal door to the room next door, removed a black sheet of construction paper that blocked that door’s window and taped that black paper over the door window of the Board Room door. I realized just then that the proposed “protest” of county agency corruption had just officially began. This time with me alone. With much more “protesting” to come. Folks, Keep reading! You ain’t heard nothing yet.

As I stood before that Board Room door, unmolested for about an hour-much of the time leaning against the wall on the other side of the Corridor, I would occasionally her loud but not understandable voices, apparently yelling, from the Bots inside. Loud yelling that would ebb and flow through the Board Room soundproofing, more than the soundproofing could completely block out. I could only conclude that the new BoT members that were NOT on the BoT during the making of the lawsuit were not happy they were drug in on something they were not originally involved with-but now were. Perhaps the “old” BoTs were yelling at the new BoTs-demanding that they stick with their phony story that was beginning to be blown apart in Court. Perhaps some of the more sensible BoT members were mad about such an unnecessary scene with the police being called on me-that would certainly fill me with the resolve to get to the bottom of this matter. Sooner or later-no matter. Either way, I figured something was about to give. And it was NOT going to be me. What I had done was legal and entirely appropriate for the circumstances. Dealing with elitist, condescending and self-important BoTs and knowing that I intended to continue in like manner.

Soon after the turmoil inside the BoT Board Room died down and their plans were made, BoT member Allen Langley came out of the Board Room back door and informed me and the others that the meeting was coming back into open session. I tried the Board Room front door where I was standing and it was locked. So, I walked around to the back door, left it open, walked half way back up into the Board Room and took a front seat. The BoTs waited until I was seated. Then Dennis Bailey made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Intentionally leaving out the required statement of what happened in the Closed Session or whether a vote had been made.

So much for the January 10th 2020 Emergency Meeting. A slight improvement at the end. But only a very slight improvement. But the stage was set for the January 14, 2020 BoT Meeting when the BoTs inadvertently revealed to me the REAL Problem at Cleveland Community College. Read on, folks. Sometimes the Truth hurts. In this case, the truth will hurt a lot.

January 14, 2020: (The Cleveland Community College Academic Calendar shows that Spring Classes had began the previous day, January 13, 2020. This fact will become important later in this article.)

I arrived for the Regularly Scheduled CCC BoT Meeting a few minutes early to sign up for Public Participation and to check out a few things. I found both meeting doors open, but the door latches were locked. Obviously set to be locked when the door was closed. I remembered what a friend once said about the security at the courthouse. “If they weren’t so low-down, they wouldn’t have to be so scared.” My thought was that thought also applied here in this BoT meeting room. Also, both door windows now had black construction paper taped over the inside of the door window. Perhaps a Building Code violation, but a sure sign of some kind of planned scheme. I had a newly purchased electronic recorder in my shirt pocket just in case I needed it. I signed up to speak during the Public Participation. I was the only one to do so. And the best I could tell all the rest of the people attending this BoT meeting were CCC supervision or employees.

I sat down right in the middle of the front row, near the speaker podium. I always try to do that so I can see and hear better. BoT Chairman Rev. Dr. Littlejohn opened the meeting with the usual Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance-The Pledge was finally added to the meeting agenda several years ago-after I published three or more articles criticizing the BoTs for not including the Pledge of Allegiance. Something that everybody else does without having to be “shamed” into it. About this time, I noticed a Shelby Police Officer stationing himself near me. Standing up but leaning against the wall. Knowing the sleazy dirty tricks this Board of Trustees is capable of, especially the Board’s so-called Leadership, I wondered just a bit about what they were up to now? But, no matter, I was ready to find out.

Right before the Public Participation, Chairman Littlejohn read from what appeared to be a prepared statement. Littlejohn stated that a letter had been sent from the CCC “Faculty Senate” that alleged a survey they conducted indicated serious complaints and “questioned the integrity of the Board of Trustees.” Littlejohn continued saying that the Faculty Senate had “withdrawn the survey results,” saying it “did not follow Board Policy or Procedures” without stating the Policies or procedures that were not followed. Littlejohn finished up by saying “Dr. Hurst has the full confidence and support of the CCC Board of Trustees.” This was a foolish thing for Rev. Dr. M. Lamont Littlejohn to have said. Read on!!

Next, Chairman Littlejohn opened up the Public Participation part of the agenda and I was the only person signed up to speak. Again, I was the only “civilian-citizen” in the room.

