Rev. Dante Murphy continues to tell it like it is!!! Notes Problems with the CC-DSS as well as with Cleveland County and other Schools!! Calls for Certain DSS Employees to be FIRED and to Explain themselves!!! Teen Rape!!! Message forwarded by Robert A. Williams

Editor’s Note: The message below is a must read piece of information for all of Cleveland county and North Carolina. The article attached is exactly like incidents in Cleveland County and how CCS and other school districts covers-up their problems to the detriment of school childrem.

From: Rev. Dante Murphy

To: Robert A. Williams

CC: Eddie Holbrook; Karen Prichard; Jane Shooter; Rev. Charles Webber; Pastor Ray Lockhart; Ron Harrill; Richard Hooker, Allison Mauney Brownie Plaster

Subject: Protected by law: Did school system’s inaction open door to teen’s rape?
by Rev. Dante Murphy

I am responding to your recent article regarding an inappropriate relationship between a Crest High School student and teacher. As you know, I reside in Southeastern North Carolina where the politics is a little different from Cleveland County. There is also a difference in news reporting and public scrutiny of staff and elected officials. The attached article may enlighten citizens of Cleveland County as to how the CCS is able to successfully cover up sexual crimes within the school system. Lawyers skillfully coach administrators on how to circumvent public exposure, unfortunately, at the expense of innocent students.

This is also the method used in other government departments as I discovered when I sued Karen Pritchard (Formerly Karen Ellis) and Cleveland County DSS. Few people willing to file legal claims against wrongdoing allow these acts to continue. For nearly two years I have attempted unsuccessfully to convince Cleveland County to fire Karen Pritchard (Formerly Karen Ellis) and others at DSS who were proven during sworn testimony to have engaged in illegal and unethical behavior. It is only recent that rumors are circulating that Karen Pritchard is being terminated. I requested that Allison Mauney, Cleveland County HR Director, confirm or deny these claims-no response. I have also requested the county’s intent to open the position up to the public-a process different from the one used to promote Karen Pritchard (Formerly Karen Ellis) to Director. The public should be aware that a number of current staff at DSS, based on that sworn testimony, are disqualified from promotion. I am requesting in this response that all Cleveland County employees who testified in the Murphy v. Cleveland County court proceedings please respond to me as to why their names should not be mentioned in these forthcoming correspondences.

Rev. Dante’ Murphy
Southern Coalition for Equal Protections Under the Law (SCEPUL)

Protected by law: Did school system’s inaction open door to teen’s rape?

Article Forwarded by Rev. Dante’ A. Murphy