Part IV: Shocking News-Tim Brackeen Murder Trial in September-WeRCC, ALWS and New Jail TV News Report provided by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: The attached WBTV Channel 3 link has a phone conversation from September 13, 2018 that alleges Irving Fenner Jr. shot Shelby Police Officer Tim Brackeen in self-defense. These words “self defense” were uttered almost three years ago-way before I repeated them. Pull up the article and click on the arrow at the top of the article for the phone call conversation. The words “self defense” were not included in the printed text of the attached article. I get suspicious very quickly when such verbal testimony appears to be purposely left out of the written article. You have that fact now, so make up your own mind. Also note the references to Fenner being shot in the back by Brackeen. And the SPD’s spokesman hemming and hawing about that. You can bet that this will be brought up in a court trial. Fenner was indeed shot by Brackeen. If that shot was in the back??? Well, it makes you think.

Facts are facts folks. Five people are in jail for three years. It is time for a trial and let the truth come out, whatever the truth may be. I stand by my original article.

And it is a fact that, as I stated in my original article, the talk around the Courthouse, law enforcement and other places is as my original article stated, except such talk was going on three years ago and ignored by most. Again, this is serious stuff and deserves attention. And the so-called “cop killer” has been locked up in jail for three years and it is time for a Court trial, a fair and honest court trial, where the truth will come out and where justice is served. Either by execution, imprisonment or acquittal.

Folks, impress upon your District Attorney, Mike Miller, to do his job and do it now. And continue reading my articles about the other injustices coming out of the Cleveland County Courthouse that need fixing.

Click On this link and then click on the Arrow for the telephone conversation.