Although I had not intended to speak about this to begin with, I informed Littlejohn and the BoT’s that I had also received a copy of the original survey letter from the Faculty Senate and the findings and complaints were just as valid as those voiced several years before, during the scandal laden terms of President Steve Thornburg and VP Shannon Kennedy. I expressed a concern that this new letter from the Faculty Senate was due to a “strong-armed” demand that was intended to discredit the survey without actually considering the merit of the survey findings. Note that I will provide the entire Faculty Senate Letter in a separate article. Read on.

I continued my three minutes with statements complaining about the several previous blatant violations of the North Carolina Public Meetings laws. But Littlejohn quickly stated that “my time was up.” The BoTs have this habit of closing down any discussion of problems at CCC, yet have all the time in the world to brag on themselves. And collecting costly lawsuits along the way.

Then, Littlejohn made other comments that the Board of Trustees had developed better procedures for going into and coming out of closed sessions. I immediately knew that I had been right about at lease some of the yelling at the January 10th Meeting Closed Session when the Police was called on me. The Board must have realized that they could not require me to do things that was illegal for them to require in the first place. I will discuss this more a little later in this article.

As this was a regularly scheduled meeting the BoTs did what they usually do in regularly scheduled meetings. That is brag on themselves and the CCC Administration as they “Rubber-Stamp” approval of the various Executive Committee Reports. When, in fact, these Executive Committees are set up for the sole purpose of avoiding NC Public Meeting laws. The various BoT Board members divide up the various aspects of CCC business, a number of BoTs-less that a quorum-discuss what they want to do in “secret” meetings, then present inaccurate minutes and reports from illegal meetings to the full BoT Board and then approve the Reports without much discussion or explanation in the public meetings. It is an old trick. Illegal, but an old and well used trick just the same.

Overall, the rest of the open session was full of “fluff” with no verifiable information to speak of. Planned that way is my conclusion.

But there was “telling” information for an informed set of ears who had followed what was going on at CCC for several years now.

The “Yeti” sports stuff seems mostly something to go “Rah, Rah, Sis-Boom-Bah” about. Not a peep about failing academics and the lack of an adequate workforce development program. Which has a low priority to boot.

But some interesting nuggets came out here and there.

Another $3 Million in Grants for the new Advanced Technology Center to build many more classrooms had been approved. Probably another “gift” from Representative Tim Moore. For a new building that was first termed as an Advanced Manufacturing Center and morphed into an Advanced Technology Center since nobody could figure out anything advanced in manufacturing jobs in Cleveland County. But the same goes for Technology. there is nothing much advanced about technology in Cleveland County either. Most likely this is just a “publicity stunt” to lure businesses into Cleveland County under false pretenses. But, since Cleveland County is losing population and all our “advanced” workers are moving elsewhere from this “dying County,” this kind of trick has already run its course with little to no results.

CCC has recruited 26 players for their new CCC “Yeti” Baseball Team. All from out of state. Not a peep on how that was beneficial to Cleveland County students or taxpayers. Yet, CCC President Hurst acts like a cheerleader. All pep-talk with no plays to run.

Another item was the recognition of a relatively large number of employees who were retiring. Something the Faculty Senate report had predicted seemed to be coming to pass. Especially since some of those retiring appeared to be too young for full retirement. Something to check out later.

Then, another closed session to discuss “pending” litigation. More lawsuits? Or more regarding the Ginger Bullock lawsuit that the BoTs may have to pay off with big bucks to settle. Nobody said. I got the feeling the BoTs are maybe thinking about filing a lawsuit against me in an effort to stop me from telling the truth on them. To that thought, I say bring it on CCC BoTs. I would just love to run these illegal and lying bums through “discovery.” Discovery being the part of a lawsuit where a judge can order the Board to provide the documents that I request in order to prove the truth of the matter. I figure the BoTs don’t want much to do with the truth being told to the public.

So, BoT member makes a motion to go into closed session. Westmoreland reminds everybody that there is a proper way to go into closed session and that the law has to be followed. Humm mm! Is Westmoreland coming around to the concept of doing things the right way. The legally required way? I say NO for now. One right way does not make up for 1,000 wrong ways.

Now the Bot’s come out with their secret (until now) way to go into and out of closed session. They are going to send me and the other CCC employees in the room to Room 2058 until someone comes to get us.

My first thought was “they are trying to send me to jail-solitary confinement-so to speak. I will not go to Room 2058 and sit there away from all the action. I knew it was my legal right to refuse. But, on second thought, I figured, hey, go along with this and see what happens. There are always unintended consequences in the most evil of plans. And I might learn something in the process. And I did. Boy, did I.

