Eddie Holbrook’s Age??? Step-Daughter a Whore??? Willie Green a Muslim and a Loan Shark??? And other useless Democrat arguments!!! Report by Robert A. Williams

I went to the Fair Sunday afternoon expecting to leave behind all the Democrat false allegations and orchestrated blather on TV about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. It wasn’t long before I realized such a mess is alive and well in the Eddie Holbrook Campaign for Cleveland County Commissioner.

As I was passing the big Eddie Holbrook Fair enclosure, the biggest and best financed political station at the Fair, totally empty except for one person-Brendan LeGrand-who was moving a table and an Eddie Holbrook 4X4 campaign sign. Mrs. LeGrand was trying to push the sign around and saying she was going to have back surgery in Charlotte very soon.

So I started to help her with the sign, but quickly decided not to as Eddie Holbrook has hired himself a lawyer and who knows what kind of story would be made if my fingerprints were found on a Holbrook campaign sign. I told Brendan that she should call Eddie Holbrook and get you some help out here.

I was quickly called a liar. I replied “about what?” Brendan said you lied about Eddie’s age. Where did you get his age being 82? I replied, in some campaign material of one of the articles in the Shelby Star that praises Eddie Holbrook all the time, undeservedly in my opinion. You lied, you lied, Eddie is only 79 Brendan kept on saying. Well, the fact is I have never seen Eddie Holbrook’s birth certificate, but I did read it somewhere that he was 82. 82 or 79. Either way Eddie Holbrook is well past the mandatory retirement age for NC Judges because of deteriorating mental capacity. And how could being called 82 rather that 79 damage Holbrook’s sterling reputation as his lawyer might say. If such as this has Eddie Holbrook upset, perhaps he doesn’t have much of a sterling reputation after all or he has already had some diminished mental capacity. Either way this was a tempest in a teapot, but before Holbrook and his sycophants (flunkies) have a conniption fit, I apologize, rightly or wrongly for giving Eddie Holbrook’s age out as 82. If Holbrook fells vindicated now, let’s get to the really important issues.

But, that was not meant to be on that beautiful Sunday afternoon at the Fair. Things got worse.

Then Brendan LeGrand says I lied about calling Eddie’s stepdaughter a whore. My reply was that was the lie in this conversation. Brendan then said well, you said something that was close to calling her a whore. I decided that I would do a complete search of my computer files. I didn’t recall calling Eddie Holbrook’s step daughter a “whore.” After a complete search of everything on my computer I find this one joking mention of whore houses. It was in the article titled “Commissioner Eddie Holbrook Caught with Both Hands in the Cookie Jar!!!”

“Mention Eddie Holbrook’s name and you think about the American Legion World Series. A sellout every game and big money to motels, restaurants, beer joints and whore houses. Traffic jams too. (Just joking about the whore houses. But, working girls have to make a living too, so Holbrook gives his step daughter a job at the American Legion Offices.)”

If Eddie Holbrook has hired this expensive hot shot attorney from Columbia, South Carolina to sue me over that, I say, go ahead. The truth of the matter is that Eddie Holbrook DID give his step daughter a job at the ALWS headquarters. What she does there, well, I don’t have a clue. Perhaps Eddie should answer that. If Eddie’s stepdaughter was offended or damaged in any way, she might have much more standing for a lawsuit. I suspect the stepdaughter and Eddie Holbrook too would hate the “discovery” on such a lawsuit as that.

By this time I am truly glad that I didn’t touch Eddie’s campaign sign. False allegations such as those described above are rooted in an old Shelby tradition. It is called an “ad hominem attack.” If you can’t stand the truth, you attack and tell lies about the messenger.

Folks, It ain’t over yet. Brendan then starts another line of attack against Write-In Candidate Willie Green, Eddie’s opponent in this years election.

Brendan starts in on Willie Green, saying Willie is a Muslim and an admitted “loan shark.” The Muslim stuff has swirled around in the Old Shelby for years and has been well proven to be totally false. In my years of knowing Willie Green I have never heard anything about this loan shark business. But, one thing about the Old Shelby circles Brendan and Eddie Holbrook travel with. They attach no value to the truth of the matter. Once a lie is told and retold about somebody, to them it becomes their truth to be retold at will.

Then Brendan starts in on ME and how I have such a bad reputation. By this time I have heard enough to conclude that you can never win an argument with a “Good Democrat.” That is because they have no value for the truth. They have no capacity for critical thinking. Just watch the Kavanaugh hearings for proof of that.

So, I just turned away and walked down the Midway. I bought a BBQ sandwich at the Shriner’s Booth and resolved to have a good time. But, also fully knowing that Eddie Holbrook needs to return to private life so he can enjoy himself too.