Sex Scandals at Jail Covered up by SECRET County Policies!!! Female employees forced into sexual relations and then fired!!! Shades of the recent Federal Lawsuit filed against Cleveland County Commissioners, Brian Epley, Dorothea Wyant and Sam Lockridge!!! –More gossip and arguendo coming out of Cleveland County agencies forwarded by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: I called this gossip to shield the identity of my sources, who correctly fear retaliation if their identity is released. I believe everything published below is true and factual. What a shame and disgrace that this kind of cover-up is still going on unabated in Cleveland County. And is widespread across every county agency. Not only the Jail, but Schools, CCC, The Health Department, Commissioners, etc.

The gossip I received this morning was simple. There are big problems at the Cleveland County Jail. Especially since Sgt. Briscoe was assigned to tun the jail. Female employees were enticed into sexual relations with superior officers and later were fired. With no punishment to the superior officers. And the Sheriff (Alan Norman) doesn’t come to the jail often and claims he doesn’t know about this issue; but still does nothing when informed.

My first thought was Sheriff’s Office Administration Officer was a Major Briscoe. But maybe the caller had made a mistake. Or there is another officer Briscoe who is a Sargent.

My other thoughts were more “big picture” in nature. Like the Federal Lawsuit Willis v. Cleveland County, Brian Epley, Dorothea Wyant and Sam Lockridge. Where the Commissioners, Epley, Wyant and Lockridge made statements well over 100 times that “The County, Epley and Wyant (and Lockridge) are without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations made in Paragraph (X, Y, Z). Therefore DENIED.” Basically, a phony “know nothing” legal defense. If you claim you don’t have enough information to form a belief about something, then it did NOT happen. In the commissioners, Epley, Wyant and Lockridge’s opinion anyway. And now the Sheriff is accused of taking the same approach.

I recently asked County Manager Brian Epley about this ongoing Federal Lawsuit and these statements that are attributed to him. Epley said that the lawyers are handling the lawsuit and they had not even consulted him. My statement to Epley was, YOUR name is on the lawsuit. The lawyer is answering for YOU. If I was being sued in Federal Court and my lawyer was saying things that I am responsible for, I surely would make sure the lawyer was consulting ME on what was said. Apparently, Brian Epley paid me no attention.

Then, I wondered if these lawyers were not consulting the County Manager, they were likely consulting nobody that was being sued. Were they just making up legal excuses just hoping they could get something to stick enough to get them off the charges. Kinda “lying out of it” as some would say.

More recently I heard that the Commissioner leadership, Chairman Susan Allen and Vice Chairman Ronnie Whetstine (along with long time commissioner Johnny Hutchins) are pushing County Manager Brian Epley to enforce a “No Bad Press” policy all across county agencies. The City of Shelby too. Remember the Willie Green Federal Lawsuit against Shelby for discrimination and defamation? Nobody, nowhere is supposed to report anything negative about anything regarding anything Cleveland County. It’s the Old Eddie Holbrook razzle-dazzle bull-ony. Everything is good in Cleveland County; always has been and always will be.

Of course, we all know that is a lie. But it is the basis for all the bad stuff being covered up in the county. The School Credit card fraud that was covered up. The male and female teachers having sex with their students that gets covered up as long as law enforcement (or me) haven’t been notified. School Principals making sex slaves out of favored teachers. Land changing hands to the county and the prices doubled or more. Doubled at the landfill. Ten times more in the case of the latest Clearwater Paper Expansion. To $4.6 Million that was then sold to Clearwater for a dollar ($1). The new fence at the Fair, shooting cats at the shooting range. Sam Lockridge’s long-time sexual harassment of female county employees. Commissioner’s sexual relations with female County Employees. Wife-swapping. Just about everything crooked, unethical and illegal is covered up, not talked about and/or whitewashed by the Shelby Star.

And now we find that Sheriff Alan Norman allegedly has been conned or pressured into doing the same thing? Sex in the jail getting covered up? How was the one inmate allowed to kill the other inmate? As well as the 36% Jail employee turnover rate that is not talked about.

The “Big Picture” has really becomes the Big Lie. And, It’s everywhere.

So, what do we do.???

First, we urge Sheriff Alan Norman to take a big broom over to the jail and make a big sweep of the big messes. Next, us voters have to make a clean sweep in the elections of 2019 and 2020. Shelby elections, Kings Mountain Elections, Boiling Springs Elections (be sure to defeat Tom Cat Greene) and then the Commissioners and School Board elections of 2020. Get rid of all incumbents. Let’s turn the Big Picture into the Big Sweep. And Re-elect President Donald J. Trump in the process. Then, we can truly say we have done out civic duty. Make Democracy Work Again folks. It is the only way the USA and Cleveland County can survive the giveaway tax and spend socialists, gun controllers and baby-killers.