Commissioners say Sales Tax Increase Targets Poor and Black citizens! This is a “strategic goal” says ALL Commissioners!! TRUE Report provided by Robert A. Williams

If you go on the Cleveland County Commissioners website, you can’t help but see just how far our tax and spend all REPUBLICAN County Commissioners are pushing FOR their new sales tax increase. Anybody as old as I am remembers the very first sales tax levied on North Carolina citizens way back in the early 1960s. It was touted by the Democrats, as Democrats controlled all politics in the early 1960s, as the “only” fair tax” because the segregated black citizens who were poor and didn’t own any property would also have to pay sales taxes.

Now, all the Republican Cleveland County Commissioners are saying the same thing. But don’t believe me. Go to the Commissioners website and read the bull-ony and deceptions (lies) the commissioners are telling you.

The Commissioners are providing Questions and providing phony answers. This one goes straight to the racism and shows that they have become tax and senders since the early 1960s. They have also evolved their propaganda into a sort of skewed equal opportunity mindset, to screw over all poor folks, white and black alike, who don’t own much property.

This comes straight from the Commissioners website:

Question: If the sales tax passes, will my property taxes be increased?

Answer: The sales tax lessens the pressure on property tax. A strategic goal of Cleveland County Commissioners for several years has been to “seek alternatives for increasing revenues to lessen the county’s burden on property taxes.”

There you have it. In their trying to twist the truth, they admit that they are trying to lessen the tax burden on people rich enough to own property. By increasing the burden on poor people is what they don’t say.

Wise up folks, Vote AGAINST the Sales Tax increase.