As I followed a CCC employee to room 2058 we weaved in and out of corridors that I have never been in before. All with the same kind of doors with the small windows to dozens upon dozens of classrooms. It seemed we were going to the end of the world, but I looked from side to side to see if there were any more doors with windows that were “blacked-out” like Littlejohn had Hurst do for the BoT Board Room. I determined that NONE of these other windows were blacked out. I wondered if those door windows were a part of a Building Code requirement. A Fire Code maybe. I also noticed that all of those doors opened to the inside. Something I know is against modern building codes. Certainly a violation. But maybe not when this particular building was built. Perhaps the architect specified the most expensive doors he could find to run up the cost of the building construction. A greedy thing to do since architects usually get their pay based on a percentage of the overall building costs. All kinds of informational inputs were being loaded into my memory banks. But the real finding would not come to me until later. Read on.

We finally arrived at Room 2058 and went in. I was accompanied by five CCC employees. I was in jail and had five guards. Oh well.

After a while someone comes to tell us the BoTs were ready to come back into Open Session from the Closed session to discuss “pending litigation.” I go back into the BoT Board meeting. Wes Westmoreland makes the motion to go back into open session, which passed. Then there is a motion to adjourn. Not a peep about whether or not the BoTs had taken any action. Also, I remember the statement that the Board had come up with new procedures for closed session HAD to have been discussed in the January 10, 2020 emergency meeting CLOSED-SESSION. Which is a big violation of the Public Meetings laws. All such things as policies and procedures are clearly designated in North Carolina law as strictly forbidden under NC law. This Board can’t win for losing. And the BoTs are not even trying. They deserve to lose lawsuits against them. Every one of them.

So, I quickly go up front and said to Wes Westmoreland that it was a mistake to leave out whether or not the Board had taken any actions in Closed session. I went on to say that these are “simple concepts” and suggested that the CCC BoTs just do what everybody else was doing. The look on this former State Senator’s face indicated he was not pleased with being lectured on the need to follow state law. But I figured somebody had to do it.

The Bot’s went to their catered meal I suppose. And I headed out to run some errands while I was in town. But something was missing. I had my shopping list so it was not that. Something was amiss here and I soon figured it out. Read on-we’re getting close.

When I got home, I powered up my computer and pulled up the CCC website. I wanted to see the minutes for the November 12, 2019 BoT meeting that had been previously approved. Something told me that the piece of the puzzle I was looking for was there. But when I pulled up the place the November 12, 2019 minutes were supposed to be, they were not there. And the minutes all the way back to August of 2017 were all missing too. These minutes would have been critical to the Ginger Bullock lawsuit and it appeared that the BoTs had purged those meeting minutes. Purging official records to avoid punishment in a lawsuit is called “obstruction of justice.” A felony criminal act. I will look into that as soon as possible.

But still, something was still missing. A Clue was there in the middle of my mind, but still not quite in focus.

Then, there it was. All those classrooms I walked past in going to Room 2058. All those windows in the doors that I looked through to see if they were blacked out, only to find they were NOT blacked out. But what those glances through those many-many door windows suddenly told the tale. The TRUTH was here and NOW. It was January 14, 2020, the Second day of Spring classes at Cleveland Community College and all those many-many classrooms that I walked by, looking through each window, should have been FULLl of STUDENTS!! Yet, these many-many classrooms were all EMPTY. In the mid-morning and the Classrooms that should have been full of students were all empty. Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.

Folks, this is probably the longest article I have ever published. It goes through many twists and turns that are necessary to explain what was going on. CCC is building a multi-million-dollar so-called Advanced Technology Center when we most likely do not need one due to our present situation. That situation is Cleveland County is a “dying county” due to a lack of leadership at every level, none of whom will talk truthfully to the public. Cleveland County is sinking fast and our so-called “leadership” has been covering-up for years.

AS it presently stands, our only hope now is this. It is Election Year 2020 and the School Board and the Commissioner majorities are up for reelection. We must elect the best candidates and wait for them to take office before we spend another dime on loser projects or any project at all. WE have four high schools that are over 50 years old. Our schools are failing. Our commissioners appoint the same old same old to all the various boards that suck the life out of our county finances.

Remember that much of Cleveland Community College is empty classes and all the BoTs want to do is build more EMPTY Classes. The new and ultra-expensive Shelby Middle School was built to 900 students yet less than 400 students actually attend that school. The NEW North Shelby School was built for 175 students, yet less than 50 actually attend. And some of them are injured by their teachers-inviting another lawsuit.

Think about it folks, stay tuned and be prepared to do your duty on Election Day-2020. YOU will be glad you did. Otherwise we are sunk and will stay sunk for the rest of our lives and probably the rest of our grandchildren’s lives. It is just that simple. Once the truth is known.

Thanks for staying with us until the end of this article!