Part I: Eye-Witness to the Truth—Willie Green’s Sports Complex!!! An Answer to all the lies that have been told!! Official Public Records provided by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: I have written many articles over the past several years that included a “mention” of Mr. Willie Green’s proposed Sports Complex– in response to the City of Shelby’s Ten-Year Master Plan. I even happened to personally attend the Cleveland County Commissioner’s meeting several years ago (Feb 6, 2018) when Mr. Green described what he was planning to the County Commissioners. I was impressed. And, as you will soon see, so was the City of Shelby.

However, Mr. Green’s attempts to develop his thoughts and plans into workable agreements with the Commissioners and the City of Shelby turned sour when Mr. Green selected an architect firm that was NOT Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony’s Architect firm. That is when the lies defamation and malicious acts against Mr. Green started. Resulting in a lawsuit. Also, a lengthy SBI investigation into whether or not Shelby Mayor Stan Anthony’s solicitation of Mr. Green’s Sports Complex business was illegal “Self-Dealing.” The SBI finally determined that it was self-dealing, but the statute of limitations had just run out a few days before the SBI Report was finished. So, there was no prosecution.

It is only today that I have been able to obtain some of the initial email correspondence (which are official and legally recognized as “Public Records” under North Carolina law) between Mr. Willie Green and the Shelby City Manager, Rick Howell. Documents that show that the City of Shelby was originally very interested in Mr. Green’s ideas about a Sports Complex before those false, defamatory and malicious stories about Mr. Green were injected into Shelby’s notorious and infamous “Whispering Campaign” gossip (defamation) network. People from Shelby and Cleveland County know all about how that works.

As these false, defamatory and malicious statements will soon be exposed in Court, I am providing the documented information that I have obtained for all the people to see. And, like I have said many times, don’t believe me, READ for yourself what was said-and written. YOU determine who is lying and who is telling you the truth. The TRUTH will set you free. And you will be covered -up with the truth in this Year’s 2020 Election Campaigns. Stay tuned and vote accordingly.

The following is an email conversation, probably the first, between Shelby City Manager Rick Howell and Mr. Willie Green regarding Mr. Green’s Sports Complex proposal and Holly Oak Park. Note that Mr. Green’s personnel email address has been redacted for privacy purposes.

Also note that the City of Shelby, through City Manager Rick Howell, was initially offering Holly Oak Park or large portions thereof to Mr. Green for a $1 per year lease, as well as other incentives. And Mr. Green was considering purchasing Holly Oak Park from the City of Shelby as his part of the deal. Facts that were a far cry from later tall-tales put out by the City of Shelby. Like Mr. Green wanted the City of Shelby to GIVE him Holly Oak Park for nothing.

Stay Tuned for more in follow-up articles. Also, sources report that Mr. Green’s defamation lawsuit against Rich Howell and may possibly be expanded to include the entire Shelby City Council is about to get started.

June 24 2016 Proposal from Rick Howell-Sports Complex-Holly Oak Park